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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I actually think Kings Dominion has them beat in the thrill rides department and an RMC will only add to that but aside from thrill rides BGW is crushing them in every possible way.


Absolutely agree here


Also, that's a weird opinion of Dominator. Almost everyone considers it one of the better (if not the best) floorless coasters.


I love Dominator. For me its only "flaw" is a lack of a zero-G roll. It's definitely at least one of my favorites. Love the way it rips through those early elements.


To be honest (and I don't mean this the wrong way) it sounds like your wife (or maybe to an extent both of you) just prefer less intense rides.


It's funny you put it that way. I don't think for her it's about intensity (her favorite ride is Maverick after all) but likely more about comfort and rideability (is that a word?). She can develop headaches from some rides and there's really no rhyme or reason as to what sets them off.


I can totally understand why you'd prefer BGW's coaster lineup but I sort of prefer KD's style of more intense coasters so for me there's no comparison there. BGW's coasters are all great though.


I think the only reason I give BGW the edge is because every one of their rollercoasters is fantastic, and I wouldn't pass on any of them whenever I go there. I can't say that about many parks.

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I've ridden them all except for King Kobra and Galaxi, both of which closed before I was born.

Word. I barely remember riding Galaxi but I definitely remember KK. I was 8 and it was my first looping coaster. I was totally freaking out up until I finally rode it and got off.

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I rode Hurler, Hypersonic (once), and Shockwave.


Hypersonic had a nice launch and vertical drop but otherwise it was a subpar coaster and was an eyesore.


Shockwave was surprisingly intense (especially with its circular loop) but oh my god was everything after the loop a torture device.


Hurler was plain garbage.

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I rode the hell out of Galaxi and even remember noticing a low bar at one spot over the track, at the time it was a lot of back and forth between it and Rebel Yell as the 2 "major" coasters -- Scooby was farther away and I can't remember ever riding it back then. I rode King Kobra but probably was only once. I loved my one ride on Time Shaft although my parents didn't (this was my first visit after the "soft opening") or maybe I did feel sick after. I liked Cinema 180 -- only wraparound theater I didn't feel sick on, you layed down on the floor. I'm sure there's a lot flat rides I never rode and I know I had no interest in riding anything Smurf themed back in that day.


As to Hurler and Shockwave, somehow I think someone who liked the rides would know a lot more about them than those who rode once or twice and decided they didn't like them. Especially with Hurler, if I305 was in the park at the time the thing had a huge wopping trim brake on it and was basically abandoned by CF and it doesn't count. If you rode wheel seat, you're a newb and it doesn't count. If you rode at that time and didn't even notice the trim brake ... I'd better quit there.

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I also got to ride Hurler, Hypersonic, and Shockwave on my 1 and only trip to KD when I was a kid. From what I remember as a little 12 year old coaster enthusiast was Hurler sucked. Hypersonic was the first hydraulic launch I ever rode, so it was (and still is) special to me. However it was ugly and after the launch and vertical tower it was just "OK". I was pumped I got to ride Shockwave, considering I literally just missed riding King Cobra at my home park (Kings Island). It was cool as a 12 year old and was again, my first experience on a Stand-Up. So it was neat but it hurt my legs so bad. I plan on taking a trip back up there in 2018 (hopefully) to ride the new RMC as well as I305. Also didn't get to ride Volcano on my trip because they day before was the accident where some guys leg got cut from a lose bolt, and the ride was down for investigation. (You can see the list here, the article link no longer works) I for sure need to head back down soon.

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I am only missing King Kobra. It was not operating the weekend my family visited the park back in 1979.


Brazil trip????


Not until they become a first world country!


Hah. I remember there was some talk about a possible TPR Brazil trip some years ago. I'm guessing upon further investigation, Robb and Elissa thought better of this.

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"Face forward. . . . . . . . . . . Keep your head against the headrest. . . Your arms must be down. . . Prepare to launch."



I wish I could have ridden it. . .


Just once.


I only got one ride ever, but it really was something.

That launch was one of the most flat out intense things I've personally felt. Whole ride was, a short, weird burst of intensity. I do miss it, I'd love to experience that 0-80 in 1.8 seconds again but the wait times were a nightmare and someone had a good point, it was quite an eye sore and in all reality probably a subpar ride overall. The launch was insane though, felt less like movement to me more like a "you're here, then you're there" on the flip of a switch

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Maybe the craziest thing of all with Hypersonic was sitting there waiting to launch and it just looking impossible, the top of the spike was at over a 45 degree angle up from where you were sitting, that extra acceleration really shortens the launch length. It also was one of (?) the first coasters with extreme ejector air and lap bars ... the thing weighed the train to decide how much power to use!


I got a good number of rides on it, some with extreme waits, many with early entry (try that first thing in the morning), but the overall experience is more pleasant with Dominator.

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I got to ride Hypersonic several times over the course of two days back in 2006. It was one of the few coasters that has ever made me nervous haha. The launch was one of the most intense moments ever, on a coaster! I am really glad I got to ride it!

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I saw something interesting at I305 today that I'm hoping someone here can explain. A train was boarded and they proceeded to check the restraints. I'm guessing some error was being given so the ride ops had the restraints rechecked several times. They then had everyone get out and get back in the line. That train was sent around empty. They then loaded the riders into the next train but made an announcement that they had to sit on the opposite side from where they were originally sat. If you had been on the left, now sit on the right and vice versa. After several checks of the restraints that train was sent out. The empty train came around and the next riders boarded without issue.


I've seen a lot of technical difficulties, block resets, restraint resets etc. This was the first I've seen where they had everyone on the train switch sides. Is it a weight/balance issue? Are the restraints on one side larger and they needed to accommodate a larger guest but didn't want to single them out individually?

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Has anyone been to the park this week (or Saturdays previous) and seen them working? Maybe they don't plan to do anything all summer.


As of last weekend, Hurler deconstruction had proceeded to all the following taken down to the footers: the station exit and curve, the first curve after the drop, the 2 spots between the hills on the backstretch, and the entire descent from the curve through the structure (track cut off) to the final curve (track removed from supports). In addition to the previous track removal and 1st curve fence. A simple idea is the backstretch will go higher the first removal section and lower the second. Or maybe the structure exit turn could connect to the backstretch or 2nd hill of it. There are some rerouting options here, and maybe they're not done yet. It's crazy, abrupt looking. This is mainly as seen from Grizzly lift and high turn.

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Has anyone been to the park this week (or Saturdays previous) and seen them working? Maybe they don't plan to do anything all summer.



They were working this past Tuesday and yesterday. There are now pink survey flags on the outer edge of the service road where the first turn after the drop used to be.

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Has anyone been to the park this week (or Saturdays previous) and seen them working? Maybe they don't plan to do anything all summer.



They were working this past Tuesday and yesterday. There are now pink survey flags on the outer edge of the service road where the first turn after the drop used to be.


Why are they transforming Hurler then instead of building a ground up RMC? It seems like they are vastly expanding the layout.

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Why are they transforming Hurler then instead of building a ground up RMC? It seems like they are vastly expanding the layout.


Hurler needed it...it was cheaper...tax breaks for using existing structures...environmentally more friendly (less trees likely removed)... maybe they just felt like it...

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