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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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^Do not mourn for Drachen Fire. It would not have mourned for you.


It may not be the most beloved coaster of all time, but Drachen Fire is the ride that turned me into a coaster fanatic. I'm always going to miss it.


It was said that, as a general rule, BGw doesn't "soft open" rides, but management and policies change.


I was there the day they "soft opened" Mach Tower, so I'm quite sure it does happen, if rarely.

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Technically speaking they may not soft open rides (saves face, complaints, etc.), but nearly all their new attractions opened before official opening dates as far back as I remember (considerable long time; grew up there & KD). Granted, it was pre-current ownership.


Speaking of, attractions have *consistently* opened much later versus the past. I find that's an interesting difference.

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I was just thinking that a well-themed wing-rider would be great for Busch Gardens next coaster. (I know, I know, we have at least another 2 years to wait.) Ireland doesn't have a coaster yet, and looking at google maps, there's a large wooded section behind Europe In The Air or whatever it's called. The coaster could weave through there and go over the bridge from the bus parking lots... I'm sure the next coaster would go where Drachen Fire was or something though.

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I was just thinking that a well-themed wing-rider would be great for Busch Gardens next coaster. (I know, I know, we have at least another 2 years to wait.) Ireland doesn't have a coaster yet, and looking at google maps, there's a large wooded section behind Europe In The Air or whatever it's called. The coaster could weave through there and go over the bridge from the bus parking lots... I'm sure the next coaster would go where Drachen Fire was or something though.


I think what you meant was another 3-4 years to wait before you will see another major coaster at BGW. Griffon opened in 2007 and this new addition comes in 2012. Most major coasters added over the last 20 years at this park have been 4-5 years apart. Unless things drastically change in their long term capital improvement plans, I don't think you will see another major coaster until 2016 at the earliest. Especially, with the money BGW dropped on this coaster. Like its the most expensive attraction added in the park's history to date?


I do agree that the Ireland section is ripe for a coaster. Course, that has been a hope of many folks for the last say 25-30 years now. As far as the next coaster being a B&M, it will be interesting to see if BGW goes back to B&M for their nest coaster project. This new coaster is the first major non-B&M coaster since, well ironically, The Big Bad Wolf. With an Intamin added in Tampa and this being a coaster from Zierer, who knows who the next coaster manufacturer will be.

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I'm going to be in Williamsburg the week of June 10th, what should I expect in terms of lines?

Well at the beginning of the day Apollo's Chariot has no wait at all. But around 12:00 it could be an hour wait. Griffon will probley get another hour wait. Verbolten? Well I have no idea! I would guess an hour to an hour and a half. Now alpengeist usually gets a long line midday but at early morning or at night it only has a station wait. Will you be getting Quick Queue Unlimited?

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^ That is a tad bit too much overestimating. If you are going to the park from that Sunday June 10 to Friday June 15 you should be fine even without a quick queue. You will probably only see lines during the peak time of the afternoon other than that it should be station waits except for Verbolten which will probably have a line all day since it is new. Not counting the addition of Verbolten, if you wanted to marathon the others and you are there right at 10 when they open the 3 B&M's you could easily marathon ride if you want. I've easily got 10 rides in an hour a few times then just chill the rest of the day.


And the most important factor of the week you are going, school is still going on. That will definitely keep the crowds down.

Edited by Homeboy23
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It was said that, as a general rule, BGw doesn't "soft open" rides, but management and policies change.


I don't recall Griffon "soft opening," by the way. I'm not saying that it didn't happen, I just don't recall hearing about it. (There was an ACE media event before Griffon's debut, though.)




OK, I stand corrected.

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As far as the next coaster being a B&M, it will be interesting to see if BGW goes back to B&M for their nest coaster project. This new coaster is the first major non-B&M coaster since, well ironically, The Big Bad Wolf.


Drachen Fire?


It was a B&M "design" implemented by Arrow IIRC...


B&M was just a small company then and didn't have the means to do multiple installs. Around that time they were also unveiling Batman and some stand ups. Busch wanted two sister coasters and BGT got Kumba, while BGW got Drachen Fire from Arrow based upon a design from B&M.

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I'm going to be in Williamsburg the week of June 10th, what should I expect in terms of lines?


June 10th is a big Graduation Day for many high school students in the Virginia Area. I would guess that the park would have moderate crowds.


If I had to guess lines... I would say Apollo at its peak would maintain a 40 minute to an hour wait. Griffon's line never gets over 45 mins on crowded days especially when running three trains. Aplingeist is always of worry, on slightly busy days the line can run through half its switch backs and get at least an hour. Loch Ness is always a must ride, but by midday dues its slightly slower operations it can happen across a 30 min to hour line.


