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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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I'm taking care of bryce, though, people who think they are amazing decided to get in my way. I sorta ended up in full blown trolling mode on Busch's FB page.


Sorry, I'm trying to end it now. Though, I won't back down, I will always win.


-Andrew Finn/Inu

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^^I'm curious as to why the trains having a cheetah head would make you sad. Most people would complain about the lack of theming if it didn't have something like a cheetah head on it.


Seems a bit like something a tamer coaster would have. Maybe they will have a cheetah head and still look a little mean. I keep thinking of the wacky worms. The ride wont have any complaints about the amount of themeing. I am sure they did a nice job with the trains, the rest of the ride looks beautiful.

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Cheetah Hunt?


I preferred Cheetaka, a much better and more "in-line" name with the other rides names like Montu, SheiKra, and Kumba.


But other than that, I'm trying to cram some time to visit Busch Gardens next summer when this opens.

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^^Intamin's current longest launched coaster is California Screamin is over 6000ft long, although Formula Rossa will be over 6500ft long when it opens. I doubt this coaster will be longer than that, but I could easily see this being somewhere around as long as Maverick if not longer. With all the build up, hopefully the coaster resembles what has been seen in the videos(although the turnaround in one of them seems odd), and if this coaster lives up to the expectations, this could easily end up being one of the best in the country. The ride doesn't look intense (hopefully that means a lower height limit), but it still looks like it'll be a lot of fun.

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Cheetah Hunt? When there's already Cheetah Chase? Did the Cedar Fair naming guys invade this project or something?


While I couldn't agree more... they did it with Gwazi also... Gwazi Gliders which is the kiddie ride right next to the coaster... and while I liked Cheetaka more than Cheetah Hunt (well, I got used to saying Cheetaka at least), it does seem to go with the flow of the animal habitat being named "run"... So there is a Cheetah Hunt, Cheetah Chase, Cheetah Run... I guess it flows... still think Cheetaka did fit in better with the other coaster names though (Sheikra, Montu, Kumba, Gwazi...) Eh, at least the ride will rock...

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