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What Do You Think Of Morgan

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I guess in short, I'm saying that Morgan's originality may not be the highest in the market, but I do believe they are starting to make some more original coasters.


Not trying to pick on you but you should check out the time lines for when the rides you mention were built.
I really don't know what you're talking about

He's trying to say that you stated "Morgan...are starting to make some more original coasters..." but Morgan hasn't actually had a coaster built since 2004 (and technically that one was produced in 2002.)


So when you say "They are starting to..." doesn't really make sense because you're implying that they are an "up and coming" design firm yet they haven't actually designed a coaster in about 8 years.



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I guess in short, I'm saying that Morgan's originality may not be the highest in the market, but I do believe they are starting to make some more original coasters.


Not trying to pick on you but you should check out the time lines for when the rides you mention were built.
I really don't know what you're talking about

He's trying to say that you stated "Morgan...are starting to make some more original coasters..." but Morgan hasn't actually had a coaster built since 2004 (and technically that one was produced in 2002.)


So when you say "They are starting to..." doesn't really make sense because you're implying that they are an "up and coming" design firm yet they haven't actually designed a coaster in about 8 years.




Well, I wasn't really looking at the year, I was looking at the chronology, if that makes sense.


And also, I wasn't talking only about Morgan, just the topic of all Morgans being the same made me think of the progression of modern coaster companies...

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Here I can say something about the latest Morgan coaster, "Superman El Ultimo Escape" at Six Flags Mexico.


This is my home park, and I´ve ridden Superman more than a thousand times.


The layout is unique because it fits to the terrain and has a very good pre-lift section that gives some good airtimes and a high speed courve.


The max. height is 67 meters, and at the bottom of the first drop, the train turns about 30 degrees to the right, and the rest of the trak is more like other Morgan coasters (Helixes, mid brake, and cammelbacks). This midbrake usually does not reduces speed of the train, only when 3 trains are on operation.


Superman is the #1 coaster of most of the park vissitors and Mexican coaster enthusiast.


I could include some POV of the coaster, but no POV on YouTube is legal, so I wont until I found or record one with the park permission.

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I can only speak for Mamba on which I had a great time. That headchopper helix gets me evertime. I always find myself ducking on that last support!


My only real complaint is that the train seats could use a little more padding. After 3 rides in a row, I felt like I had to "hover" so I didn't keep bumping my tailbone. But then again, I have no ass...

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I guess in short, I'm saying that Morgan's originality may not be the highest in the market, but I do believe they are starting to make some more original coasters.


Not trying to pick on you but you should check out the time lines for when the rides you mention were built.
I really don't know what you're talking about

He's trying to say that you stated "Morgan...are starting to make some more original coasters..." but Morgan hasn't actually had a coaster built since 2004 (and technically that one was produced in 2002.)


So when you say "They are starting to..." doesn't really make sense because you're implying that they are an "up and coming" design firm yet they haven't actually designed a coaster in about 8 years.




Well, I wasn't really looking at the year, I was looking at the chronology, if that makes sense.


And also, I wasn't talking only about Morgan, just the topic of all Morgans being the same made me think of the progression of modern coaster companies...


While there are companies making huge progression, I don't think B&M should really be listed, but hear me out. Griffon isnt really that original of a ride, it's a slightly altered Sheikra with a 2nd inversion (of course it still looks great). Also Behemoth and Diamondback look pretty much the same to me, their element line up is pretty damn similar in relation to each other. Of course Manta is a pretty good original layout, but it really doesnt push the envelope in anything (when not crediting theming). There's also a huge difference between cloned rides and similar rides. If Six Flags and other parks that had bought BTR's wanted a different layout, they would have asked for it, it wasnt B&M being lazy.


So while B&M has progressed over the years, I find that it's nothing too major, Gerstlauer and Intamin would probably have been better choices.


I also think that Morgan really hasnt done anything innovative, Phantom's Revenge is their most innovative, and that was partially due to Arrow's great work on the first 2 drops, and Morgan's own creativity.

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Rob already addressed most of it - in pointing out that you can't really say a company is "starting to make more original designs" when they aren't making any designs, at all. There's no trend to see when nothing's getting built. I just don't know how you can say that about Morgan with any authority.


For example: take companies like B&M, whose first inverted coasters were stream of mass produced Batman themed rides. Now a-days though, B&M makes many original coasters such as Manta, Griffon, and The Incredible Hulk.


I guess in short, I'm saying that Morgan's originality may not be the highest in the market, but I do believe they are starting to make some more original coasters.


You're also way off with the B&M timeline. The first inverted coaster they built was B:TR in SFGAm, but just a year later they built Top Gun at Great America which is very different, and then Raptor in 1994 which is (imo) one of the most creative coasters ever built, and then Montu showing up two years later and then Alpie one year after that in 1997.


That Batman clones were built over a time span of 1992 to 2002 (someone correct me if there's been a more recent one) so to imply that B&M first built a bunch of clones and then got progressively more creative over time is wrong, because they were making really unique inverted designs within a year of the first one being built.


All of this is completely beside the point, though, because designers build want the parks want. You can't really slam a designer for building a lot of clones or similar coasters because that's what the parks want, just like you can't give a builder full credit for a really creative design because ultimately it's the park writing the check.

