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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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Gov Cuomo released the plans for reopening of businesses in NYS last week. Based on that, amusement parks would fall into phase 4 and it will be a minimum of 6 weeks from May 15th that DL would be able to even considering opening. That's also based on Genesee county entering phase 1 on the 15th and hitting the required metrics to advance to the next phase every 2 weeks.


That would put earliest possible opening (barring setbacks) on June 27th, with a more realistic date being a couple of weeks later. I am also assuming hiring, training, and maintenance can take place after entering phase 1 or 2.

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I'd imagine that construction for the new slide could get underway as early as tomorrow as long as the park is still committed to building it this year.


As far as the reopening process is concerned, Darien Lake would likely be allowed to open whenever Genesee County enters phase 4 and they could realistically spend the weeks leading up to opening by training their employees while still practicing social distancing. However, in the event of a spike in cases then the risk of not opening back up becomes greater. From my understanding, Genesee County could reach phase 2 but if the number of hospitalizations went up in the Finger Lakes region then the county could be stuck in phase 2 or go back to phase 1 with the worst-case scenario involving everything that isn't essential closing back up. No matter what happens, I think Genesee County is at a much lower risk compared to the rest of the Finger Lakes region, but if Monroe County sees a spike in hospitalizations then the rest of the region is affected as far as heading in the wrong direction is concerned. Also, Erie County will be lagging behind as they aren't entering phase 1 on Friday, and when you think about it there are a lot of people from Erie who either work at the park or visit regularly. That isn't necessarily a huge problem, but it is something to keep in mind.


Another question is whether or not all the rides would be allowed to open back up. It may not be as easy to practice social distancing on certain rides, and you'll have to make sure the seats on all the rides are properly cleaned. There may be limitations regarding how far apart you are from other people on rides.

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The fact that the park is in Genesee County could be super beneficial to getting the park back open sooner. Honestly I was somewhat surprised that they labeled it as the Finger Lakes region, given its close ties with WNY. If the park was in Erie County, the wait would be so much higher for a park opening, if at all. Here’s to hoping that the Phase 1 numbers don’t get nasty, and we can progress to an opening of some sorts!

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I'd imagine that construction for the new slide could get underway as early as tomorrow as long as the park is still committed to building it this year.


As far as the reopening process is concerned, Darien Lake would likely be allowed to open whenever Genesee County enters phase 4 and they could realistically spend the weeks leading up to opening by training their employees while still practicing social distancing. However, in the event of a spike in cases then the risk of not opening back up becomes greater. From my understanding, Genesee County could reach phase 2 but if the number of hospitalizations went up in the Finger Lakes region then the county could be stuck in phase 2 or go back to phase 1 with the worst-case scenario involving everything that isn't essential closing back up. No matter what happens, I think Genesee County is at a much lower risk compared to the rest of the Finger Lakes region, but if Monroe County sees a spike in hospitalizations then the rest of the region is affected as far as heading in the wrong direction is concerned. Also, Erie County will be lagging behind as they aren't entering phase 1 on Friday, and when you think about it there are a lot of people from Erie who either work at the park or visit regularly. That isn't necessarily a huge problem, but it is something to keep in mind.


Another question is whether or not all the rides would be allowed to open back up. It may not be as easy to practice social distancing on certain rides, and you'll have to make sure the seats on all the rides are properly cleaned. There may be limitations regarding how far apart you are from other people on rides.


Gawd. Darien Lake is probably the biggest issue for Monroe County at this point. I'm not sure how you realistically social distance at a theme park.


I don't see DL opening in any normal capacity any time soon. Construction will continue as the mandates allow. There at this point (May 15th) doesn't seem to be any reason to prevent construction.


I'd imagine this season is a wash at least until August.

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I agree with Phase on this one. Social distancing at a theme park is going to be very difficult. It will be pretty much every other seat on the coasters and flat rides. TBH, the only true ride at the park i can see running at full capacity is Moose on the Loose

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I could see Genesee Co. Hitting phase 4 by July, which I believe means social distancing isnt necessary.


You sir, are optimistic. At this point, the only way masks are going away this year, is if people down right refuse to wear them. Although as the weather gets nicer, people are becoming less and less tolerant of the masks and social distancing.


Really it comes down to the local law enforcement and if they are willing to enforce these mandates when a large group challenges them. Law enforcement outside of large cities tend to be Republican, and as best as I can tell have been unwilling to enforce these mandates - which as elected officials, it is their job to read the desire of the community.


At the end of the day it's doubtful DL will be the ones to determine anything. It will be SF and what they are doing in 90% of the country that is in some form already open.

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Really it comes down to the local law enforcement and if they are willing to enforce these mandates when a large group challenges them. Law enforcement outside of large cities tend to be Republican, and as best as I can tell have been unwilling to enforce these mandates - which as elected officials, it is their job to read the desire of the community.


Speaking as a LEO with almost 14 years on the job, you are making a lot of assumptions. You'd be surprised how many LEOs, even in suburban and rural areas, have more liberal beliefs. Most of us are unionized, and a lot are very anti-private-gun-ownership, so you have to take that into account.


Also, the only "elected" LEO are Sheriffs...as in THE Sheriff, not the deputies that make up the actual department. Everyone else is hired, either by the Chief/Sheriff/Commissioner, or in the cases of Chiefs/Commissioners, the local government (mayor/council/etc.).


Finally, it doesn't matter what the rank-and-file believe, it matters what the Chief/Sheriff/Commissioner believes, since they're the ones issuing directives to those actually out on the street. I can't speak for my entire profession, but if my boss tells me to write someone a ticket for not wearing a mask or lose my job, you can bet that person is getting that ticket. Personally, I think the masks and social distancing stuff is ridiculous, but I wear a mask when there's a sign on the door to the business telling me to, and would write a ticket if so instructed, because it's not a big enough affront to my personal moral code to justify losing my career over.


Not trying to derail the topic, just provide some perspective on what law enforcement will or won't enforce.

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Yes. Sheriffs are elected. Police chiefs are appointed by elected officials. Yes, the rank and file are accountable to their bosses. A miscommunication perhaps, but no assumptions.


I was more trying to point out this is a huge mess with 3 different layers. Elected officials, law enforcement, and voters - and at times none of these parties are on the same page.


I'm just not sure how we get through this when police and mayors/governors are not on the same page, or even worse, when the TX Gov. issues a mandate, and then faults the law for enforcing said law. No matter how you feel about it, it's mind boggling.


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Expectedly, the Amphitheater has lost all its shows this season, including the Kingdom Bound festival, which was canceled today. Park attendance is going to be very light this year regardless of restrictions.

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There are a couple on RCDB from the inside when it was at Great Escape. Just of the entrance etc. Nothing showing the ride with lights on. I think this link will bring up pictures of the ride in general at other parks... assuming all the Jetstar models match and they didn't make modifications. I have no clue.



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