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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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I'm basically just going to echo my post from last night, but I like the change. The green and purple looks great, and I like the theme. The ship sailed on Great Adventure keeping their areas with a cohesive theme a long time ago, so I don't mind having a Joker ride plopped down in Lakefront.


And I'm glad the park has another ride themed to a villian. Bonus points for it being the greatest villian in comic history. I personally can't wait to ride. I just hope all of you complaining over silly things stay home so the line is shorter.

Edited by Genx24
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^ What?




For the record, Joker is my favorite comic book character, let alone villian. Glad he's getting more props in the park.

Edited by michaellynn4
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^ Woof, I totally whiffed on that. Probably because it will always be Medusa to me.


For the record, Joker is my favorite comic book character, let alone villian. Glad he's getting more props in the park.

Same here. He's such a great and interesting character. I'll never complain about anything DC related if Joker is involved.

Edited by Genx24
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This forum has become untolerable with the "Stop complaining!" bs. I see a forum as a medium in which positions can be shared, and yes, every so often conflict. Its not complaining if someone doesnt like the name or theme change. Its their opinion.


This site stopped being fun a while ago. Thanks for the memories guys, Im leaving the board for a while.


No, actually you're leaving the board forever. Idiots like you won't be missed at all. If you think anyone here gives a crap about your "I've leaving" drama, you're totally wrong. The BEST thing for this forum is for horrible drama queens to bail out and make the content better for the rest of us. Thank you for improving the forum! We wish more people like yourself would leave.




*EDIT: On a side note, the person that created some of the original drama with the complaining actually wrote to me and apologized for their behavior because they realized it was out of line. They are still an active member of this forum and we welcome their contributions. You, woodlandmammoth, on the other hand, decided to take the opposite route to create pointless stupid drama on the forum. You are not welcome back here and we don't want people like you posting to TPR.


I'll make it quite simple - This is our forum... OUR FORUM!!!! If you don't like what we post, don't like how we respond, don't like how we run things... LEAVE! No one is pointing a gun to your head to be here and we really don't care to put up with your drama. It's quite simple - If you don't like it here, leave. You won't be offending us in the least bit. Thank you for your time.

Edited by robbalvey
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^ LOL I probably love Bizarro more than most on here.


Real talk though anyone else as surprised as I am that there is vertical construction already? Based on GreatAdv's track record w/ opening new rides, I thought for sure Playlands Castaway Cove (Jersey's other new S&S) would have a head start on them. Regardless I am excited to see both of these coasters finally taking shape.

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LOL Whatever. Bizarro is a solid floorless, and easily my favorite (as you know I haven't ridden Dominator yet). Its not the best ride in the park but its great that its there.


And is that also a dig at Skully? Cause as the president/founder/chairman/overlord, I do possess the power to ban you from the cult.

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Damn, Boldikus beat me to it.


I love that the park created a section of its website to house construction updates. I also love that some of the supports are still wrapped in the protective wrapping. It'd be hilarious if they leave that up, it reminds me of the plastic-wrapped furniture at my grandma's house.


Kind of what CP and Carowinds are doing

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LOL Whatever. Bizarro is a solid floorless, and easily my favorite (as you know I haven't ridden Dominator yet). Its not the best ride in the park but its great that its there.


And is that also a dig at Skully? Cause as the president/founder/chairman/overlord, I do possess the power to ban you from the cult.

Out of Scream, Medusa, Dominator, Batman Dark Knight, and Bizarro. Something about Bizarro tops them all, I think it's the pacing

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I love how it's Batman and then Joker. It seems fitting for such a chaotic ride.

Excellent point. Say what you will about the theme being out of place for the ride's location within the park, but it certainly fits the nature of the ride. I was excited for this ride anyway, but for some reason this re-theme has me so much more gung-ho about it.

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