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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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I see no way this can happen unless 2 rides are removed and even if that happen there would be dead ends everywhere....I mean if your a SFKK fan like me it's scary to think about.... They cant remove T2 and expand out because that would cause Dead Ends but Thats the only way I see it happening unless Thunder Run leaves...(Possible?Yes it is. Thats the only major attraction in that area and it would be a straight shot back to the old twisted twins spot.)

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Dead ends bother customers not the management I don't think. And if all the rides were removed anyways, couldn't more paths just be built? It wouldn't necessarily result in that. And the whole park is laid out bad IMO, if it were to someday happen the land on the other side of the raod should be sold and then the waterpark could expand on the current side.

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Dead ends bother customers not the management I don't think. And if all the rides were removed anyways, couldn't more paths just be built? It wouldn't necessarily result in that. And the whole park is laid out bad IMO, if it were to someday happen the land on the other side of the raod should be sold and then the waterpark could expand on the current side.

Bingo. As a person visiting for the first time, I still had no clue on what bridge across the street took me where. I had no clue there was a connection from the way to Thunder Run to the area by the Giant Wheel.

The park is nice, but something has got to be done.

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SFKK turning into just a waterpark would actually be a great idea. I know how you KK fans feel about that but it gives more room for bigger and badder slides. It may even beat out Noah's Ark in years to come giving SFI another title and who doesn't want that...(Don't answer that CF Fanboys.) If you guys do close Gadv will glady take Break Dance and Enterprise off your hands.

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If the park did go I wouldn't be mad....I would be sad yes. But you have to think of it in the park's pov. It costs a lot of money to run a park and with 90% of people go to the waterpark instead of the park why would you keep the park? It makes sense. Atleast if it does happen we will get a expansion and not be forgotten like GL. It comes down to a businesses. And making it a waterpark only park make total sense. Plus it sounds like Splashwater Kingdom could be one of the best waterparks in the US if true.

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Frankly I think it would be a smart move. Think about it: instead of a bunch of so-so rides with hit or miss operations, you'd have a decent waterpark with capital investments every year. It would be good for Louisville and really draw the waterpark crowds. Here in cincy we have the Beach, a smallish size waterpark, and the waterpark at Kings Island is small and hasn't had many improvements since the big overhaul to Boomerang Bay. They could even sell some of the decent rides or move them to other parks and rebrand them as new rides, saving the chain money and making them more profitable. I think it would be a good move. Look how well it seems to have worked out for Cedar Fair with Geauga Lake...


-James Dillaman

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If they did turn SFKK into a water park, it would be one less theme park out there, which is disappointing with a greater number of parks closing than being built, but I think from a business perspective, it would make more sense. Six Flags could add Chang, T2, Greez'd Lightning, and Roadrunner as new coasters to other parks, and the water park would do well without the cost burden of the amusement park.


I think the better option would be if SFKK got a new Park President who could get that park's act together.


For some reason, the worst-run park in the SFI chain that I've been to has the best customer service out of all of them.

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the only problem of selling the park or changing the park is that the older part of the park on the park entrance side of the bridge six flags does not own. the 36 arces are leased from the fair and expo center board. so anything that involves that side of the park has to be run by the fair board first. and since the park oringinally opened as a permanent midway for the fair. i think six flags would have to fight for turning the whole park into a waterpark. that or six flags throws out the money to buy the land that is being leased.

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^SFGAm already has a stand-up coaster, so what does that mean for Iron Wolf? Stay or go? Or possibly Chang getting floorless/sit down trains? Hmm ...

If Chang will go to SFGAm, Iron Wolf will go to one of the smaller parks in the SF chain.

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Does SFGAm have room for Chang? Would make more sense to see it come to SFA... SFA has the room for it, SFA was previously approved for a B&M stand-up (before Batwing was built in its place), SFA hasn't had a new coaster since 2001, and the rumors are flying that a new steel coaster is heading to SFA for 2011...

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This has to be the dumbest rumor I've ever heard. Top five dumbest, at the very least.


Surely Six Flags doesn't believe that the best use of its money and assets is to relocate a (by that time) 14-year-old stand-up ride to one of their flagship parks that already has a stand-up ride and has no room for said 14-year-old stand-up ride unless it wants to cede still more of its parking lot.

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Chang is probably underutilized, making the MCBR look like a joke. It would probably better serve a bigger market park. I wish T2 went instead. Chang is the anchor of my interest in attending SFKK. I counted on it this past June when I attended along with some old school Greased Lightning riding.

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