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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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Good old english public at there best


Highest parts of the track have already had complaints from locals, so they have had to paint the track to blend it in more





What a load of crap


Can you imagine if the neighbors of SFGAdv started complaining about Kingda Ka?


"This Just in..Kingda Ka got a new paint job, it's the color of the sky because the neighbors were complaining that it looks like a big green dick. On a completely different topic, an airplane crashed into Kingda Ka. Pilot said that he didn't see it coming because it blended with the sky"

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Hold on to your lunch: 'Rita' is fastest roller yet

By Elisa Bray

28 March 2005


A new rollercoaster that will propel its riders from 0 to 60mph in 2.5 seconds is about to open at Alton Towers in Staffordshire.


Rita - Queen of Speed, which has a Grand Prix theme, subjects riders to a G-force of 4.7 and is intended to surpass the burst of acceleration in Formula One cars.


The ride, which cost £8m, lasts just 49 seconds. It will open on Friday, three weeks into the Park's spring season started, joining established rides with ominous names such as Oblivion, Nemesis, and Corkscrew.


Although Rita has the quickest start in Europe, it is outpaced by another rollercoaster designed by the same firm, Intamin of Switzerland.


The Top Thrill Dragster - a roller coaster built in 2003 at Cedar Point, Ohio - launches riders at 120 mph in four seconds.


But the world's fastest rollercoaster will open this spring at the Six Flags Great Adventure park in New Jersey. Rocketing riders from 0 to 128 miles per hour in 3.5 seconds, Kingda Ka then catapults them 450 feet skywards, smashing all records for speed and height.


"Fastest Roller Coaster Yet" LMAO!!!!

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This is killer stuff. They declare "Fastest Coaster Yet" then go on to contradict themselves only 4 paragraphs in.


I need to read some of their other articles like:


Cornball Express: The longest coaster yet created

This summer take a ride on the super-smooth SLC, "T2"

Record-setting G's make Silver Bullet an instant hit

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^ 666 posts! Mwahaha!


I just saw in the newspaper Metroexpress that the first official Rita rides was done by some famous drag queens. No kidding, I can scan it complete with a photo if anyone want to see.


I saw that today in the "Daily Star", was quite funny actually.


Apparently the gimmick was "You need balls to ride Rita!"

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Hey guys just to let you know rita opened today!!

anyone going there to ride her?

Im going to splash landings again on sunday to test the babe out. Oh and they have actually done the park up they have revamped Nemesis (i.e Got all the crappy chewing gum off the statin, repainted the track and refilled the lake and cleared all the rubbish out of it because the waterfalls were not working).

I will take some pictures and post them as soon as i get back but for now may the force be with you!

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Hey guys just to let you know rita opened today!!

anyone going there to ride her?

Im going to splash landings again on sunday to test the babe out. Oh and they have actually done the park up they have revamped Nemesis (i.e Got all the crappy chewing gum off the station, repainted the track and refilled the lake and cleared all the rubbish out of it because the waterfalls were not working).

I will take some pictures and post them as soon as i get back but for now may the force be with you!

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I got on the ride today!! After an hour queue which I was soo not happy about. Considering Nemesis was like 15 minutes and Oblivion was a walk-on..


The build up to the launch is ok I suppose. But it's clearly obvious from the starting lights and the countdown and the "Go go go!" When it launches. There's alot of noise in the station from the incredibly rattly launch and the screeching car sounds when you launch. Unfortunately the smoke effects weren't on.


The Launch itself is rather pants although for a first Launched Coaster it was thrilling. And then it all goes down hill rather.


The first corner throws you into the Otsr's which never came close to my shoulders. Then the first air-time hill throw you out of your seat so much! (-0.7G's!) My restraint was a good inch above my legs (due to me being crafty in the station) and I flew up and hit the bar which hurt slightly. Then the turn around Corkscrew's on-ride photo has a slight bump in it for no reason. The hill after that sucks as you just glide over it. And then the little hill just before the trim brakes reallly hurts your legs.


I have bruises coming through off them.


Overall the ride lasts all of 30 seconds lol. Which is still longer than TTD


Don't bother waiting more than 20-30 minutes for it ever. The ride is over so quickly it's embarrasing, almost as embarrassing as Alton's hlf-hearted atempt to theme this Race Track around Ugland.


Prehistoric Dinosaurs and Race Cars do not mix.


Best bit about the ride is the Radio around Ugland. 80's music!

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Well im not impressed at all with the new coaster at AT. Its WAY too short and has flimsy crappy restraints which look like they have been made out of shoe horns!

And its like over in 20 secs WTF!!??

I've been anticipating what it was going to be like and THIS is a dissapointment.

I'd rather go on the squirrel nutty ride its longer!

I think this was a mistake to built this and shut down the black hole because i prefered that!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Plans have been made for an Intamin Launched Top Hat type coaster to be built in 2006. At least it will be talled than Rita and most likely be longer. Im off to alton towers again on my birthday. Does anyone know what is going to be put in the place of the black hole?

Thanks Jon



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