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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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"Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari is also posed next week to announce a $22 million ride project — the largest single ride investment in the park’s 68-year history."


From the Evansville newspaper business section.

Thanks for posting that. I searched through the entire website and couldn't find that anywhere! I had a dream a week or so ago that the ride price was $25 million so that's not far off from my dream!

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"Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari is also posed next week to announce a $22 million ride project — the largest single ride investment in the park’s 68-year history."


From the Evansville newspaper business section.


We can finally put this issue to rest.


Banshee (longest invert in the world) was a $24 million investment to put this addition in perspective.


Excited for Thursday night!

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There's a B&M patent floating around for a different method of loading a flying train. The train comes into the station and the *track* rotates 90 degrees and the cars rotate 90 degrees so you are facing the airgates. I think they scrapped it in favour of the tilting system on technology and reliability grounds.


Like so:


Here's the actual patent if anybody else cares


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Haven't you think they could get out of station in flying position, make a fly to lie (like Hydra heartline roll) and then launch?


One of my other thoughts exactly.


We can finally put this issue to rest.


Oh don't worry, I'm sure somebody will post in the next 5 days talking about how B&M's are too expensive, or how can HW afford such a price tag.

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^ And B&M didn't do that launch, Vekoma did. So this would be the first true B&M launch unless they get someone else to do it again for them.

Vekoma did not...universal did it themselves in house...

I didn't know it had been in house. That's interesting. I thought I had heard someone saying Premier or something like that.

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On another note at a cost of $22 million this coaster will beat out the Storm coaster in Austrailia by 2 million as the #10 most expensive coaster ever built.....right here in southern Indiana.....wow!


Not to downplay HW's investment (few are more excited than I), but that's not correct.


Ohio alone has 4 coasters >$22million.

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On another note at a cost of $22 million this coaster will beat out the Storm coaster in Austrailia by 2 million as the #10 most expensive coaster ever built.....right here in southern Indiana.....wow!


Not to downplay HW's investment (few are more excited than I), but that's not correct.


Ohio alone has 4 coasters >$22million.

Hmm I got that from "the richest" site. Article date of just a month ago. I'll trust you guys over them any day though.

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The Richest List, to save people time...


1. Expedition Everest $100 million

2. Steel Dragon 200 $52 million

3. Thunder Dolphin $37 million

4. The Smiler $30 million

5. Leviathan $28 million

6. Kingda Ka $25 million

7. Millenium Force $25 million

8. Top Thrill Dragster $25 million

9. I305 $25 million

10. The Storm (Aus) $20 million


I would have to think several Disney and Universal coasters would be ahead of the storm on this list, as well as Formula Rossa, Skyrush, Shambhala, the other B&M hypers...others.

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That 10 million figure for Storm is also a complete marketing gimmic anyway. 20mil wasn't spent on the coaster, it's the cost it WOULD have cost to build it if it wasn't for already have the existing show building infrastructure.

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I'm done trying to guess what this new ride will be. But after reading through those HoliBlogs and other things posted on here, we know these few things about the ride:

-It will be a steel coaster.

-It will be technologically advanced and a first of its kind.

-It will have a $22 million price tag.

-It will be awesome, because it's at Holiday World, where they never settle for anything less than amazing.

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The Richest List, to save people time...


1. Expedition Everest $100 million

2. Steel Dragon 200 $52 million

3. Thunder Dolphin $37 million

4. The Smiler $30 million

5. Leviathan $28 million

6. Kingda Ka $25 million

7. Millenium Force $25 million

8. Top Thrill Dragster $25 million

9. I305 $25 million

10. The Storm (Aus) $20 million


I would have to think several Disney and Universal coasters would be ahead of the storm on this list, as well as Formula Rossa, Skyrush, Shambhala, the other B&M hypers...others.


Don't forget inflation. TTD at todays prices is $32.3 million

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The Richest List, to save people time...


1. Expedition Everest $100 million

2. Steel Dragon 200 $52 million

3. Thunder Dolphin $37 million

4. The Smiler $30 million

5. Leviathan $28 million

6. Kingda Ka $25 million

7. Millenium Force $25 million

8. Top Thrill Dragster $25 million

9. I305 $25 million

10. The Storm (Aus) $20 million


I would have to think several Disney and Universal coasters would be ahead of the storm on this list, as well as Formula Rossa, Skyrush, Shambhala, the other B&M hypers...others.


Don't forget inflation. TTD at todays prices is $32.3 million


I'll be honest I watched POV on all of the coasters on that list.... Many didn't seem all that great to me, The Storm looked horrible. Sure it was themed out the wazoo but way way too short and really nothing exciting or thrilling at all. The Smiler however probably looked the most thrilling to me and I got a kick out of the themeing ... And the queue line lol. The site said Steel dragon only cost so much because of the earthquake requirements.

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Here is a pic that Paula tweeted just a bit ago. Apparently there "Holidrone" went looking for fireworks last night during their Friday night fireworks show. They got somewhat of a overview of the work site... At least part of it anyway,...[attachment=0]ImageUploadedByTapatalk1405805406.204940.jpg[/attachment]


Everyone sees the construction site in that photo, I see more room for expansion! Already looking forward to the next 10 years at HW, well sort of, I'll be 30 by then..

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Just to clarify what I have already posted.......you would board the train sitting upright. The seats would then recline to a horizontal postion....i.e. laying on your back, as opposed to be 'lifted' into the flying position. You would either twist 180 after leaving the station and launch in a 'normal' flying position, OR, what I rather hope...you would remain on your back (which would be a heck of a lot easier on the restraints), launch and then either be thrown into a "half Immelman" or the lower portion of a "Pretzel Loop" twist 180 degrees and spend the rest of the ride in the forward "flying position" I always thought that that would be cool.


I've been saying this would be a good idea for years....maybe, just maybe HW has the same idea....No matter what, it'll be fun, it'll be new and people will ride it. Go Holiday World!

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1. Expedition Everest $100 million

2. Steel Dragon 200 $52 million

3. Thunder Dolphin $37 million

4. The Smiler $30 million

5. Leviathan $28 million

6. Kingda Ka $25 million

7. Millenium Force $25 million

8. Top Thrill Dragster $25 million

9. I305 $25 million

10. The Storm (Aus) $20 million


Wasn't X (X2) like 48 million? (And the reason Arrow went belly up)

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^you still board upright though.

im under the impression the poster is unaware of the vekoma flyers where you board the opposite of how B&M coasters board...


No, my point is that I am not aware of any coaster you board and unboard from a lying down position. I'm still not aware of any.

I think this is the the closest we'll get...


The Richest List, to save people time...


1. Expedition Everest $100 million

2. Steel Dragon 200 $52 million

3. Thunder Dolphin $37 million

4. The Smiler $30 million

5. Leviathan $28 million

6. Kingda Ka $25 million

7. Millenium Force $25 million

8. Top Thrill Dragster $25 million

9. I305 $25 million

10. The Storm (Aus) $20 million


I would have to think several Disney and Universal coasters would be ahead of the storm on this list, as well as Formula Rossa, Skyrush, Shambhala, the other B&M hypers...others.

Where is Gatekeeper, Intimidator and countless others that surpass 20mil?

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