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Rob already addressed most of it - in pointing out that you can't really say a company is "starting to make more original designs" when they aren't making any designs, at all. There's no trend to see when nothing's getting built. I just don't know how you can say that about Morgan with any authority.


For example: take companies like B&M, whose first inverted coasters were stream of mass produced Batman themed rides. Now a-days though, B&M makes many original coasters such as Manta, Griffon, and The Incredible Hulk.


I guess in short, I'm saying that Morgan's originality may not be the highest in the market, but I do believe they are starting to make some more original coasters.


You're also way off with the B&M timeline. The first inverted coaster they built was B:TR in SFGAm, but just a year later they built Top Gun at Great America which is very different, and then Raptor in 1994 which is (imo) one of the most creative coasters ever built, and then Montu showing up two years later and then Alpie one year after that in 1997.


That Batman clones were built over a time span of 1992 to 2002 (someone correct me if there's been a more recent one) so to imply that B&M first built a bunch of clones and then got progressively more creative over time is wrong, because they were making really unique inverted designs within a year of the first one being built.


All of this is completely beside the point, though, because designers build want the parks want. You can't really slam a designer for building a lot of clones or similar coasters because that's what the parks want, just like you can't give a builder full credit for a really creative design because ultimately it's the park writing the check.


I think everyone is missing the point I was trying to make. I wasn't quite referring the the exact coasters, I was simply noticing that B&M was branching out and still is, no one can deny that. Over the years they experimented with stand up coaster, sit down coasters, inverted coaster, one launch coaster, and flying coasters.


What I was talking about with Morgan wasn't really to do with year the most recent one was built. I also think many of you were under the assumption that i was referring to the generality of morgan. I was actually referring to the small improvements they made in their track. If you ride the most recent morgans, I often find that they shuffle a lot less than the older ones. This is true with most any coaster, BUT when you look at the early Morgan blueprints (I have had the chance to see a few) you might notice the way they played with their design and got it a lot smoother. Also, some of the more recent ones are some of the more forceless ones, so one might argue that they were getting worse at the end of their days. In fact, some earlier models had some nice ejector seat in certain rows, but really batter you around in the back.


Keep in mind this is just my observation, kind of like me thinking aloud. Don't get too bent out of shape about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Steel Eel in the backseat is a definite contender for "Best Air Time Ever!"


I do not know why I did not list it as being my favorite coaster, I think I loved the air so much, but wished for some helixes too, because I think I went on this before Goliath at MM was made, and Goliath at MM just blew me away and left me bewildered and in awe, which Steel Eel did on every every single drop except for the somewhat painful bunny hills, but, hmmm...


i've been on magnum too, i didn't like it so much for whatever reasons.


Mamba seemed to only be good because of first drop and the second hill, but i only got air on the second hill in the front seat.


this is really strange to me, i was so terrified of Goliath and its first drop, and not steel eel, both were ridden during the year 2000

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She's a dirty whore.


Ohh, wait, we're talking about the Chance-Morgan coaster company.


Well...I've only been on one, Steel Force. While it's a "fun" ride, and I really enjoy all coasters...I'd have to say, I'm not surprised that it's been 5 years since they've gotten any business.


Even conservative companies like Bolliger & Mabillard update their designs/trains periodically. Morgan has pretty much stuck to the same exact thing for years and years. Sure, their coasters are fun, but they don't compare to the competition. What incentive would a park have to buy a Morgan hypercoaster, when they can consult Intamin or B&M and get a more popular design, and spend the same amount on steel? If they could come up with a design that could eclipse their rivals, they'd probably get a decent amount of business.


That being said, it almost seems like they're on a coaster-building hiatus. Does anyone know if they even submit bids for projects to parks anymore?

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She's a dirty whore.


Ohh, wait, we're talking about the Chance-Morgan coaster company.


Well...I've only been on one, Steel Force. While it's a "fun" ride, and I really enjoy all coasters...I'd have to say, I'm not surprised that it's been 5 years since they've gotten any business.


Even conservative companies like Bolliger & Mabillard update their designs/trains periodically. Morgan has pretty much stuck to the same exact thing for years and years. Sure, their coasters are fun, but they don't compare to the competition. What incentive would a park have to buy a Morgan hypercoaster, when they can consult Intamin or B&M and get a more popular design, and spend the same amount on steel? If they could come up with a design that could eclipse their rivals, they'd probably get a decent amount of business.


That being said, it almost seems like they're on a coaster-building hiatus. Does anyone know if they even submit bids for projects to parks anymore?


This is a really good point...

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The only one I've been on is Steel Force, but I love it. I think Morgans are great options for parks who want hypers but can't afford a B&M or Intamin version. I'm surprised Cedar Fair didn't add one to Michigan's Adventure back when Morgans were still in style.

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With shame, I've only ridden the Santa Monica West Coaster and Quicksilver Express at Gilroy Gardens. It doesn't help that I don't get out much and that none of Morgan's big coasters are here in California.


But what I have ridden was at least fun. Hopefully I'll get to sample others someday.



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I think they don't realize what Phantom's Revenge accomplished. People (as well as myself) LOVE this coaster. The ejector air is GREAT, and the general feeling of the ride is more extreme, unlike most of their others, which I haven't ridden but seem (at least from most people's perspectives), more tame.


If they would take a good hard look at PR, and stop making the same "3 big straight drops, big helix, MCBR, big bunny hop" style hyper, they could probably start to contend with the leaders in the coaster building industry.

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