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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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Is Voyage really such a piece of crap or is it a "love it or hate it" thing?


I haven't been since 2009/2010..It's my #1 woodie and top 3 ride, but you have to be careful where you sit. When I was there in the spring, if you sad anywhere in the middle it was rough. But if you sat towards the back or towards the front you were fine. It's a very intense ride so it's not smooth; but it seems to have REALLY gone hill since I've been in 2010, so I've been waiting until they decide what to do with the ride since it's the landmark attraction. Although the waterpark is absolutely spectacular, and the Raven is an incredible ride, I go there for the Voyage, it's the main highlight.

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I would be very interested to see a professional's opinion on this subject.


I think the only professionals who would give their opinion on this matter would be RMC and that's only if they get to put topper track on a steel structured woodie.


I don't particularly think that Holiday World is all that happy with their relationship with TGG at the moment.


They shouldn't be, but when it comes down to it, their relationship has been good for both groups So I don't think they're going to come out and criticize each other.


If I was Holiday World, I'd be upset with Gravity Group, because their formerly Top 5 coaster is now crap.


It's still top 3 in both Amusement Today and Mitch Hawker... Plus, The Voyage is only crap in July and August.


And I don't want to re-visit visit Holiday World because my favorite wooden coaster is *allegedly* crap. Although I love Raven and Legend and Wildebeest, I'm not going to drive 3.5 hours to get my A$$ kicked. But I still love you, Holiday World


It really depends when you visit. You'll get some great rides on The Voyage in May or June, but not in July or August. If you haven't ridden Mammoth, it is definitely worth the trip!


it seems to have REALLY gone hill since I've been in 2010
It hasn't went down hill since 2010. The Voyage in 2010 and The Voyage in 2013 is night and day for me. All the work the park has put into The Voyage has really paid off the last couple years.
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Is Voyage really such a piece of crap or is it a "love it or hate it" thing?


I rode it for the first time 2 weeks ago and loved it. The two people I was with ranked it above El Toro (I'm not willing to do that). It almost seems like it depends on the day you're there. I hate rough rides, and didn't consider it rough at all.

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I rode the voyage in early June for holliwood nights and it blew me away with how great it was. I did ride it mostly in the front and did notice that the middle sections of the train are a little on the rough side and it starts to smooth out again towards the back. The waterpark is also by far the best waterpark I have ever been to. Holidayworld would almost be worth the cross country trip just for that. Shame about the timberliners though it would have been nice to have a bit more leg room.

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Is Voyage really such a piece of crap or is it a "love it or hate it" thing?


I rode it for the first time 2 weeks ago and loved it. The two people I was with ranked it above El Toro (I'm not willing to do that). It almost seems like it depends on the day you're there. I hate rough rides, and didn't consider it rough at all.


It's been a moist cool summer in this part of the country, so The Voyage has probably been running better than is should be right now. Most summers in this area are unbelievably hot and dry, and that isn't very good for wooden coasters.


I've rode Voyage several times, over 4 visit's, this Summer. It is Better than it has been in year's, but the last 1/4 of the ride is a little Rough. I'm going again in Oct., will see how it rides than.


I couldn't agree more with what you said. It has been better than past year's by a long shot. I'll also agree with you about the last 1/4 of the ride being a little rough too. The re-tracked sections have helped. I think the triple-down, and the quick transition to left where the track crosses over the break-run could you some re-tracking next year.

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People say that Voyage is great in at the beginning of the season, it ain't always so, in 2011 when I last rode it she was very rough; and I am coming from riding the Boss and Ninja at my home park SFStL which are also considered rough

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Similar case with Knoebels... Holiday World, the "mom & pop park that could" gets it's signature ride called crap...


Meanwhile, a few hours away, at big corporate park, Maverick beats the hell out of necks and heads and nobody complains.


There's a difference between quick changes of direction and shuffling, and that's coming from a huge fan of both rides!


I don't think anyone is blaming HW for the way The Voyage runs, they have done a lot more work on the ride than say Mt. O has done on Hades. It's just the nature of the design. I think people are just hoping HW and TGG can come up with a way to get the ride to run a little smoother, and obviously the Timberliners were not it.

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Similar case with Knoebels... Holiday World, the "mom & pop park that could" gets it's signature ride called crap...


Meanwhile, a few hours away, at big corporate park, Maverick beats the hell out of necks and heads and nobody complains.


Your experience with Maverick was radically different from mine.

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Similar case with Knoebels... Holiday World, the "mom & pop park that could" gets it's signature ride called crap...


Meanwhile, a few hours away, at big corporate park, Maverick beats the hell out of necks and heads and nobody complains.


I think you're completely off base here. Most enthusiasts here support the small parks way more than the big corporate ones, but we're also honest and call it as we see it.


I HATE rough rides and I rode Maverick a ton this summer as it's an awesome ride and I got no headbanging at all. Even people who had complained about it before rode it this year, in the back, and had awesome rides. So while they're taking care of their ride and perhaps even improving it, poor Voyage is just sliding down and down more and more. I totally don't blame Holiday World, that ride is a monster and no one could keep it in rideable shape. (Except for maybe RMC!)

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So while they're taking care of their ride and perhaps even improving it, poor Voyage is just sliding down and down more and more. I totally don't blame Holiday World, that ride is a monster and no one could keep it in rideable shape. (Except for maybe RMC!)



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^I would prefer the I305-type restraints, too, but I didn't have a big problem with the hard straps on Maverick.


As for Voyage, well, I loved it in spring of 2009, but it tried to hurt me in August 2010.

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As September 17th is my birthday. This would obviously make the most sense as I know thousands of women celebrate my birthday as a holiday. As they rightly should.


But I digress. It's my birthday, and Holiday world needs a new land. Why not theme it to me. I can come up with half a dozen rides themed to me.


Guy "Holiday World, you have my blessing." Koepp

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^^The restraints do make you ride on the defensive side. Still an amazing, fun ride for me. Just have to keep your head firmly against the headrest to avoid banging into the restraints.


This is off-topic but Maverick was the first time I experienced "neck-banging", which doesn't hurt like head-banging does. I must be the right height for it. Anticipating the twists does help eliminate it altogether but I never found the ride painful.


Of course, no amount of defensive riding can help mitigate the pain in a rough wooden coaster like (apparently) the Voyage. I can't wait to ride it anyway though.

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As September 17th is my birthday. This would obviously make the most sense as I know thousands of women celebrate my birthday as a holiday. As they rightly should.


But I digress. It's my birthday, and Holiday world needs a new land. Why not theme it to me. I can come up with half a dozen rides themed to me.


Guy "Holiday World, you have my blessing." Koepp

Happy early birthday!!! I'll send you an edible arrangement in advance, because I'll be busy watching HW for the new St. Patricks Day land, which has apparently been rumored around town. The Facebook posts that people posted on HW's wall are gone or else I would post a link. Only time will tell I guess.

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This is off-topic but Maverick was the first time I experienced "neck-banging", which doesn't hurt like head-banging does. I must be the right height for it. Anticipating the twists does help eliminate it altogether but I never found the ride painful.


If more CP "fanboys/girls" piped up about that, I figured the park would have gotten rid of the shoulder part (they are easily taken off with an Allen wrench) or traded them in for soft pads like I-305. But no one wants to "complain." Done politely and constructively, it can lead to changes.


Of course, no amount of defensive riding can help mitigate the pain in a rough wooden coaster like (apparently) the Voyage. I can't wait to ride it anyway though.


I find that trying to sit up with the small of my back not slouching in the seat helps. Kinda keep the lower back away from the back rest, which sounds kinda silly... but works for me

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