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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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Just got back from the park, the crowds are hanging in there. Waited 45 minutes for Lightning Run, with 1 car and 40 minutes for Thunder Run. Skycatcher opened this weekend, looks like it's well loved, it was packed all day. Everything is looking great around the park. They've replaced some of the Black Chain Link Fencing with regular fencing and the Landscaping is looking great. I took a few pics of the new things this week, since I posted some others last week.


Cyclos is coming along, for a May 23 rd opening


Lightning Run and Prof. Johns Flying Machines have a new Neighbor. Cyclos is moving in


Skycatcher sets between the Picnic Pavilions and The Wikiwikiw Wai Slide complex.


Rio Grande is now in King Louies Playland.

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^^ Great photos! it is sad though, that the little kids train ride really

doesn't have much theming (tunnel, flats of characters?) to it.

Then again, they may be adding stuff later. Lot of space to do it...

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Rio Grande train is definitely where it should be. I would agree in seeing some more things surrounding the ride other than bare concrete, but the previous location didn't have a whole lot as well apart from some foliage. Cyclos looks pretty good! It's a slight bummer it won't be opening sooner (like this upcoming weekend), but at least we have fixed dates to go off of for it and T3.

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T3 opens May 30? I'm going on May 31, so I really hope it doesn't get delayed!

I will be visiting the park that day as well, so I am getting a bit anxious over the delayed opening. Hopefully they stick to May 30th.


I rode it back during the SFKK days, but I am excited to see how they have attempted to make it a smoother ride. It was far from smooth when I last rode it.

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Went to the park for the first time today. It seems like it will be a really great little park once they get everything up and running. I saw Cyclos testing and it looks like a lot of fun! The park was very clean as well.


Got to the park around 1pm and went straight to Lightning Run. waited for about 45min. There was one train running, green train wasn't even on the transfer tracks. Crew was slow, unenergetic, and kind of pathetic. It wasn't just Lightning Run, just about every ride had really slow and bad ops. I take that back, Himalaya had a fun op! But wow, was Lightning Run awesome! I rode back row, only ride I got throughout the day, and was really impressed! For such a small ride it really packs a punch. Easily in my top 20.


Next I went to Prof. John's Flying Machine. I didn't want to ride it but I've heard such great things about these rides that I had to try it. It was so much fun! I felt like I was close to making it snap but I don't know if you could on it. It might have been my favorite ride at the park.


I walked around a little bit, checked out The Enterprise. Love these rides. Then went to The 5D Cinema. This would be a really cool experience if it was done with an action movie like Top Gun, Fast and Furious, something along those lines. I really like the Wizard of Oz but it was not worth the wait, best part was the air conditioning!


Headed across the street next to take a spin on Thunder Run, waited for over an hour because it broke down for about 30 minutes. I thought it was decent, rough though. I do prefer it to the Carowinds/KD Hurlers. Not worth the wait though.


Next was Sky Catcher. It really is in a strange spot, especially when the water park is still closed. I am not a fan of tower rides but I got on. Couldn't tell you much about the ride because I wasn't enjoying myself. There were decent views for the few seconds I looked up. The guy I was with really enjoyed it though. One thing that got me thinking, there is a weight limit with this ride, 300 for one person, 340 for two...How are they going to check this? There was no scale around. The guy I rode with, we totaled about 450 pounds and they didn't say a thing to us. Do you think this would cause problems in the future? Even though I was a tad terrified, there wasn't a point where I didn't feel safe. Just thought it was interesting.


I finished out the day on the Himalaya. Crowds were decent, although it seemed like every kid had a basketball...Operations were slow though. I hope it is just getting used to the new season, but they all looked like they hated their lives. I do need to head back to the park again and check more of it out. The water park looked really nice.


Okay here are a few photos now.


Park was very clean.



Loved Lightning Run! Great airtime, lots of fun.





Loved both of the rides in this picture. Prof. Johns was fantastic, really enjoyed it!


Cyclos was testing today. looked like it will be a great addition.


Looks great, line was always packed, I hate drop towers so I'll save it for another day when I grow a pair...




Fun op, made the ride enjoyable!


Don't waste your time, unless you want air conditioning!



Again, don't waste your time, unless you want air conditioning!


Looked like a nice little ride!


Terrible shot of Thunder Run, sorry


Hi T3, you'll be torturing us all very shortly


Not a fan but a great addition for the park!



Love the enterprise!


My band kids might like this!

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Went to the park for the first time today. It seems like it will be a really great little park once they get everything up and running. I saw Cyclos testing and it looks like a lot of fun! The park was very clean as well.


Got to the park around 1pm and went straight to Lightning Run. waited for about 45min. There was one train running, green train wasn't even on the transfer tracks. Crew was slow, unenergetic, and kind of pathetic. It wasn't just Lightning Run, just about every ride had really slow and bad ops. I take that back, Himalaya had a fun op! But wow, was Lightning Run awesome! I rode back row, only ride I got throughout the day, and was really impressed! For such a small ride it really packs a punch. Easily in my top 20.


