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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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You know what would be an awesome ride that no one has mentioned? A large GCI woodie like Wood Coaster in China.


Err, maybe not that big but at least a good sized one.


Is that the one in Knight Valley or whatever it's called?


Yeah. But maybe a GCI isn't the best fit. Still want a launched wingrider or an invert.

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Does anyone know how a front entrance coaster would work? You would have to tear out a big portion of Peking lot to the right for it to happen.

Anything but a b&m and ill be happy. Mav or toro or skyrush type of ride or all 3 and kd would be perfection

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Does anyone know how a front entrance coaster would work? You would have to tear out a big portion of Peking lot to the right for it to happen.

Anything but a b&m and ill be happy. Mav or toro or skyrush type of ride or all 3 and kd would be perfection


Dude, stop. The next coaster is going to be a B&M whether you like it or not.

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Does anyone know how a front entrance coaster would work? You would have to tear out a big portion of Peking lot to the right for it to happen.

Anything but a b&m and ill be happy. Mav or toro or skyrush type of ride or all 3 and kd would be perfection


Dude, stop. The next coaster is going to be a B&M whether you like it or not.

No 1 would like it. I expect great things from KD

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Does anyone know how a front entrance coaster would work? You would have to tear out a big portion of Peking lot to the right for it to happen.

Anything but a b&m and ill be happy. Mav or toro or skyrush type of ride or all 3 and kd would be perfection


Dude, stop. The next coaster is going to be a B&M whether you like it or not.

No 1 would like it. I expect great things from KD


Because no one likes Fury 325, or Thunderbird, or Diamondback, or Leviathan, right? *facepalm

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Does anyone know how a front entrance coaster would work? You would have to tear out a big portion of Peking lot to the right for it to happen.

Anything but a b&m and ill be happy. Mav or toro or skyrush type of ride or all 3 and kd would be perfection


Dude, stop. The next coaster is going to be a B&M whether you like it or not.

No 1 would like it. I expect great things from KD


Because no one likes Fury 325, or Thunderbird, or Diamondback, or Leviathan, right? *facepalm

I just hope kd pushes the envelope yet again and goes all out on their next coaster. None of the above scream unique

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Does anyone know how a front entrance coaster would work? You would have to tear out a big portion of Peking lot to the right for it to happen.

Anything but a b&m and ill be happy. Mav or toro or skyrush type of ride or all 3 and kd would be perfection


Dude, stop. The next coaster is going to be a B&M whether you like it or not.

No 1 would like it. I expect great things from KD


Because no one likes Fury 325, or Thunderbird, or Diamondback, or Leviathan, right? *facepalm

I just hope kd pushes the envelope yet again and goes all out on their next coaster. None of the above scream unique



You really should try out Fury 325, it'll blow your mind. It actually made I305 my second favorite coaster.

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Does anyone know how a front entrance coaster would work? You would have to tear out a big portion of Peking lot to the right for it to happen.

Anything but a b&m and ill be happy. Mav or toro or skyrush type of ride or all 3 and kd would be perfection


Dude, stop. The next coaster is going to be a B&M whether you like it or not.

No 1 would like it. I expect great things from KD


Because no one likes Fury 325, or Thunderbird, or Diamondback, or Leviathan, right? *facepalm

I just hope kd pushes the envelope yet again and goes all out on their next coaster. None of the above scream unique


B&M is not really a "push the envelope" company. They have been playing the safe route for years on all of their designs. That's why I have mixed feelings on their coasters. When I get off of a B&M I usually either think, "Wow that was a kick ass ride!" or "Meh, it was smooth and comfy but kind of bland". However on their newer designs, they have been going back to kick ass.


Intamin has been the company to pull off the crazy, un-thought of designs, but until they can make them efficient, major park companies will steer clear of them. This is a shame, because all of my "top" coasters are still Intamins, and I would pick them over B&M any day. Nothing against B&M at all. I have enjoyed their more recent designs, and hope that they will keep going back to the old school intensity

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Does anyone know why they cut the trees down in the middle of grizzlys turnaround? It was a lot cooler with the trees there.


It was said that the trees were removed for safety reasons if a firetruck and/or ambulance had to get to the back half of the ride.


Does anyone know how a front entrance coaster would work? You would have to tear out a big portion of Peking lot to the right for it to happen.


Not necessarily - KD would probably be one of the easier parks to add a front gate coaster. The only obstacle would be to not ruin the aesthetics and dominance of Dominator. If the park could tastefully add a coaster up front to balance Dominator's look I'd love to see it happen eventually.

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KD does not need an invert at all. They already have Volcano, the extremely unique full circuit Intamin Invert. Having 2 types of the same ride would be redundant, unless they did it right (which, by the way, is possible). A wingrider or hyper would be a better addition, though of all things I'd like to see them get a hyper.

