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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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Because let's face it, it's still B&M.


So are Banshee, Shambhala, Leviathan and Sky Scrapper - all pretty highly acclaimed and recent rides. B&M designs what parks order.


If this ends up being a Beemer, give Holiday World a little credit. They have a pretty stellar track record.

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I doubt Holiday World would go for another prototype product after Pilgrim's Plunge and Timberliner trains. Maybe three times lucky? There are lots of proven companies that do fantastic launched coasters already, if this is a launched coaster. If it is a B&M, it'll probably be a solid looper.

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Besides...in this article by coastersandmore, it`s (also) said that B&M is finally about to enter the LSM launcher market !


There`s the source : http://www.coastersandmore.de/rides/achterbahnneuheiten2014/achterbahnneuheiten2014.shtml


Paula...I think we gotcha


From that article:

The next B & M Wing Coaster Development after is already in the starting blocks: The Swiss finally take the LSM launch coaster in their portfolio.


Am I reading this right? Is this true? I don't care what park this information might be true for. Sounds awesome! Though, a launched wing at HW through the woods would make me pretty happy.

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Besides...in this article by coastersandmore, it`s (also) said that B&M is finally about to enter the LSM launcher market !


There`s the source : http://www.coastersandmore.de/rides/achterbahnneuheiten2014/achterbahnneuheiten2014.shtml


Paula...I think we gotcha


From that article:

The next B & M Wing Coaster Development after is already in the starting blocks: The Swiss finally take the LSM launch coaster in their portfolio.


Am I reading this right? Is this true? I don't care what park this information might be true for. Sounds awesome! Though, a launched wing at HW through the woods would make me pretty happy.


The german article says that the next B&M development after the wingrider concept is buildig LSM launchers. So they`re talking about two different concepts here. Buy maybe they`ll combine both of them. Who knows

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Besides...in this article by coastersandmore, it`s (also) said that B&M is finally about to enter the LSM launcher market !


There`s the source : http://www.coastersandmore.de/rides/achterbahnneuheiten2014/achterbahnneuheiten2014.shtml


Paula...I think we gotcha


From that article:

The next B & M Wing Coaster Development after is already in the starting blocks: The Swiss finally take the LSM launch coaster in their portfolio.


Am I reading this right? Is this true? I don't care what park this information might be true for. Sounds awesome! Though, a launched wing at HW through the woods would make me pretty happy.


The german article says that the next B&M development after the wingrider concept is buildig LSM launchers. So they`re talking about two different concepts here. Buy maybe they`ll combine both of them. Who knows



Ah. Thanks for clearing that up. Google translate doesn't always put words in the correct order.

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I doubt Holiday World would go for another prototype product after Pilgrim's Plunge and Timberliner trains. Maybe three times lucky? There are lots of proven companies that do fantastic launched coasters already, if this is a launched coaster. If it is a B&M, it'll probably be a solid looper.


A launched coaster isn't really a prototype. I think if anyone can pull it off the first time it will B&M. They have an outstanding reputation for reliability.


Even if it were a B&M launcher, I wouldn't be that excited until I saw the layout. Because let's face it, it's still B&M. It's not the launch I'm worried about, it's what comes after it.


Then don't ride it. One less person in the queue.

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Even if it were a B&M launcher, I wouldn't be that excited until I saw the layout. Because let's face it, it's still B&M. It's not the launch I'm worried about, it's what comes after it.


Then don't ride it. One less person in the queue.


I think we're having some kind of reading comprehension issue here. I didn't say the ride is going to suck, I said I won't be excited until I see the layout. Launch doesn't necessarily mean fast pacing or forceful elements.

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^ Even if you do see the layout, you won't know if it's going to be forceful or not. A lot of people doubted Banshee based on the layout and look how that turned out. Don't judge a ride until you ride it. Obviously people from HW read this thread, they see and hear what we say about every manufacturer, if it is on here or even at the coaster enthusiast events. They've taken our consideration into account when designing The Legend, and Voyage. I expect it to be no different on this ride. If you think about it, they design the ride for us, we're the ones who mostly vote on all the polls, "Golden Tickets", "Mitch Hawker", ext. If the rides cater to out liking, we vote them up in the polls and bring the park all kinds of recognition, in which they are able to turn around and advertise to the GP, and boast that they have for example, the number #1 wooden roller coaster in the planet. I'm actually surprised that they haven't advertised that The Raven and Voyage have held the title has the #1 wooden roller coasters on the planet longer than any other wooden coasters on the planet when it comes to the Golden Tickets. That is whole another story though. Anyways, this creates an aura around the ride, and makes people wanna drive all the way to Santa Claus, Indiana and ride it. That then creates an aura that spills into the waterpark. Not only do they have one of the best trios of wooden coasters on the planet, they also arguably have the two best water rides on the planet sitting right next to one another. Their ability to build marketable rides and take advantage of the rides marketability, coupled with their great value they offer is the main reason why they have been successful and will continue to be successful no matter how much competition the park has around them.

