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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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I think there's about a 3 to 1 ratio of people talking about others arguing to people actually arguing.


Yep. Then people like you say something, which causes people complaining about the complaining to get offended and start complaining about you. It's a vicious cycle


Anyway, I've noticed a big spike in hype in real life of our new 4D since the retheme. Besides being the more aesthetically pleasing choice, it seems to have paid off marketing-wise as well. I'm proud of GAdv acknowledging their awful choice of ride names and changing them mid-offseason 2 years in a row. Gotta give credit when it's due!

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^ I think there is some truth to that. People I work with that typically mention coaster news/announcements to me made no mention of ToteMay back in Sept, but a bunch of them have asked me if I "knew about Great Adventures new roller coaster?" within the past few days.

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Please say its Twister. Jolly Roger? Teacups? Not Houdini!!!!!


As far as coasters, I could see it being Bizarro before Skull Mountain, unfortunately. Skull Mountain does good numbers and its a quality family coaster. Bizarro is mostly deadsville and thats a decent amount of space back there they could use for something else. I would be gutted, but there has been speculation/rumors about Bizarros removal for years. If they gave it to SFA I wouldn't be mad. Sure as hell won't be Batman. That leaves BBLTT.

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In 2016, say goodbye to one of your favorite attractions from the 90's. Hope you had time to cherish it and all its glory. #RIP


So... When do we figure out what it is? Or are we going to have to wait a while to figure it out?

Also, will it be closed in the offseason, or will it be open in 2016 and closing at the end of this season?

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Here's a hint: they might not get rid of the dolphin show at Fort Independence after all...


Well, considering Fort Independence is sitting in a landfill somewhere, I'm gonna guess the Batman Stunt Show arena is being converted.

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I could honestly see it being Skull Mountain due to its proximity to Joker. I could definitely see them expanding their rehaul of the lakefront even further, including Skull Mountain. Wouldn't surprise me if they tore it down to build a Justice League ride, reusing the exterior shell of the building.

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He never said it was a ride, but if it is the only ones that really seem like a possibility are Twister because it's a maintenance nightmare and they might be done cannibalizing the SFNE ride for parts, Blackbeard and Jolly Roger (doubt it but maybe if they make Panda Express a Chop Six they'll expand it and this ride really, really sucks). I don't see it being Houdini, it's popular, it was a big hit at HITP and they have one at SFNE that nobody rides that they could use for parts if they ever wanted to so that would close long before this one. If it is a ride, it's probably Houdini or Twister. If it's not it's probably the Batman Stunt Theater thing.


As far as Twister though it's got to be a matter of time. That thing is easily the most unreliable ride in the park... Kingda Ka could only dream of being such an unreliable piece of crap. It's pretty much always broken. If you ever see it open it's a minor miracle.


And for you Skull Mountain people... lol what? Why would they fix the waterfall so it could run for 2 weekends, then spend a ton of time making a Christmas light net to cover it and then close it forever... especially when it's the second most popular coaster in the park and is completely weather proof and now they do a Holiday event.

Edited by coasterbill
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My safe guess is that it is Twister. My outlandish guess is that they're removing the old Batman arena to begin construction on the dueling T-Rex.


EDIT: NEVERMIND. It's obvious (to me): Sim building and go-karts being removed for Justice League.

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