Next I went to Prof. John's Flying Machine. I didn't want to ride it but I've heard such great things about these rides that I had to try it. It was so much fun! I felt like I was close to making it snap but I don't know if you could on it. It might have been my favorite ride at the park.


I walked around a little bit, checked out The Enterprise. Love these rides. Then went to The 5D Cinema. This would be a really cool experience if it was done with an action movie like Top Gun, Fast and Furious, something along those lines. I really like the Wizard of Oz but it was not worth the wait, best part was the air conditioning!


Headed across the street next to take a spin on Thunder Run, waited for over an hour because it broke down for about 30 minutes. I thought it was decent, rough though. I do prefer it to the Carowinds/KD Hurlers. Not worth the wait though.


Next was Sky Catcher. It really is in a strange spot, especially when the water park is still closed. I am not a fan of tower rides but I got on. Couldn't tell you much about the ride because I wasn't enjoying myself. There were decent views for the few seconds I looked up. The guy I was with really enjoyed it though. One thing that got me thinking, there is a weight limit with this ride, 300 for one person, 340 for two...How are they going to check this? There was no scale around. The guy I rode with, we totaled about 450 pounds and they didn't say a thing to us. Do you think this would cause problems in the future? Even though I was a tad terrified, there wasn't a point where I didn't feel safe. Just thought it was interesting.


I finished out the day on the Himalaya. Crowds were decent, although it seemed like every kid had a basketball...Operations were slow though. I hope it is just getting used to the new season, but they all looked like they hated their lives. I do need to head back to the park again and check more of it out. The water park looked really nice.


Okay here are a few photos now.


Nice write up! I cant wait to go when they get the waterpark running! The ride ops have never seemed very good to me, but hopefully they'll get better. I takes time to develop good training strategies, and get the right mix of new and returning people each year. Good to hear that they're still drawing a crowd, even on these hot days with no water park! Maybe there is a bigger market for the dry side that I thought.

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Went to the park for the first time today. It seems like it will be a really great little park once they get everything up and running. I saw Cyclos testing and it looks like a lot of fun! The park was very clean as well.


Got to the park around 1pm and went straight to Lightning Run. waited for about 45min. There was one train running, green train wasn't even on the transfer tracks. Crew was slow, unenergetic, and kind of pathetic. It wasn't just Lightning Run, just about every ride had really slow and bad ops. I take that back, Himalaya had a fun op! But wow, was Lightning Run awesome! I rode back row, only ride I got throughout the day, and was really impressed! For such a small ride it really packs a punch. Easily in my top 20.


Next I went to Prof. John's Flying Machine. I didn't want to ride it but I've heard such great things about these rides that I had to try it. It was so much fun! I felt like I was close to making it snap but I don't know if you could on it. It might have been my favorite ride at the park.


I walked around a little bit, checked out The Enterprise. Love these rides. Then went to The 5D Cinema. This would be a really cool experience if it was done with an action movie like Top Gun, Fast and Furious, something along those lines. I really like the Wizard of Oz but it was not worth the wait, best part was the air conditioning!


Headed across the street next to take a spin on Thunder Run, waited for over an hour because it broke down for about 30 minutes. I thought it was decent, rough though. I do prefer it to the Carowinds/KD Hurlers. Not worth the wait though.


Next was Sky Catcher. It really is in a strange spot, especially when the water park is still closed. I am not a fan of tower rides but I got on. Couldn't tell you much about the ride because I wasn't enjoying myself. There were decent views for the few seconds I looked up. The guy I was with really enjoyed it though. One thing that got me thinking, there is a weight limit with this ride, 300 for one person, 340 for two...How are they going to check this? There was no scale around. The guy I rode with, we totaled about 450 pounds and they didn't say a thing to us. Do you think this would cause problems in the future? Even though I was a tad terrified, there wasn't a point where I didn't feel safe. Just thought it was interesting.


I finished out the day on the Himalaya. Crowds were decent, although it seemed like every kid had a basketball...Operations were slow though. I hope it is just getting used to the new season, but they all looked like they hated their lives. I do need to head back to the park again and check more of it out. The water park looked really nice.


Great review of the park. Seems we were only one day apart, as I had the opportunity to go in the afternoon on Sunday for a few hours (after celebrating mother's day). I can agree with some of the things you had to say (though operators seemed friendly enough throughout the park), especially about the 5D film on Wizard of Oz. It was a nice tribute to the film though, and of course worth doing to get out of the heat. One exceptional difference between our visits was that I seemed to have shorter waits for most rides. If you do visit the park again this year, I highly recommend adding the water park to make the price of admission much more worth it!