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One thing I've noticed a lot since my return to reading and posting in online coaster forums (I haven't posted anywhere regularly in over 10 years), is a lot of debates surrounding what coasters are intense or not. Most of them seem to ignore a few principles.


1) Intensity is not subjective. It is quantifiable. A coaster like Millennium Force IS intense. Fact. It can't really be disputed, even though many like to call it the oxymoronic term Millennium Forceless. Though I have not ridden it personally, it is quite clear that I305 is intense. Fury is also intense. I just rode it not too long ago, and the tremendous forces it displays were not a figment of my imagination. Wilderness Run is not intense. Fury (and Thunderbird) should not be confused with Wilderness Run. There is a difference between intense rides, and non-intense rides.


2) Intensity is subjective. Now you're like: "Wait a minute!" While intense forces are a fact, something that most roller coasters at least present in some small manner (though neither MF nor Fury could be accused of small dosages, rationally at least), the kind of forces that a person prefers is completely subjective, and specific to that particular individual. Some prefer rides like I305 and MF that deliver speed relentlessly, others prefer rides like Bizarro (SFNE) and Magnum, which feature relentless ejecter air. Both types of coasters ARE intense, though I have seen many an enthusiast insist MF is not, because they prefer Magnum's air. That really doesn't wash on a practical, factual level though. It just speaks to a personal preference.


3) Not all Intensity is created equal. The Voyage has a near-universal reputation for intensity, that is well deserved, as it combines both airtime, and a twisty, out of control configuration which does what I can best describe as simulate a bull riding experience. Obviously, while MF IS intense, and has tons of force, is doesn't deliver as much in the way of quantity of intensity, as a ride like The Voyage does. I view Fury as a similar ride to The Voyage, but on a steel level, which is obviously not equal to what a wooden coaster can deliver. For a B&M, I felt like it was very intense, however, and would describe it more as controlled chaos, as opposed to The Voyage's out-of-control chaos. Fury features speed, airtime, laterals (sideways ejector air!), as well as environmental interaction, all of which contribute to what is indeed, an intense ride experience.


So, how does this relate to the matter at hand? Clearly, we have some people in this thread who prefer the kind of intensity that I305 delivers over the kind of intensity Fury delivers. No problem there. It goes back to personal preference. I understand the general feeling about B&M's being less intense than Intamins. I would agree, that on a quantifiable scale, they typically (but not always) are. Three of my Top 5 coasters are Intamins. But my new #1 is a B&M. Fury. Because I feel like it took a bunch of aspects of various coasters I liked, all of which are forms of intensity, and packed them all into one coaster, unlike MF and Maverick, which directly follow it. That's just my personal preference though, and somebody who prefers I305 to Fury isn't wrong - they are just different from me. And that's ok. No need to fight about it. The only place I take exception, however, is when somebody says "B&M can't make intense coasters," or "MF is forceless" like it's a fact, when in fact, that is not true factually, and is only a reflection of their personal preference.


Regarding my comment about Thunderbird being intense, a launch, is, by its very nature, intense. So yes, it IS an intense coaster. Maybe not stem to stern intense (though it maintains its speed very well), but definitely still intense in parts.


Sorry KD fans for my intrusion! You may now return to your regularly scheduled park discussion!

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I enjoyed Fury, but much like Millennium Force, it seems more about speed (particularly in the first half) than about intensity and airtime (although there are some decent airtime hills on the way back to the station). This isn't a "bad" thing at all. For me, I305 has it all: speed, intensity, and airtime.

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^Maybe it rides differently in the very back, but most of my rides were there, and it was VERY intense! And the airtime that is most memorable was not the hills on the way back, but the sideways ejector air I got that nearly chucked me from the train on the way out! I haven't ridden I305 yet to compare, but I can say confidently, that of all of the coasters I have ridden - and that is not small number - Fury has it all: Speed, Intensity, Airtime, and a interesting layout that interacts well with its surroundings - something that I can judge I305 to be lacking in, without having ridden it. I do hope to get out to KD again and make a proper comparison of the two at some point over the next couple of years, however!

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Skyrush is another very intense coaster that fixed what I305 didn't deliver completely on; intense, ejector air time on every single hill. I think that coaster wins against any other coaster in that category, save El Toro depending on your opinion. So intensity can mean a lot of things. Positive g's, negative g's, a killer drop, sustained speed, insane pacing, and more. It just depends on your taste. Personally I haven't been on F325 (unfortunately I won't get to for a long while) but I have been on I305 so that's where my perspective is coming from. However, I might get to ride Leviathan in August to have a B&M giga to compare!

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