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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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Techincally Verbolten does use the terrain. Its the same last drop that BBW had using the terrain.


Yes, I realize that. I'm just saying that they could have made the ride, and have it be very similar, without that exact spot being used. The terrain isn't as important to the ride experience as it was on BBW, or would be (potentially) on a Flying Coaster. As someone who is very nostalgic, I am at least glad that they DID re-use that diving spot on Verbolten, as a tribute to BBW!

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How about a little InvadR update? There isn't anything "vertical," of course, but the park has been making progress preparing the site in Fort New France, and they've added some new signs to their construction walls. These photos were taken from the train, the path to the LeScoot log flume, and the bridge near Alpengeist.


Now, just to make sure we're all on the same page here, it's pronounced "Invad . . .


. . . R"! At least the folks on the train emphasize the "R." The "TM" is, I presume, silent.


Rounding the bend into the construction zone (not far from the Festhaus).


Hmm--looks like something's afoot here.


Perhaps, a "footer"? At least that's what I think it is, but this stairway of concrete and rebar could be serving some other purpose.


Looking at the site under part of LeScoot, from the train.


Lots of signs on the construction walls now.


So, you can be a villager, a hot warrior chick . . .


. . . or a mascot for a certain football team in Minnesota.


Best start girding your loins for war!


So, they're being protected from the coaster the Vikings are building?


Those Vikings certainly are destructive.


Darn those darn ol' Vikings and all their digging! At least they're respecting the Chesapeake Bay Watershed by putting up those erosion barricades.


Here's an overhead, through-the-trees" shot of the construction site. The covered area is part of the LeScoot queue.


One last look at a bit of concrete-and-rebar work from the Alpengeist bridge.


Trappers' Village has a tough defense, but their offense in the "red zone" is questionable. That's all for now.

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It's going to be a big change for New France--which hasn't seen any "big changes" in years (except for when they built the new Trappers Smokehouse).

Edited by cfc
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It's going to be a big change for New France--which hasn't seen any "big changes" in years (except for when they built the new Trappers Smokehouse).


And tore down the Canadian Palladium to install the Scrambler. Cannot ever forgive them for that since the Palladium is where I wrote and directed many country shows from 1994-1997.




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It's going to be a big change for New France--which hasn't seen any "big changes" in years (except for when they built the new Trappers Smokehouse).


And tore down the Canadian Palladium to install the Scrambler. Cannot ever forgive them for that since the Palladium is where I wrote and directed many country shows from 1994-1997.


But at least they kept a flat ride, which was popular with kids and families.

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I figured Kings Dominions was a better one day park, Busch Gardens definitely looked more like a 2 day park with everything in it.

You figured right. Good call.


yep. .don't skip the shows. .they are (for the most part) very good.

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I figured Kings Dominions was a better one day park, Busch Gardens definitely looked more like a 2 day park with everything in it.

You figured right. Good call.


yep. .don't skip the shows. .they are (for the most part) very good.


I was thinking more along the lines of gorging myself on all the food lol, do all the rides one day, then just pig out the next. #fatkidprobs

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I figured Kings Dominions was a better one day park, Busch Gardens definitely looked more like a 2 day park with everything in it.

You figured right. Good call.


yep. .don't skip the shows. .they are (for the most part) very good.


I was thinking more along the lines of gorging myself on all the food lol, do all the rides one day, then just pig out the next. #fatkidprobs


you can eat the great gelato while watching the show in Italy! (it's a restaurant setting with seating at tables anyways)

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It's going to be a big change for New France--which hasn't seen any "big changes" in years (except for when they built the new Trappers Smokehouse).


And tore down the Canadian Palladium to install the Scrambler. Cannot ever forgive them for that since the Palladium is where I wrote and directed many country shows from 1994-1997.


Piano John,

OUCH! That must have been a bummer. Great memories literally "scrambled." Looks like those were fun times for you, the cast - and the audience! I used to do dinner theater and I don't even WANT to know what many of those lovely wooden barn-like structures have become. Parking lots?!? Theme parks would be nice....but somehow, I doubt that that's been their fates.



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The original version of Howl-o-Scream's "Monster Stomp" show used to be in the Canadian Palladium, too--and the little theater was often crammed full (it eventually moved to the Abbey Stone in Ireland and then to the Globe in England). That space was a bit cramped.

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Thanks for the update, Chuck. I hope this ride and/or queue has some good interaction with Le Scoot.


Yeah, it looks like the coaster will have some great synergy with the log flume.

I love it when a new ride is built around another. A totally new experience for the old one

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If their theming of Cobra's Curse is any indication of the theming that will be added to this ride, it will be a great additional to the park.


We'll see. I'd like them to go a little crazy with theming on this ride.

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I was thinking the same thing. It would be cool to see some of the coaster's track wrap and turn around a giant Viking ship.


With them starting so early on this ride (for a mid size wooden coaster) it makes me think extensive theming like Cobras Curse will be part of this.

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