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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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My feeling on the design is that they better have the layout different from MF. This is the second giga made by Intamin and it needs to be unique. My guess is that the trains will probably be different since MF's train design are nearly 10 years.



You don't need to worry about that. The terrain and land area differences alone will make this ride very unique when compared to MF. One can only hope it's better (i.e. contains airtime, "Bizarro-style" as opposed to floating over hills like you would when driving on a country road "Millie-style").


-James Dillaman

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What did I say... looks like some sort of helix to me. I am surprised that they did not wait to start vertical construction until after the announcement, but I seem to recall someone saying they were behind schedule. Anyway, thank god and it is about time for some supports to be going up (even if it is only a few feet).

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^Yes, that would make sense.


In that second video posted one page back, I had no idea that much track was on site and if you look at the piece of track at 1:31, that is one seriously large and twisted piece of track. I cannot wait until tomorrow. I don't think I have been this excited for a coaster since Maverick.

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^It looks like a hair beyond 90 but not by much. Perhaps it is the gradual increase in font size that make it seem like it will go beyond 90. Who cares though, its going to be awesome!!!


Don't think like that.


Imagine what riding in the back seat of a 90 degree+ first drop...the airtime will be nothing short of INSANE!!!!

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Check out the logo posted on the announcement page for KD.


If the logo is anything like the coaster, it looks like it will have the standard 45 degree angle lift with a vertical drop.


The logo also depicts the support structure like MF's.


Here's the link:






I wouldn't judge the way a ride looks in real life off of a logo. Especially when the "support structure like MF's" isn't even the right color.


12 hours!

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