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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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Normally I'd be very bummed about the OTSR ruining the potentially awesome hang time this ride will offer. However, if that means more people can ride it I support that decision 100% and think it's a great idea. Besides, I'm sure it will still feel very cool regardless.

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^ They want the ride to be safe for people with disabilities to ride.

Why not only certain seats then? I doubt people with disabilities represent 100% of the guests that will ride Tempesto.


And while it's indeed great to trying to accommodate as much guest as possible, well, at some point it becomes ridiculous. And right here we're close to that, because those harnesses will induce longer loading time and unnecessary discomfort for a great part of the riders...

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^ They want the ride to be safe for people with disabilities to ride.

Why not only certain seats then? I doubt people with disabilities represent 100% of the guests that will ride Tempesto.


And while it's indeed great to trying to accommodate as much guest as possible, well, at some point it becomes ridiculous. And right here we're close to that, because those harnesses will induce longer loading time and unnecessary discomfort for a great part of the riders...


If they're trying to make it more big-person friendly then I'm gonna laugh....Because I'm in the process of slimming down so I can fit more comfortably in coasters. Hey, already lost a few pounds, go me

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And while it's indeed great to trying to accommodate as much guest as possible, well, at some point it becomes ridiculous. And right here we're close to that, because those harnesses will induce longer loading time and unnecessary discomfort for a great part of the riders...

This is just personal opinion, but accommodating for guests with disabilities never becomes ridiculous. I'm not saying that every roller coaster in the world should be retrofitted with shoulder harnesses to accommodate the disabled, but if a park wants to make sure that someone with a physical disability won't get left behind as their friends and family go ride the park's exhilarating new roller coaster, I say let them go for it. I'm willing to be a little less comfortable during a ride that lasts less than two minutes if it meant more people could experience it with me.

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I love it for the fact that it will accommodate more rider, especially guest with disabilities. I don't like it for how it looks like it will scrape your ears off when putting it on or taking it off.


They look flexible. Some are closer than others. I doubt it will actually be that narrow of a gap.

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And while it's indeed great to trying to accommodate as much guest as possible, well, at some point it becomes ridiculous. And right here we're close to that, because those harnesses will induce longer loading time and unnecessary discomfort for a great part of the riders...

This is just personal opinion, but accommodating for guests with disabilities never becomes ridiculous. I'm not saying that every roller coaster in the world should be retrofitted with shoulder harnesses to accommodate the disabled, but if a park wants to make sure that someone with a physical disability won't get left behind as their friends and family go ride the park's exhilarating new roller coaster, I say let them go for it. I'm willing to be a little less comfortable during a ride that lasts less than two minutes if it meant more people could experience it with me.


Yes, ok, but why ALL the seats then?

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And while it's indeed great to trying to accommodate as much guest as possible, well, at some point it becomes ridiculous. And right here we're close to that, because those harnesses will induce longer loading time and unnecessary discomfort for a great part of the riders...

This is just personal opinion, but accommodating for guests with disabilities never becomes ridiculous. I'm not saying that every roller coaster in the world should be retrofitted with shoulder harnesses to accommodate the disabled, but if a park wants to make sure that someone with a physical disability won't get left behind as their friends and family go ride the park's exhilarating new roller coaster, I say let them go for it. I'm willing to be a little less comfortable during a ride that lasts less than two minutes if it meant more people could experience it with me.


Yes, ok, but why ALL the seats then?


So they can sit wherever they want, just like you.

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a violent windy storm.

synonyms: storm, gale, hurricane; More


This would work if it was themed to a storm, but the theme still seems like they didn't want to give up Diavolo.

The ride is based on a daredevil whose name was "Tempesto", according to the leaked ride description on the website.

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