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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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I think Dollywood is definitely building the better coaster, but Storm Chaser still looks to be an amazing ride. And it features inversions, which Lightning Rod does not. Both coasters will be excellent and hopefully will be successful investments for their respective parks. It is an embarrassment of riches to consider that each of these coasters is only about 3 hours away from me. 2016 is going to be a good year!!!

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I think Dollywood is definitely building the better coaster, but Storm Chaser still looks to be an amazing ride. And it features inversions, which Lightning Run does not. Both coasters will be excellent and hopefully will be successful investments for their respective parks. It is an embarrassment of riches to consider that each of these coasters is only about 3 hours away from me. 2016 is going to be a good year!!!



I agree %100! I still think Storm Chaser looks awesome, and it really is a completely different kind of coaster than Lightning Rod!

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I think Dollywood is definitely building the better coaster, but Storm Chaser still looks to be an amazing ride. And it features inversions, which Lightning Rod does not. Both coasters will be excellent and hopefully will be successful investments for their respective parks.


This was my thought after watching the Lightning Rod announcement this morning. The barrel roll first drop on Storm Chaser is still going to be awesome and I'm hoping to make my first trip to KK next year as part of a bigger trip since the dates didn't work out for me this year.

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Went to Kentucky Kingdom for the first time on Friday was pretty much done with the coasters in almost an hour. Got there at opening and walked on everything. Loved Lightning Run, amazing airtime. Thunder Run really surprised me. What a great wooden roller coaster. T3 was still bad even with the new restraints. But still an improvement from the old SLC restraints. Will definitely do the water park next time I visit and for the new RMC. Really did enjoy Kentucky Kingdom, park is really going in the right direction.

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Yeah... I might be in the minority here... but I think I'm gonna like Storm Chaser A LOT more than Lightning Rod.


I honestly want to know what possible reasoning you have for your opinion here?


Well, I can't speak for him, and I am sure I'll like Lightning Rod more, but I can see people preferring Storm Chaser. For one, if somebody likes inversions in addition to their airtime, SC gives them that. On top of normal inversions, SC has a first drop inversion, which seems like it'd be pretty mind blowing! Yes, personally, I'm more excited for LR's launched hill and dual airtime hills before the drop. But different people have different tastes in their coaster experiences. I'm sure there will be people more excited for Valravn than either of these RMC coasters, and that's ok too! I know I won't be, but that doesn't make those who feel this way wrong, or dumb...


On a different note, I was wondering, from the KK regulars, when does the park typically open for the season? Or is there no "typical" yet, since it's so new?

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^^Last year was late May, and this year was late April. I'm assuming it'll be something similar next year as it was this year.


At the end of the post-Lightning Rod announcement weekend, Kentucky Kingdom is still getting a RMC next year. Nothing to be disappointed about.

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This question got buried at the bottom of my last post, so I'm not sure if anybody noticed it, but I was wondering when KK is likely to open for the year next year? I know they've only been reopened a couple of years, so it's not like there's a "norm" to go by really. But if any KK frequenters can shed any light on this, that'd be great!

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This question got buried at the bottom of my last post, so I'm not sure if anybody noticed it, but I was wondering when KK is likely to open for the year next year? I know they've only been reopened a couple of years, so it's not like there's a "norm" to go by really. But if any KK frequenters can shed any light on this, that'd be great!


^^Last year was late May, and this year was late April. I'm assuming it'll be something similar next year as it was this year.


At the end of the post-Lightning Rod announcement weekend, Kentucky Kingdom is still getting a RMC next year. Nothing to be disappointed about.

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At the end of the post-Lightning Rod announcement weekend, Kentucky Kingdom is still getting a RMC next year. Nothing to be disappointed about.


Especially when they also have a kick ass coaster in Lightning Run. By this time next year Kentucky Kingdom will have one of the best one-two punches in the whole country.

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At the end of the post-Lightning Rod announcement weekend, Kentucky Kingdom is still getting a RMC next year. Nothing to be disappointed about.


Especially when they also have a kick A$$ coaster in Lightning Run. By this time next year Kentucky Kingdom will have one of the best one-two punches in the whole country.


I know I'll probably be accosted for this, and I know Thunder Run doesn't have much to it but it's a pretty fun coaster too so in my opinion KK will have 4 awesome coasters.

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^Actually, I did enjoy Thunder Run. It's what I wish the Hurler coasters were. ...Fun, not too rough, with actual pops of air. Heck, I even rode in the last car, though it was the front of the car. You would never catch me doing that on either Hurler.

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I visited the park this past Tuesday, their last weekday until the State Fair starts on the 20th. It had decent but light crowds, with almost every ride being a walk-on or in-station wait (minus Cyclos). I arrived sort of late in the day (3pm) and still got to lap Cyclos and each major coaster once, except for T3 which I got 6 non-consecutive laps on including being on the last train of the day! The line got especially short within the last hour the park was open, which was a surprise to me. I also squeezed two rides on Deep Water Dive and one on SkyCatcher in between lapping T3, and on my way out I got the last cycle on FearFall right as the park was closing! It was a pretty good afternoon.


Some bits of red Storm Chaser track was definitely sitting on the Top Elminator Dragster strip, and virtually every bit of Twisted Twins track seemed to have been removed from the track finally. I have some photos of the progress on the coaster posted to my Flickr account, and will have photos from Tuesday as well once I get home.

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I went to the park for the first time last week and I was really impressed. I didn't get to the park until 12 pm and it rained most of the day. Unfortuantely it closed early around 4 pm, however, I still got to ride everything I wanted to.


-The park was well maintained and decently clean. Everything seemed updated and upkept.


-Lightning Run was crazy fun. Constant ejector air, and that last bunny hop still has the strongest airtime of any coaster I've ever felt.


-Thunder Run was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. The back was quite intense.


-T3 is just as jerky as other SLC's, but no headbanging. However, it wouldn't be an SLC without pain. Now you get thigh crush to the max!


-The employees were all really friendly. They were giving out rainchecks as well but I didn't get one since I wouldn't be returning anytime soon.


-The food at the BBQ place was quite good for amusement park food and they seemed to have plenty of other options around the park.

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If any of you ever wished for a night ride at Kentucky Kingdom, tomorrow through the 30th is your chance. Kentucky Kingdom will be open until 10pm throughout the entire time the State Fair is running. This is the latest the park will be open ever since the Six Flags era. I sure can't wait to see how this'll be.

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