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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Can we please stop with the red and yellow...


I swear it's like they had tons of paint left over from TTD or something. Not knocking red or yellow paint, but i think it's time for CF to diversify with the color wheel paint options.


Other then that looks kind of simple but I really like the looks of those air time hills. They should have some sweet speed which could be awesome.


Really wish they would have gone for some more radical elements although.


Looking forward to it either way.


.. Trains do look cool. I am actually surprised they have the Chevy badge on them. Interesting to see if that stays.

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Wow, so I guess Intamin/KD thinks those restraints are "...overhead lap bars but no over-the-shoulder harnesses"? That is both stupid and incredibly wrong. Oh well, at least now with those lousy restraints I won't be freaking out all winter about this ride opening.

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Edit: ^ It is Cedar Fair. Volcano, Avalanche, FoF, Anaconda, Backlot and now I305 all around the Congo.


I guess the "current" Intamin design would fit this description?!




This coaster will almost double the size of the next tallest in the park.

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Specification sheet says:


Vehicles: Four passenger open design trains with overhead lap bars but no over-the-shoulder harnesses


I guess the "current" Intamin design would fit this description?!


I'd say so. You pull the restraint down over your head, and there is a bar on your lap. Enough said.

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Specification sheet says:


Vehicles: Four passenger open design trains with overhead lap bars but no over-the-shoulder harnesses


I guess the "current" Intamin design would fit this description?!


Apparently, even though they're wrong.


Can't wait to get a nice chop to the shoulder through some of those transitions. Should make for some interesting bruises.



Specification sheet says:


Vehicles: Four passenger open design trains with overhead lap bars but no over-the-shoulder harnesses


I guess the "current" Intamin design would fit this description?!


I'd say so. You pull the restraint down over your head, and there is a bar on your lap. Enough said.


Small problem, there are those two pesky blunt rubber objects positioned over my shoulders. Not sure how anyone could call those anything other then what they are, over the shoulder restraints.

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ugghhh...what is the deal with everybody complaing about the colors?


KD has no red coasters or any with yellow supports. what is the problem?


I am a little bummed about the OTSR but I think the ride looks fantastic!!


I don't know but I think the animation makes it look slower than it will be going. This thing will be hauling ass the whole way.



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So they're building a Nascar themed coaster in the Congo section of the park why?


For the same reason Superman flies over New Orleans in Six Flags Great America, or Stitch's Great Escape, a prequel to a movie that takes place in the present, and Monster's Inc. are in Tomorrowland at the Magic Kingdom: Nobody bothers with appropriate theming anymore.

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Specification sheet says:


Vehicles: Four passenger open design trains with overhead lap bars but no over-the-shoulder harnesses


I guess the "current" Intamin design would fit this description?!


Apparently, even though they're wrong.


Can't wait to get a nice chop to the shoulder through some of those transitions. Should make for some interesting bruises.



Specification sheet says:


Vehicles: Four passenger open design trains with overhead lap bars but no over-the-shoulder harnesses


I guess the "current" Intamin design would fit this description?!


I'd say so. You pull the restraint down over your head, and there is a bar on your lap. Enough said.


Small problem, there are those two pesky blunt rubber objects positioned over my shoulders. Not sure how anyone could call those anything other then what they are, over the shoulder restraints.


Sorry, I should have clarified: I meant the "overhead lap bar" description was correct. The second half about "not being OSTR" is incorrect.


I think they're just trying to show how their restraints are different than typical OTSR. Plus, I found Maverick's restraints to be better than B&Ms: Instead of head banging, I got neck banging, which I must say is significantly more tolerable as it didn't result in blood-red ears.

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I think it's appropriate colors.


Red for the marks on your shoulders when you hit the non over the shoulder restraints, yellow for the pus that develops if any of the bashes get infected.


At least the ride doesn't have a HANS device- that would have really messed up the theming.

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I think my main gripe at this point is the only reason this ride would require restraints like those is because some of the transitions look very sharp, I found similar transitions on Maverick to be my least favorite aspect of that ride, now you take a great idea like a 300 foot coaster with an awesome looking first drop and a couple nice looking airtime hills and you tack on a few rough transitions and the painful restraints to go along with them. Just seems like wasted potential for nothing.


I think it's appropriate colors.


Red for the marks on your shoulders when you hit the non over the shoulder restraints, yellow for the pus that develops if any of the bashes get infected.


At least the ride doesn't have a HANS device- that would have really messed up the theming.

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Why isn't this at Carowinds?


Dale Earnhardt hails from Kannapolis, NC - just a 45 minute drive up I-85 from Carowinds. Wouldn't it make more sense to place this coaster in Earnhardt's back yard?


Wait a minute..... Carowinds and Kings Dominion are owned by the same company, Carowinds is building a new coaster, the track for the new coaster is red.....


Could Carowinds be getting a copy?

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According to someone at KDFansite who was at the park for the announcement, Brian Mitchell asked Mr. Kinzel for clarification on the restraints to be used, and he responded that the animations are wrong and that no OTSR will be used on the ride.


I'm not sure if I believe that or not though...

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After seing the POV and renderings, I'm half and half on the ride.




Twisty Goodness

At that speed, the low to the ground layout should be insanely forceful



Those restraints! If this is anything like Maverick, they'll be quite unconfortable...

At that speed, the low to the ground layout should be pretty painful

Possible lack of airtime

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