Sorry to hear you couldn't enjoy Skycatcher all that well. Personally, I feel slightly uneasy on certain tall star flyers as well, but I can say that the nice breeze and the view of the park and surrounding area at the top make it worth a try. Skycatcher was very gentle, but did spin surprisingly faster than I had anticipated! The ride also sits in a funky spot and quite alone apart from the Big Wheel, but I'm sure the isolated feeling should change when the water park and T3 open.


I thought it was wonderful to see Enterprise up and running again after all of these years! The ride was very fun and had a very satisfying cycle length to it. I got to enjoy it twice that day, once before heading towards the second half of the park, and the other when I returned!


Lightning Run is just as wild (and squeaky ) as it was last year with just as strong of insane ejector airtime and twistyness to it, Thunder Run had a little more jerking in it but was still fairly enjoyable with a short wait, and every other ride in the park seemed to deliver just the same amount of thrills compared to last year. Here's some of my photos from the day:


New shortcut to FearFall! Awesome!


Cyclos, with its vibrant purples/reds/oranges contrasting against Lightning Run's blues/teals, sits pretty within the twisted spaghetti bowl of steel.


Looking at this reminds me of Hollywood Studios (or whatever Disney's calling it now)


Long Live the Enterprise!


117 feet of "wow this is fast!"


For the park index?


Slight small hiccup that required testing, so they got everyone off.


Eventually, though, they got it going!


Tall enough to be hard to miss throughout the park.


Oh, can't forget to grab closer shots of Cyclos!


No testing today. but its colors sure do look great in the sunset.

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Great reports guys. I'm hoping Cyclos, gets tested this week. I'll be going Saturday, with a friend that works at Amazon, for a park buyout. I've yet to try Skycatcher, on either trip I've made this year, but I plan to Saturday.

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It's nice to see that they now have a path that easily connects Fearfall's entrance to the main pathway.


It was rather awkward to walk all around Auntie B's and the kiddie train to get to Fearfall's entrance last year, not to mention how confusing it was to first time visitors.

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There is a article posted by "Behind The Thrills" it's stating T3 will be sporting new Trains from Kumbak. I try post the link on here but it's blocked from posting. The title of the article is " "Kentucky Kingdom Prepares for it's biggest season yet"

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It's nice to see that they now have a path that easily connects Fearfall's entrance to the main pathway.


It was rather awkward to walk all around Auntie B's and the kiddie train to get to Fearfall's entrance last year, not to mention how confusing it was to first time visitors.


Yeah that was really strange. Now the pirate ship is reallllly by itself back there. I bet they put another ride or two there next year. There is space for a small flat where the train and fear fall queue was, and a large space behind lightning run. Idk what they should add though. They have a solid lineup of flats as it is.

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There is a article posted by "Behind The Thrills" it's stating T3 will be sporting new Trains from Kumbak. I try post the link on here but it's blocked from posting. The title of the article is " "Kentucky Kingdom Prepares for it's biggest season yet"


Better then premiere trains, but i'm surprised they didn't chose the new Vekoma trains with the vest restraints

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Crew was slow, unenergetic, and kind of pathetic. It wasn't just Lightning Run, just about every ride had really slow and bad ops.


...seemed like every kid had a basketball...Operations were slow though. I hope it is just getting used to the new season, but they all looked like they hated their lives

Looks like the former SFKK crew or their siblings are back. And with all the basketballs, the same guests as well.

That's too bad since I heard good things when they opened last year. SFKK operations were by far the worst in the chain.


I guess the new trains will be like these:


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Crew was slow, unenergetic, and kind of pathetic. It wasn't just Lightning Run, just about every ride had really slow and bad ops.


...seemed like every kid had a basketball...Operations were slow though. I hope it is just getting used to the new season, but they all looked like they hated their lives

Looks like the former SFKK crew or their siblings are back. And with all the basketballs, the same guests as well.

That's too bad since I heard good things when they opened last year. SFKK operations were by far the worst in the chain.


I guess the new trains will be like these:



I haven't been yet this year, but LR's loading procedure has to be the most finicky of any park I've been to. I would imagine that checking, rechecking, and checking again would be frustrating for ride ops, let alone having to deal with the guests. Running one train only compounds this issue as cycle times take a huge hit and guests get very frustrated. Not to excuse the ride ops for failing to redirect the guests' attention, but I think there other factors driving some of the frustration of the ops. I just hope that once the park becomes more profitable and can afford to staff the right amount of ride ops to handle the guests, they do.


In regards to the guests: It's Kentucky. You can't get upset about guests all having basketballs. When choosing a game to play and try to win, most guests are going to try to prove their basketball acumen. It's just what people in this area do, and many grow up with a basketball in their hands, so they aren't "bad" at shooting. The only way to eliminate people from having the basketballs is to remove the game that gives them away.


Again, it's still early in the season, and people will improve over time. KK just needs to keep bringing in people that are excited to work for them and the culture will get better.

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