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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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^I'd guess it's more likely that KK & RMC quickly came to the mutual conclusion that a high-quality, dual-track makeover was not within a viable budget for the park, or that dual-track was never in the talks ... rather than RMC submitting an uninspired proposal that the park rejected.

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From day one when Ed Hart was working on reopening the park he talked about removing the duel from TT and making it into one long coaster, there was even a rumor that he wanted to connect Thunder Run's track to Storm Chaser's and make it the world's longest coaster.

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Maybe this is why KK went for a single ride - they may have not liked what RMC proposed them in terms of dueling.


It's probably a capacity thing. They have gotten the place reopened now and operated it for a while. They know how many guests the park attracts and they probably don't have the need for another coaster right now.

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I wondered if they dueled, would they be pretty close layout likes TC and ultimately, very short? Maybe this is why KK went for a single ride - they may have not liked what RMC proposed them in terms of dueling.


If the park really wanted dueling, they would have dueling. They wouldn't just settle for a single track just because it's RMC.

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I wondered if they dueled, would they be pretty close layout likes TC and ultimately, very short? Maybe this is why KK went for a single ride - they may have not liked what RMC proposed them in terms of dueling.


If the park really wanted dueling, they would have dueling. They wouldn't just settle for a single track just because it's RMC.

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I wondered if they dueled, they (the sides) would be pretty in close layout (like TC) and ultimately, each very short? Maybe this is why KK went for a single ride - they may have not liked what RMC proposed them in terms for dueling.


If the park really wanted dueling, they would have dueling. They wouldn't just settle for a single track just because it's RMC.


What I mean is that maybe they wanted one whole, varied rides instead of two similar short rides creating a longer one (that is if RMC even proposed a TC inspired layout).


And there is NO denying that both sides on TC are almost the same, save for the last turnarounds.

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Just wanted to do a (sorta) quick TR from yesterday's visit. Yesterday was a good visit to the park. It was my first time back since last year and some improvements were made and some issues were still not fixed. Some notes:


-It's clear that the park is still in the rebuilding phase as some things look unfinished and there are still many abandoned/closed buildings and stalls. Fearfall's queue stuck out to me since it has a large circular concrete pad to set up handrails in for switchbacks, but they only use a small part of it. I'd say in about 3 years the park will fully be on its feet.


-Last year, there was hardly any security. Line jumpers and obnoxious people were everywhere. This year, security was nearly everywhere and the patrons were well behaved! Kudos to them for fixing that issue.


-T3 was closed all day and may be closed today as well. Lots of maintenance guys walking up to check the lift motor so maybe that's the issue? Either way, I'm not really disappointed on missing out.


-Cylcos was too much hang time for me. I very rarely get sick on any flat ride, but this one didn't sit right with me after getting off. Not planning to repeat it any time soon. Skycatcher was okay, although it is in an extremely awkward spot. You have to walk through the water park itself to find the entrance.


-Lightning Run and Fearfall still kick ass. Thunder Run is running well.


-Operations are still very slow. The ride ops were clearly more interested in their personal conversations than actually starting to check seatbelts/lapbars.


-Funny story about the Flying Scooters. Apparently, you CAN snap the cables on it. The recent Larsons have a reputation for not being able to snap, but I definitely did it. When the "eagle" slacked it turned completely 180 degrees to fly backward for about 5 seconds before the ride finished its cycle. Then, when slowing down, my eagle slammed into the other one behind me pretty harshly. No visible damage was done to the outside of the car, but it certainly sounded like it. The ride ops were left confused saying they had never seen it before and wanted to try themselves


-While you can't see much of Storm Chaser's construction, I saw lots of cranes moving. Can't wait for it to be open!


Here's a few pictures I took from the Ferris Wheel:





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So I'm thinking about going to the park monday. What are the average wait times for rides on a monday?



You should be fine, the rides lines through the week are 15 min for most anything except T3, it can get up to 45 minutes at times.

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Wow...that wave pool looks massive! Looks like the water park sprawls all over the inside of the park versus it being located in one specific area like a lot of other parks. Kinda reminds me of the one at Hershey.


I remember going to a convention across the street a few years ago and thinking how sad the park looked all shut down. It's great to see this park open and doing good once again.

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Spent all day at the park today and things went pretty well. Lines were shorter than anticipated (even though the ops were REALLY slow)


-Fearfall's queue, as stated above, is in an awkward position. However the cutback to get to the queue is really convenient, saving you the walk all around the side of the restaurant building.


-T3 is still closed. I asked a ride op for skycatcher why it wasn't operating, and she said a piece went bad (sounding like enterprise now) and they have to wait for it from the manufacturer. I'm really hoping we don't have to wait all year for it to reopen, like last year with enterprise.


-TT's track is completely off the structure now, sitting in a corner where a helix formerly was. All that was left was a catwalk on the Lola side. It looks like since they're raising the height restriction for Storm Chaser, they may be using the lift hill from Lola for the first camelback.


-Cyclos now does 8-10 inversions, rather than then 4 it typically did when it first opened. The ops were actually decently quick with this ride.


The park has really improved since last year, despite the few eyesores here and there, but give it a couple more years and I think it'll be pretty great.

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^ It's quite the experience! The suspense is killer although I wish they didn't have a countdown. That way, the drop would be a surprise... If Holiday World would finally bite the bullet on body slides, I sure as hell hope it's a drop capsule. Deep Water Dive is one of the most intense water slides I've ever been on.

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I wouldn't call it the most intense body slide I've been on, but the length of the drop and the speed reached is definitely something I've never felt on another water slide!

-Cyclos now does 8-10 inversions, rather than then 4 it typically did when it first opened. The ops were actually decently quick with this ride.

Sheesh, really?! You mean in complete flips?! The most I've seen it do was 6 (with me onboard, it was beyond amazing). I knew Luna 360 at Coney Island did a s***-ton of flips already, so I'm assuming Cyclos just needed to warm up or something, especially considering that the first weekend it opened it averaged only 1 flip.

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