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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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  Vekoma Fan Boy said:
  DarkStitch626 said:
The missing seats are more likely for testing purposes and viewing the tensions and stresses caused on the train.



If the Timberliners were undergoing VISIBLE stress deformations during the ride cycle, I'd be just a little bit concerned.

I'm sure whatever the reason is, the guys at Gravity Group have it sorted out!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Skycoastin Steve said:
  Hayzle said:
I'm wondering why the train is still missing three rows of seats? And i really hope the missing rows are causing the ride to run that slow!

It's also cold and the track didn't sound oiled at all. That's a lot more friction than usual, which will slow it down.


Does that also explain the high pitched whining sound? As in, that's just the track being cold and not oiled, not the trains?

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  • 1 month later...

I was really thinking that with people actually riding the timberliners they would be ready to go come spring ! Ordering another train seems like a huge waste of money considering two of the trains were sold, and like a sign that the timberliners are no where near ready... What will happen to the trains once the Voyage opens with the timberliners ?

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  itsasamccormick said:
Ordering another train seems like a huge waste of money

PLEASE READ! Paula didn't say they ordered a "another train", she said they ordered some "extra cars." How do you know they may not have needed these cars anyway for Raven and Legend? I highly doubt that any park in the world is going to go spending the large sum of money that additional PTC cars cost if they didn't feel they needed them for something.



Edited by robbalvey
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I cant wait to finally get some "human reviews" of these Timberliner trains. I hope they ride like a dream because personally i dont really like the "look" of them. I mean they look nice and all but they don't really look a wooden coaster train. Part of the reason I love the GCI Millenium Flyers is the classic single bench wooden coaster train look that they have on top of the incredibly smooth ride. The Timberliners just don't have that classic look to me, but if they ride as smooth and fast as the Flyers then eh, who cares.

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  robbalvey said:
  itsasamccormick said:
Ordering another train seems like a huge waste of money

PLEASE READ! Paula didn't say they ordered a "another train", she said they ordered some "extra cars." How do you know they may not have needed these cars anyway for Raven and Legend? I highly doubt that any park in the world is going to go spending the large sum of money that additional PTC cars cost if they didn't feel they needed them for something.




Agreed. If I remember correctly one row from the original PTC train was removed so as to match Raven's train. If they bought new cars to even them out yet again then that would be an incredibly SMART move. Plus once it's all said and done the new cars could go on and the old ones used as parts. I see no problem with what they are doing.


I think some of you really don't understand what it takes to get a new product fully functional and operational.

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  robbalvey said:
  itsasamccormick said:
Ordering another train seems like a huge waste of money

PLEASE READ! Paula didn't say they ordered a "another train", she said they ordered some "extra cars." How do you know they may not have needed these cars anyway for Raven and Legend? I highly doubt that any park in the world is going to go spending the large sum of money that additional PTC cars cost if they didn't feel they needed them for something.




Voyage runs modified PTCs, doesn't it? While those are backwards-compatible with Raven, they are more expensive than standard PTCs, aren't they?

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