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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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Is it that often that the cables snap? I know it has happened to xcelerator but what about the other hydraulic launched rides?

But yeah, if there is a minimal risk I would assume they will have some protection from the 128 mph flying cables

I'm fairly certain most accelerators have had a cable snapping issue at some point.I don't think KK has, but I guess that means it probably will soon.

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We could have a 311 foot Intamin Giga that dives 86 degrees into the forest at 94 mph just to beat Cedar Fair's best numbers

In all seriousness, a woodie would be a good fit in the forest, and that is what is needed. What type of coaster do you all think Great Adventure will get in 2015/2016? Woodie, Wing Coaster, Giga, 4D, or something else?

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Its not gonna be a giga

Six Flags doesn't do gigas

It will either be a wood, 4D, or wing.

If its wood, it should be a GCI or RMC inverting twister style ride

If its 4D, then it should be more like X2 as opposed to Green Lantern

If its wing, then thats not surprising because Great Adventure loves B&M

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It will either be a wood, 4D, or wing.

Do you know that for sure?



From what I have heard, whatever goes into Rolling Thunder's old area will be family friendly attractions.

Nah but process of elimination those are the biggest possibilities and chances are it will be one of those 3. Just watch. It will be.

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Its not gonna be a giga

Six Flags doesn't do gigas

It will either be a wood, 4D, or wing.

If its wood, it should be a GCI or RMC inverting twister style ride

If its 4D, then it should be more like X2 as opposed to Green Lantern

If its wing, then thats not surprising because Great Adventure loves B&M


Yeah, and B&M doesn't do Gigas either... Until they suddenly did. Giga is the best Six Flags can do from a a marketing standpoint, especially to remain competitive with Cedar Fair. If they were to do a giga, SFGadv and Cedar Point would be the ONLY parks to have a mega, giga, an strata. And that will draw attention. 6 B&M's will not, unless its a B&M Giga (please dear God no).

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Its not gonna be a giga

Six Flags doesn't do gigas

It will either be a wood, 4D, or wing.

If its wood, it should be a GCI or RMC inverting twister style ride

If its 4D, then it should be more like X2 as opposed to Green Lantern

If its wing, then thats not surprising because Great Adventure loves B&M


I don't know where 4D is coming from. I don't see any park building a coaster like X2 again, since last I checked Arrow is out of business. And I don't think SFGA would build something as low capacity as a ZacSpin.



EDIT: OK, I see that both of the other "true" 4D coasters were built after Arrow was no more. Still, it's silly to expect something there's no recent precedent for, and no US park has built one since X2 and its numerous problems. I'd much rather see something that tries to compete with Maverick, and I don't see why that's out of the question seeing as SFGA has nothing like it, and they've worked with Intamin before.

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Ok I seriously didn't mean for it to sound like I WOULDN'T like a coaster like X2... X2 is very, very near the top of coasters I'm dying to ride, possibly second only to Voyage. It's one of those ones I've literally had dreams about. I just don't see it being at all likely or even possible for SFGA to get one, that's all.


Just please, anything but a wing coaster. Unless it's of the Skyrush or Furious Baco variety.

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Hey, i'm all for GAdv getting a giga. It doesn't seem too likely, but is love it if they did that. If they were to do that, they would probably go with intamin, which would set it apart from Nitro. The reason I say it's probably not gonna be a B&M is cuz SF hasn't installed a B&M in a while.

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The rumor is that whenever a new coaster addition is added it will be on the east side of the park and NOT in RT's spot despite popular belief. I believe that spot is being saved for an expansion years away including the former baboon land in the Safari.


As for next year, Im thinking RMC as that seems to be Six Flags' favorite coaster manufacturer currently or a B&M Coaster. Since the coaster is rumored to be on the east side near Batman/Nitro, I think a tall inverting RMC would work similar to Goliath at SF Great America. The B&M would either be a wing rider or a 4D. I've heard the 4D rumors but they don't add up seeing as though the first one was slated for a park in China or Spain. If they go with a wing rider, I just hop it's taller and faster than X-Flight

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I still stand by what I had said pages and pages ago. X-Flight cookie cutter in the place of B&R:TC. I can not see them build a wooden coaster on the Gotham side of the park, it just doesn't fit into the theme! The only other thing I could see would be a Maverick style ride going out to the parking lot, swinging around the water tower and coming back, but I feel like an X-Flight would attract more PR.


In the case of the Rolling Thunder location, I am sure we will see something built there eventually (maybe 2 or 3 years down the road) but I find it hard to believe they would build a RMC. El Toro has so much pull in the park, that adding a Woodie that would be bigger badder and better just doesn't seem like something that would fly within the park administration itself... I could see a smaller wooden coaster (since now the only medium level coaster in the park is the mine train, they would want to put something in place to bridge the gap I would think)


I think we will have to see how the area looks after construction of the pathway is complete... I think that will definitely lead us some clues on the parks ideas!

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Excuse me if I'm wrong, which I'm sure I am but didn't six flags state that there would be no more hypers or anything above? I feel like they said this after goliath opened in six flags over Georgia in 2006. Once again I don't know if I'm right just came to my mind for some reason.


As for next coaster I think a wing rider would make sense cause they haven't built one In two years since x-flight. So if not here I guess maybe in another park. But a long RMC I would just love! I wanna see a mile plus RMC that would make me very happy! I also kind of want another launch coaster (yolo coaster ) but that won't happen I'm sure.

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