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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I'll chime in here, I've never seen someone get off shockwave and say anything to the effect of "That was fun!"


No one liked it really except for a select few on this board *ahem*. Its only redeeming quality was weird standup ejector over the hill before the helix. Then it was the equivalent of crashing in an airplane.

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I overheard a surprising number of positive or probably positive comments on Shockwave this year, many of them before the announcement it was going to close. Of course, I've heard many things, including kids saying Anaconda is the best coaster in the park.


I don't necessarily think Shockwave should be kept by the park, its time has come or at least was coming. I think it served the park very well during its time and was an excellent feat of engineering and construction when it was built. Those who say it sucked or was horrible surely fit in one of these categories:

1. not fitting the restraints

2. exaggerators

3. comparison to new rides + #2

4. expecting coasters to be smooth -- the current state of the art would have never happened without earlier steel coaster

5. trolls

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^^-- they removed the TVs (didn't they just put them there?) and the trains so far. It seems like they could have waited to close it, although they start tapering things down by that part of the summer and saved a few bucks. That and the day they closed it was actually quite crowded and clearly an "event"! They also could have been looking at maintenance issues. One thing I've heard about is parks can use X-rays to look for weakening metal long before it would break.


* * *

Went twice this weekend. Friday, pretty large crowd considering rain forecast and happening, although it never got very heavy.


They've tinkered with The Overlord show again, staging changed due to the bike event. The Overlord's voice now isn't even scary and the actor wears a mask, what??!? Of course, the important part of the show at the end is always good. The new maze, Lockdown, is OK, haven't decided how it compares with before. It adds sentry towers on the asphalt in front of the building. I noticed a lot of new shed-like large temporary structures scattered around the park, but other than creating choke-points in scarezones not much seems to happen in conjunction with them.


Sunday, Fall Bonus Day, was insane for riding. There were probably more people crammed into SFA last Sunday than came to KD the last 2 open Sundays combined.

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I overheard a surprising number of positive or probably positive comments on Shockwave this year, many of them before the announcement it was going to close. Of course, I've heard many things, including kids saying Anaconda is the best coaster in the park.


I don't necessarily think Shockwave should be kept by the park, its time has come or at least was coming. I think it served the park very well during its time and was an excellent feat of engineering and construction when it was built. Those who say it sucked or was horrible surely fit in one of these categories:

1. not fitting the restraints

2. exaggerators

3. comparison to new rides + #2

4. expecting coasters to be smooth -- the current state of the art would have never happened without earlier steel coaster

5. trolls


I disliked it because it was a lousy, clunky, uncomfortable ride. Period.


That being said, I don't care for the B&M stand-up coasters, either, and I've ridden some Togo stand-ups in Japan that were pretty good.

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I'll chime in here, I've never seen someone get off shockwave and say anything to the effect of "That was fun!"


No one liked it really except for a select few on this board *ahem*. Its only redeeming quality was weird standup ejector over the hill before the helix. Then it was the equivalent of crashing in an airplane.

Never rode KD's Shockwave, but I did ride two of the others that were at the Paramount parks. There wasn't anything particularly bad about them, but there was nothing especially memorable. The restraints weren't as uncomfortable to me as they were just awkward. The characteristic that most appeals to me about B&M's take on this type- the snappy transitions/directional changes in compressed layout taken at a good clip- just wasn't incorporated into TOGO's design (at least stateside- no idea about overseas).

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I overheard a surprising number of positive or probably positive comments on Shockwave this year, many of them before the announcement it was going to close. Of course, I've heard many things, including kids saying Anaconda is the best coaster in the park.


I don't necessarily think Shockwave should be kept by the park, its time has come or at least was coming. I think it served the park very well during its time and was an excellent feat of engineering and construction when it was built. Those who say it sucked or was horrible surely fit in one of these categories:

1. not fitting the restraints

2. exaggerators

3. comparison to new rides + #2

4. expecting coasters to be smooth -- the current state of the art would have never happened without earlier steel coaster

5. trolls

This is exactly what I think. Glad to see someone else sees it the way I do.

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I'm new here, but a long time lurker.


I'm going to Kings Dominion tomorrow, but it's supposed to be raining on and off all day. I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me on their rain policy with their rides? It's going to be my first time there, and I don't want to miss anything because of the rain.

If it does rain, be sure to get a ride on Dominator either during or immediately after any precipitation. I swear it hauls ass when the tracks are wet. I got serious ejector airtime on the MCBR drop even!

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^^ It was sort of misty all morning, and while I've never ridden Dominator before, I will say it was running pretty fast for a B&M floorless!


As for the rest of the park, we had no waits all day which was awesome Rebel Yell was running pretty smooth, and we got to ride Grizzly in the back row at 10:30 at night. That was actual insanity. Worst ride of the day was either anaconda or backlot. Anaconda was actually a good layout, but my shoulders hurt, and backlot did nothing for me. Best ride of the day was of course I305! It's hands down the most intense thing I've ever ridden (and yes, I've ridden Skyrush multiple times) and riding it in the back row at night was awesome! Volcano's hang time shocked the hell out of me lol. Only downside to the day was that the view from the eiffel tower was crap both times we went up.

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^Dominator cold is also weird. That loop lasts so long!


^^B&M Standups offer more sophisticated layout and transitions, but I'll take Shockwave over them.


I agree, however, Vortex @ CGA was a lot worse for me than Shockwave was.

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I think Kings Dominion is getting a 500 foot Polar Coaster for 2017.


You can send your hate mail to itsagoddamnjoke@sshole.com


It may be due to the fact that I'm currently a long way away from sober but this post made me literally laugh out loud.


"It may be due to the fact that I'm currently a long way away from sober"


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Looking at going to Haunt Friday, October 9th. Is there any reason the park is open what are the usual Saturday Haunt hours this particular Friday? All the other Friday's are 7-12 but this is 10:30-midnight. It seems like it would be a good day for low daytime riding crowds and lower Haunt crowds being a Friday, but is there any reason it's open all day? A special event I don't know about?

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^Should I anticipate larger crowds because of the holiday the following Monday and longer hours, or comparable to most Fridays?

I'm trying to determine if this is the best day to go for a long day of riding and decent lines for Haunt mazes as I'm somewhat flexible in my schedule.

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^If you get there early enough, you should have no problem with lines. Last time I went to Haunt two years ago, my friends and I had no problem re-riding most of the rides there until 7 or 8, that's when it starts to get crowded. If worse comes to worst and you got extra money, there's always Fast Lane.

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