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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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Of course if the coaster doesn't turn out so good, everyone will question going with a prototype.


For the record I approve of KK trying to do something different.


Something Different? This is what Kentucky Kingdom was always about back in the day. I am sure being different is going to be the title of this park in the future as well.


Yes, KK's strategy in building this ride in different than the approach taken by many parks. I wasn't questioning the history of previous KK decisions, just applauding their current decision.

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One thing I've never understood about those two is El Condor's layout is more akin to the current SLC layout whereas T2's layout is very clearly protoype-ish.

El Condor and T2 are both SLC prototypes. The layouts are the same.

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Can someone in the Louisville area go take some pictures of Lightning Run?


The park is on fairground property, so it's tough to get close to without paying to get in. There's not a good road close to Lightning Run to get pictures without paying.

There's days when there's nothing going on (or nothing major at least), so getting in is totally free. That, or you tell the toll booth person to hand you a voucher that'll refund you if you make it out within 30 minutes.


Kinda sad I know this stuff, but eh. If you want any photos of Lightning Run, here's one I made on March 9...


By now, the drop after this hill is completed, and reached the ground.

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I'm excited to give this park a try for the first time this coming summer. I never got to it before it closed and now it's looking like they'll have a fantastic new coaster to tout. I'm loving the look of Lightning Run. I really hope this trend of small, high thrill, high intensity coasters continues because they're excellent. Thanks everyone for all the updates.

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