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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

p. 235: Nemesis Reborn announced for Spring 2024!

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wow. they sell water for 1 pound, if you are thirsty, buy it... if you want to collape because of heat stroke, be a cheap idiot and expect free refills.


I think a park should atleast refill bottles of water on hot days. You pay money to go in the park anyway. Water is basic. It's obvious that you should pay for cola or lemonade, but water should be free of charge, espacially on hot days and with children. That has nothing to do with being a cheap idiot.


(drinkable) water fountains for eveyone!

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is too bad, but I guess all the bad media attention played a role. The wedding group should have followed muslim tradition if they had to, and the park should have told the group that a group of Muslims rented out the park.

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i wont share my opinion on whether i feel it should've been canceled or not, but i will say that it was unwise for alton towers to book a day for only one religion. its too much controversy to give one religion or race their own day at the park. best just to avoid such an event in the future.

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This is a really interesting controvery to be sure.


I wonder if ticket sales were so poor because Muslims, being conservative as they are, don't smile so much upon amusement parks. Or, did the media uproar sour them to it?


The park is also faced with an ethical dilemma for condoning values that clash with Britain's culture at large. Is the money from the event worth the potential downsides of a harsh public reaction? The West isn't friendly to banning music and refusing to let men and women ride together.


That tabloid site, the Sun, has some great uhhh pictures of women. American tabloids don't do that.

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i wont share my opinion on whether i feel it should've been canceled or not, but i will say that it was unwise for alton towers to book a day for only one religion. its too much controversy to give one religion or race their own day at the park. best just to avoid such an event in the future.


Does DisneyWorld and Universal not have nights for certain faiths & religions. I'm sure i've been there in September and been made to leave early as it was some event or another being held and they were setting up stages and all sorts.

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Anyone can buy out any park. They are all sorts of non-sanctioned "days" for groups of different races, religions, sexualities, organizations, companies, etc., etc.


There are even some sanctioned days. For example, SFMM and KBF both host Cristian focused events.

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^ Yep, money talks. What would be pretty interesting to see though is if something like the KKK tried to buy out a park for an event. I'm assuming that would be a moral line that most parks would not consider crossing, regardless of money. Or am I wrong? The KKK actually would have a discrimination case against any park that turned 'em down, wouldn't they? Joey, when you say anyone, would these morons qualify? I'm actually quite curious now...not that I'd ever want to see it happen, or anything.

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Yeah, I don't think any major company is stupid enough to hire a park out to a hate-organisation. Unless it's one that masquerades itself as a political party, I wouldn't put the BNP past being able to get their own day.


I'd be interested to know if the person who says they were glad the Muslim Day was cancelled would object to the nudist day that's coming up.

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^ I just can't even imagine (and no I don't want to search Google Images thank you very much) naked people on a flying coaster such as Air, where everything would just... Dangle. *shudder* Ewww.

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Yeesh, I know! If they thought their fully clothed on-ride photos were bad . . .


Seems to me that naked coaster riding would be hideously uncomfortable, at best--and gents, imagine riding the "stand-up," floorless side of Apocalypse at Drayton Manor with no protection whatsoever. Unlike Tchaikovsky's famous ballet, this "Nutcracker" would be anything but sweet.

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^ I just can't even imagine (and no I don't want to search Google Images thank you very much) naked people on a flying coaster such as Air, where everything would just... Dangle. *shudder* Ewww.


I did, because I didn't believe anyone would actually ride a coaster nude. I will never do a search like that again. Bleeech!

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Both sides should sue.

I can easily take the side of the young couple who paid aloooooooooot for this day.

One the opther day the muslims came that day knowing it will be a "muslim friendly" park which means they wont be offended by anything "non muslim".

Dont blame the muslims - blame the park who wanted to make double income - this is stupidity and they should pay for it !!!

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Hope you're joking, neither side should sue and the further the UK distances itself from suing just for the sake of suing the better. That's what contracts are for, and if nobody was in breach of a contract then suing Alton for 'making double income' is hardly grounds for a lawsuit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As it will be busy head towards Spinball Wizzer first, most of the public usually head for Nemesis and Air on the far side of the park, then Oblivion hop on the cable car and go to Nemesis and Air, then go for Rita as it has the longest queues, do the main rides first then you might be lucky and get a few re-rides. Get there early and stay till the last minute.....

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Prepare for a lot of walking!


Try to avoid the shortcut through the garden. I took it not knowing any better and I came out exhausted! The gardens are no doubt beautiful, but stick to the main paths.

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