My recommendation.


Get your coaster riding in by noon and then take in the scenery of the park, go to Festhaus, go ride DarKastle, see the Celtic Fyre show... Lines after noon are rather lengthy until around 430 to 5.


As said above, the enigma is how is the opening of Verbolten going to after those lines? toss a coin cause I cant predict that. The coaster is said to be able to churn through 2400 riders an hour which is not too bad. It will have 5 trains running and each cycle is around 90 seconds (rumored, I do not know). Its line could be 2 hours, it could 30 mins. won't know until opening weekend.

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As far as the next coaster being a B&M, it will be interesting to see if BGW goes back to B&M for their nest coaster project. This new coaster is the first major non-B&M coaster since, well ironically, The Big Bad Wolf.


Drachen Fire?


I stand corrected. That one has come and gone in my head as it did in the park!


I still think the top 2 wishes for new attractions at BGW was 1) a new major coaster situated somewhere between Ireland and England and the parking lots; 2) A new country (I would think that this would be done over at least a 2 year period).


It appears that all existing areas of the park have gotten a refreshing over the last 10-12 years when the new attraction(s) in that particular area were added. (Apollo's Chariot for Italy; Ireland makeover for the old Hastings area; Griffon for France/New France, Sesame Street Kids area and Clydesdale barn makeover for England/Scotland and Finally, the 2 year makeover for Octoberfest with Mach Tower and Verbolten. Maybe in the next 3-5 years we might see one of the above come to fruition.

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I'm going to be in Williamsburg the week of June 10th, what should I expect in terms of lines?


June 10th is a big Graduation Day for many high school students in the Virginia Area. I would guess that the park would have moderate crowds.


If I had to guess lines... I would say Apollo at its peak would maintain a 40 minute to an hour wait. Griffon's line never gets over 45 mins on crowded days especially when running three trains. Aplingeist is always of worry, on slightly busy days the line can run through half its switch backs and get at least an hour. Loch Ness is always a must ride, but by midday dues its slightly slower operations it can happen across a 30 min to hour line.


My recommendation.


Get your coaster riding in by noon and then take in the scenery of the park, go to Festhaus, go ride DarKastle, see the Celtic Fyre show... Lines after noon are rather lengthy until around 430 to 5.


As said above, the enigma is how is the opening of Verbolten going to after those lines? toss a coin cause I cant predict that. The coaster is said to be able to churn through 2400 riders an hour which is not too bad. It will have 5 trains running and each cycle is around 90 seconds (rumored, I do not know). Its line could be 2 hours, it could 30 mins. won't know until opening weekend.


Thanks to everyone who responded. The plan so far is to be in King's Dominion on Sunday and Monday, then drive to Williamsburg for a mixture of historical stuff to appease the wife, and a day or two at BGW, with us leaving town on Friday or Saturday. I'm pretty stoked, never been to either park.

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Wish me Luck...


A friend was just tagged in a post on Facebook saying the ride is soft open today!!! I am getting in the car and making the 2 hour trip with my fingers crossed.

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Busch Gardens just posted on their Facebook that the ride is soft-opening today - stop by the entrance to see if you can ride!


It could be your lucky day … If you’re in the park you may get a chance to ride our new coaster, Verbolten. This multi-launch coaster is running in preview mode, so stop by the ride entrance to see if you can brave the Black Forest. We can’t promise everyone will get to ride today, but we wanted to let you know about the opportunity. And don’t forget … Verbolten officially opens May 18.


According to the comments, the line is stretching down to the bridge between Germany and Italy!

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Busch Gardens just posted on their Facebook that the ride is soft-opening today - stop by the entrance to see if you can ride!


It could be your lucky day … If you’re in the park you may get a chance to ride our new coaster, Verbolten. This multi-launch coaster is running in preview mode, so stop by the ride entrance to see if you can brave the Black Forest. We can’t promise everyone will get to ride today, but we wanted to let you know about the opportunity. And don’t forget … Verbolten officially opens May 18.


According to the comments, the line is stretching down to the bridge between Germany and Italy!


Too bad I'm way too ill to make it to the park today (stupid head cold). Oh well, I'll be there for Media Day on Thursday.


Somebody should try and record some videos of the ride, from the safety of the walkways and viewing areas.

This is what you meant to say, right?


BGW will be selling onride videos of Verbolten, by the way. But, as Scott says, no loose items, such as cameras, are allowed.

Edited by cfc
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