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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 468: Loch Ness Monster Media Day Report

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I liked the Wolf, but it had become quite the maintenance nightmare. Never found it particularly rough, either. I'm glad that Verbolten pays some tribute to BBW, too.


There's always an initial rush of folks who both over- and under-praise a new atrraction. Personally, it looks like the park got the ride it wanted with Verbolten. Looking forward to tomorrow!

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I'd like to petition the moderators for a new word filter. With Verbolten being close to opening, can we make sure the term "V-Bolt" is never used to describe this coaster? It just makes my head hurt, and it's an idiotic nickname. And if anyone refers to it as "Boltie," the permaban should be dropped on them.

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I'd like to petition the moderators for a new word filter. With Verbolten being close to opening, can we make sure the term "V--Bolt" is never used to describe this coaster? It just makes my head hurt, and it's an idiotic nickname.

Agreed! And Done!

Edited by robbalvey
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^I'd call it a "win-win" solution. Lazy people don't have to type out the full name, and picky people don't have to be annoyed with the shortened versions.

Edited by cfc
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^The only such nickname I've ever cared for was "Nessie" for the Loch Ness Monster.


Still such a great coaster, and always going to be a favorite of mine. I'm even wearing my Loch Ness Monster t-shirt today! ^^

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And if anyone refers to it as "Boltie," the permaban should be dropped on them.


Adding an "...ie" to the end of a coaster is reserved only for Cedar Point coasters.






^The only such nickname I've ever cared for was "Nessie" for the Loch Ness Monster.



I always thought Millennium Force should be nick named Milf, in which case Nessie and Milf would be the only acceptible coaster nick names in the world.

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And if anyone refers to it as "Boltie," the permaban should be dropped on them.


Adding an "...ie" to the end of a coaster is reserved only for Cedar Point coasters.






^The only such nickname I've ever cared for was "Nessie" for the Loch Ness Monster.



I always thought Millennium Force should be nick named Milf, in which case Nessie and Milf would be the only acceptible coaster nick names in the world.


MILF....are you sure about that?...lol

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Millennium Force can't be called MILF... Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor already has that nickname copyrighted with the theme park nerds.


Back to Williamsburg, I hope the park does A LOT more landscaping throughout the ride course, event building, and bridge/drop... the area around it isn't looking too "most beautiful theme park in the world"ish at the moment.

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Why is it people have this expectation of perfect landscaping and a huge lush forests when 3 months ago it was a mound of dirt with concrete here and there.

It takes TIME to grow stuff (even at Busch Gardens!) look at this video from Busch Gardens media day at Big Bad Wolf in 1984. DIRT everywhere, but in a few years time it grows in very nicely. BBW final years had it going through a jungle practically. Give nature some time.




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Millennium Force can't be called MILF... Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor already has that nickname copyrighted with the theme park nerds.


Back to Williamsburg, I hope the park does A LOT more landscaping throughout the ride course, event building, and bridge/drop... the area around it isn't looking too "most beautiful theme park in the world"ish at the moment.


Or is it because of the other thing it stands for?

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Back to Williamsburg, I hope the park does A LOT more landscaping throughout the ride course, event building, and bridge/drop... the area around it isn't looking too "most beautiful theme park in the world"ish at the moment.


Remember, up until a week or two ago, there were still cranes and other pieces of equipment parked next to that section of the ride.


I remember watching old 8mm footage my Dad shot of Tom Sawyer's Island at Disneyland back in the 1950s. That island was practically bald, and you could see the burning settler's cabin from all sides.


Let's be a bit patient and give BGW a chance to do the landscaping around Verbolten before we start complaining about it.

Edited by cfc
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