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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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Yep. It's spring break and absolutely gorgeous outside, not to mention there are quite a few groups at the park this week including this. Needless to say, its been fun watching people meltdown on FB over the crowds today.


But yeah, if you are there today (or tomorrow), my deepest condolences.


Update: current situation (courtesy FB Conn group member Vincent).



And (courtesy of "Stay Behind The Yellow Line")



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was down at the park for a few hours today. For the first two hours or so the left side of the park was empty, was able to get 6 rides on El Toro and front row on each of Ka and Bizarro. I, not knowing how crazy it got, wandered towards the other side of the park to see an absolute mob scene. While leaving, a security guard estimated the security line was over an hour just to get into the park.

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It’s been great, walk ons or 5-10 min waits, I know it’ll get more crowded as the day goes on but I’ve done everything I need in terms of credits. Zumanjaro (or however ya spell it) is closed once again so I won’t be getting to that. :/

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  • 3 weeks later...
However, that line looks really disappointing. No shade, minimal theming.

LOL What are you on about? The ride doesn't open until Memorial Day weekend, they're still working on the ride area.



Covered queue


Theming (It's Six Flags, expectations are key)


Still waiting on the Wonder Woman statue

^ Photos via Kyle in the Great Adv Connoisseurs FB group

Also have to share this amazing photo by Dug, also from the group, looking down the Metropolis midway toward the ride:



So thrilled this will be open for Holiday In the Park!

Edited by boldikus
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LOL What are you on about? The ride doesn't open until Memorial Day weekend, they're still working on the ride area.



The video shows that each cycle will take about 5 minutes (including loading times) and its not a particularly large capacity ride. The picture shows the majority of the line has zero shade. Six Flags is primarily populated during the hottest times of the year.


I like shade. I think most people do. I don't understand why Six Flags management does not.


I'm not asking for Universal's Harry Potter style theming, but simply more of the canopy seen in the first photo. I understand they want to keep the sight-line open up front, so maybe they should have reconfigured more of the line to go around the back.

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The video shows that each cycle will take about 5 minutes (including loading times) and its not a particularly large capacity ride. The picture shows the majority of the line has zero shade. Six Flags is primarily populated during the hottest times of the year.


I like shade. I think most people do. I don't understand why Six Flags management does not.


I'm not asking for Universal's Harry Potter style theming, but simply more of the canopy seen in the first photo. I understand they want to keep the sight-line open up front, so maybe they should have reconfigured more of the line to go around the back.


I get where you're coming from - I like shade too, but let's address a few things. For one, not a particularly high capacity ride? The gondola seats 40 people.


Secondly, the ride is testing in this video. I'm sure its not far off, but we don't know how long the ride cycle will be until it opens with riders.


Thirdly, to say this park is "primarily populated during the hottest months of the year" when this park is (and this ride will be) open 9 months out of the year, is really kind of reaching... I mean, personally I'll be riding this most often in Nov/Dec, and yeah that's just because I know that the park in the dead of summer is for suckers, but still. The park is really only HOT for 3 out of 9 months that its open. And not for nothing (since we're reaching) the wind caused by the ride while in operation acts a big giant fan on the queue below...


Also, let's keep in mind some of that queue in the front there is going to be for Flash Pass and those people are not going to have to wait as long as the standby queue.


I'm not saying you're wrong for feeling there should be more shade (maybe like the Cyborg and Skyscreamer queues that wrap around the ride?) but just playing devils advocate. I have a friend headed to the park now who is going to get some more up to date photos of the ride area and some better shots of the queue. I'll report back later.

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Planning on taking a solo trip to the park this Friday! So far it's looking like it could be a bit stormy, but as long as it keeps the crowds away I'm happy . I'll definitely try to provide some photos as usual and if anyone happens to be around let me know! As long as the weather holds out I should be there all day and I'm hoping to do a good few rides on Ka and Toro since my girlfriend is not a fan of them so I don't get to ride them all the time .

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