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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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Does this sound a little "iffy" to anyone else?


A spokesman for Alton Towers said: "This matter was brought to the attention of police and the park over a week later and there was no report made on the day to either Alton Towers security department or medical team.


"A girl was treated for the after effects of drinking alcohol on that day, but no other injury was reported by her, or observed by our medical staff at the time."

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Gee, Chick+Getting Wasted=(NC-17'd)


Oh well, this isnt the first time AT had a rape, a few months ago, a girl was sexually assaulted in the Rita queue area. I think its getting a bit out of control at that park if two rapes/assaults occur.

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Oh well, this isnt the first time AT had a rape, a few months ago, a girl was sexually assaulted in the Rita queue area. I think its getting a bit out of control at that park if two rapes/assaults occur.


Yes, there was a event similar to this that happened about 2 months ago.




You've got to wonder at times, what is the world coming to?

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i haven't seen the film yet because it's not out over here for another 3 days but i imagine it to be maybe like a reverse tower of terror but with glass on all side's (obviously) and some sort of screens to project the flying image's onto!

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I don't mean to sound harsh. Just because I am not shocked doesn't mean that I don't care. I know quite a few girls that have been raped (yeah, I used to hang out with the wrong crowd). That stuff just doesn't shock me anymore. The Trade Centers falling, the Tsunamis killing 200,000 people - that shocked me. I'm very desensitized though, living between two major cities with extremely high crime rates, one can't help but stop caring, it just happens naturally.

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Story seems very iffy to me, she was obviously drinking heavily, and if a rape did occur, it was probably when she was passed out or too drunk to care at the time. It's still a sex crime regardless what state of mind the girl was in at the time, as they did take advantage of a 15 year old girl who surely would not have consented.


Just guessing, but she was probably too ashamed and upset to report the rape right away, which may be a mistake, because it seems they have 0 evidence or witnesses of the rape occuring, and she is giving a vauge description of the teens. Someone is gonig to have to come forward about witnessing this event, or one of the teens confessing for her to have a case.

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Someone I know (a guy) was mik'd at a Pleasure Island club and then woke up at a neighboring motel last week.


Yes, his rear-end hurt.


The problem is, when you are half drunk, the cops unfortunately don't have to co-operate with you.


My friend has really tough skin, but I had to encourage him several times to call the cops back even though they hadn't contacted (he was promised he'd be reached). ITs friggen humiliating!!! ON top of it you were drunk, so you feel partly responsible! (maybe?)


Often its because victims are drunk, they will be taken advantage of. Drunk people or heavy drinkers I imagine make 'great' targets of sexual aggression?



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there is no other emoticon here that can express my feelings about this.


she was probably too ashamed and upset to report the rape right away


as are most victims of rape and sexual assault. multiply that by 4 for male victims since they have greater feelings of shame and embarrassment.


I sincerely hope no one here ever has to deal with this because it's not easy, it messes with your head, and affects your trust in the long-term.

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Seriously. What is the world coming to? Rapes, bombings, stabbings and riots. And espescially in a theme park. I never expected a rape to happen in a theme park. But have you noticed that there is never anything that is good news on the TV. It is all bad news. I dont know about america, if all you people is get bad news but in the UK thats is all it is on the news.

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Though i have never been raped, back in 1981 when i was in high school, two of my friends and I stopped a rape at school. It was in the gym on the above-ground running track. We beat the snot out of the guy. The girl pressed charges.

End result: We got suspended for fighting in school. That was my only suspension. My folks were quite proud, (no sarcasm).

oddly enough, decades later, I can still hear her screams sometimes.

I saw her a few years ago. she said she's still dealing w/it.

After seeing that, I could never dull the emotions when i hear about it.

That's just me.

As a post note: There were approximately 40 people in the gym, 2 of which were teachers, and the only thing the teachers did was call the cops and haul me and my friends to the office.

The principal said: And why did you bring these guys?

the teachers: Well, they were fighting...

Principal: ... and what of the alleged rapist?

Teachers: uh, he was bigger than these guys so we didn't mess w/him.

such was life in 1981.

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I saw her a few years ago. she said she's still dealing w/it.



It's a lot to deal with, especially the nightmares and flashbacks of what happened. Sometimes that haunts you for many years after the incident. (same is true for military veterans, especially but not limited to Vietnam vets).

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oddly enough, decades later, I can still hear her screams sometimes.

I saw her a few years ago. she said she's still dealing w/it.

After seeing that, I could never dull the emotions when i hear about it.


Maybe I've experienced too much emotional trauma I guess, because as a defense mechanism, I've shut down and traumatic events don't usually get to me. Emotional trauma is weird. Doctors think that if you face it, it'll be resolved and you can go along with your life. It's not that easy, emotional scars are thicker and last longer than physical scars.




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  • 6 months later...

Its a shame about the new restraints laws because the last remaining rollercoaster without any restraints (Rollercoaster at BPB) has been given some lap bars, boo hoo!!


Dont compare Rita to all the other Intamin Accelorater coasters, best thing to do is just think of it as a launched but shorter version of Expedtion Geforce!stll not as good but it helps!


Alton Towers want to try and get as many types of coasters as they can, their list is getting bigger: Powered, Inverted, Vertical, Spinning, bog standard, Flying, kiddie and now Launched, they did plan to build a gian woodie with 4 200ft drops in the valley between Ugland and the Forbbiden Valley! i think they may looking at building a B&M floorlss within the remains of the Alton Castle!

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