Edited by ZeroGravity55
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^^^^ Well said ZeroGravity!!! HW doesn't tend to let people down when it comes to their main attractions. Heck even PP/Giraffica which I guess they considered a let down, I actually really enjoyed... As did a lot of others.(however I must note I COMPLETELY understand why they did get rid of itI'm friends with someone who used to be a ride op). Honestly I'm just following the clues and guessing and dreaming and participating because HW has made this a VERY fun campaign. I really don't care if it ends up being a B&M, or a dive coaster, or if it goes upside down or not because no matter what I KNOW I'm gonna love the ride whatever it is! I just do this dissecting of clues and guessing for the fun of it. They spent tons of money and time on just this 66daysatsea campaign alone ... So that guests and fans that maybe can't even make it to the park, can share in the fun too...right from their home. I swear this is gonna be the LONGEST week wait ever. 66 days has felt like 66 months! Lol

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If the new ride is a B&M, I would vote for a flying coaster, with a big Pretzel Loop and a water element a la Manta, launched or not. Otherwise it is for sure a TOGO/Vekoma Stand-Up Suspended SLC, with PTC trains and RMC track.

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I was thinking about the B&M model question I posed earlier and it dawned on me that the current visible footer layout *probably* rules out an invert or flyer.



*If* the coaster travels along the straight line of footers highlighted above, there almost certainly isn't enough room for a B&M train to pass through the typical support columns that connect on top.



You're forgetting that you could be launched backwards and lying down on a Flyer, which would make that normal track in that section

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^ Hey, you never know. A launch like the one I'm proposing would be over the top, which fits HW to a tee. I believe it would be a worlds first, which would make it very marketable. I'm not saying I want a flyer, but it certainly fits the evidence. The campaign photos HW has used for the 66 days at sea campaign use the main color of teal, there is teal colored track sitting at the B&M plant for a invert or flyer, and there have been several references to birds and flying in the journal. HW is receiving their first shipment on the 25th and that is not a whole lot of time to for the B&M plant to put out a new track that we haven't seen, especially if they still have to produce track for a giga coaster. HW's track has to be part of what is already sitting in the yard.

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I doubt Holiday World would go for another prototype product after Pilgrim's Plunge and Timberliner trains. Maybe three times lucky? There are lots of proven companies that do fantastic launched coasters already, if this is a launched coaster. If it is a B&M, it'll probably be a solid looper.

Aren't both their water coaster prototypes? Besides, when has there EVER been a problem with any "first" from B&M?

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I doubt Holiday World would go for another prototype product after Pilgrim's Plunge and Timberliner trains. Maybe three times lucky? There are lots of proven companies that do fantastic launched coasters already, if this is a launched coaster. If it is a B&M, it'll probably be a solid looper.

Aren't both their water coaster prototypes? Besides, when has there EVER been a problem with any "first" from B&M?


Intamin and TGG are dead with the Kochs. B&M always testes it for a long time before installing it.

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Let me clarify what I'm saying, you'll be launched in this position.




That would cause that section of track to have normal supports for non-inverted track.

I think that a launched flyer would be more likely to launch the train with riders facing the ground and not like that. But hey, you never know.

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^ Hey, you never know. A launch like the one I'm proposing would be over the top, which fits HW to a tee. I believe it would be a worlds first, which would make it very marketable. I'm not saying I want a flyer, but it certainly fits the evidence. The campaign photos HW has used for the 66 days at sea campaign use the main color of teal, there is teal colored track sitting at the B&M plant for a invert or flyer, and there have been several references to birds and flying in the journal. HW is receiving their first shipment on the 25th and that is not a whole lot of time to for the B&M plant to put out a new track that we haven't seen, especially if they still have to produce track for a giga coaster. HW's track has to be part of what is already sitting in the yard.


I thought Ive been keeping up with this thread pretty well, so tell me why the Teal track at the plant HAS TO BE or IS for an invert or flyer. Why can't it be for another style? There's only what, maybe 7-10 pieces to judge from? If this is big as they say its gonna be, there's about 75-100 pieces we havent seen yet, so....

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