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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Wow Twisted Timbers looks amazing! I think it will be nice to have more of an out-and-back style RMC with all those straight air-time hills for a change.


I already needed to make a return trip to Busch Gardens so this seals Virginia for my plans next year.

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I'm glad to see that the new 2018 RMC trains .


What's new about them? Are they different than past RMC trains?


The wheel & chassis setup is a little different (think like NTAG and Iron Rattler's trains), but I believe the bodies/seats/restraints are essentially the same. Only the super coaster nerds would notice the difference (like I did).

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I know a lot of the shed is sarcasm, but for those that do not know, the shed in the field within the renderings is a Haunt maze building to prevent confusion.


To me, this looks amazing! It is even better than I imagined. Between the overbank replacing the first turn and those very small airtime "humps", this is going to much wilder than the POV makes it seem. Personally, I love the theme and the attempt to try and fit it in the 50's-esque area of Candy Apple Grove, while also giving the ride its own identity. I also love the unique look of the station from what I have seen!

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^ I would say it'll be in the rotation with Volcano and Intimidator 305 remaining on the early ride time lists. I would also think it is safe to say that Twisted Timbers will be included in WinterFest's attractions since from the promo video it looked like Americana and the Carousel will be weather permitting.

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I'm glad to see that the new 2018 RMC trains .


What's new about them? Are they different than past RMC trains?


The wheel & chassis setup is a little different (think like NTAG and Iron Rattler's trains), but I believe the bodies/seats/restraints are essentially the same. Only the super coaster nerds would notice the difference (like I did).


Very cool! I understand being a nerd, trust me. Where did you see the detail of the chassis? I wanna see!


I actually wish they would reconfigure those RMC seats. They could be much more comfortable.

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I'm glad to see that the new 2018 RMC trains .


What's new about them? Are they different than past RMC trains?


The wheel & chassis setup is a little different (think like NTAG and Iron Rattler's trains), but I believe the bodies/seats/restraints are essentially the same. Only the super coaster nerds would notice the difference (like I did).


Very cool! I understand being a nerd, trust me. Where did you see the detail of the chassis? I wanna see!


I actually wish they would reconfigure those RMC seats. They could be much more comfortable.


Just check out any of the animations for Twisted Timbers or Steel Vengeance, and take a look at the wheel bogies. The cars ride on two wheel per side instead of the usual one, and the bodies seem to be elevated a bit more off the track.

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Very impressive layout! I like that they kept a couple of "bigger hills" on the stretch after the first turn, making the ride a good combination of sustained airtime and lots of short bursts of airtime.


I can now die happy. This baby looks a-ma-zing.


At least wait until you have ridden it first!

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