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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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Many of us heard the rumors that St. Louis and Great America were testing out their Batman coasters backwards - but those were just rumors. To see those rumors confirmed yesterday was cool! What I found really surprising was that B&M is supplying the park with the chassis for the 2 trains to run backwards, so obviously it's been something the usually somewhat conservative manufacturer has been working on. Hopefully this leads to other stuff, like nice comfy lap bars for looping coasters. "Everyone is doing it" (Gerstlauer, Rocky Mountain, Mack, Premier... Gravity Group!)

Edited by GayCoasterGuy
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I think it's cool that B&M is kind of stepping out of their comfort zone. I've really been wanting them to design some lap bar only trains for their looping coasters, as well!


They basically already have their lap bar design with the wing rider trains. Just get rid of those annoying retractable "vests" and there you go! Same thing with those thin shoulder bars/straps on the Intamin coasters. It's very clear to see the strap portions are easily removable with an allen wrench. Those designs are getting closer to lap bar only rides, but I think the water is still too cold.

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A No Coaster Con report has been posted to SFGAmWorld. I'll post a few highlights, check out the full report here.


- Changes to Hometown Square will be reversible when igNite is eventually replaced

- igNite is 25 minutes long and will start at 10:00

- igNite is a story based show that follows characters from the great Chicago fire and present day

- The video mapping was done by the same company who did it for ElecTRONica and World Of Color

- Front gate will be renovated and the current ticket booths will be demolished

- Ben and Jerrys are being removed

- Lots of new food and a new restaurant with the parks first full selection bar









More pictures - http://sfgamworld.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=13797


So despite not having any really major additions this should still be a good year with lots of improvement and lots of new things around the park.


Edit: Videos are being posted as well of the parks presentation - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVaaeSzFk7U

Edited by deathbydinn
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^Doesn't B&M suggest not turning their trains around, and therefore due to Ohio law Raptor can't legally be turned backwards? Not that I think it needs to be backwards though even if it was allowed.


It'll be interesting to see if this is actually good. I'm drawing a blank, but are there any truly intense coasters out there that run backwards? All the ones I can think of are fairly tame or far less twisted than the Batman clones. It will be interesting to see if this turns out to enhance the ride or if it just makes it uncomfortable.

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^Very interesting. I hope it is a success as I can see this being a great way of bringing new life into older rides (not that the Batman clones need new life, but you know what I mean) in a similar manner to turning other rides around. Any reinvestment into older rides shows a park still cares about their rides which is nice to see.

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I'm sad that they are replacing the park entrance. It was one of my favorites and I thought it looked really nice when entering the park. But it's true that it wasn't very crowd efficient. Let's hope they don't make it as bad as SFSTL's entrance.


SFStL's entrance is horrible. Totally looks cheap and temporary and it's been like that for over 10 years. I wish they did something with it.

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I agree that SFSTLs entrances looks pretty bad, but it is good for guest flow. The turnstile lines do get clogged up and stopped with people going through the metal detectors directly after so I'm glad they're changing it, but I am kinda sad to that we're losing the nice original Marriott entrance. Hopefully the picture they showed is just a very simple rendering to give an idea of what it will be like.

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I think it's cool that B&M is kind of stepping out of their comfort zone. I've really been wanting them to design some lap bar only trains for their looping coasters, as well!

They basically already have their lap bar design with the wing rider trains. Just get rid of those annoying retractable "vests" and there you go! Same thing with those thin shoulder bars/straps on the Intamin coasters. It's very clear to see the strap portions are easily removable with an allen wrench. Those designs are getting closer to lap bar only rides, but I think the water is still too cold.

Every time we get into this argument, a baby llama gets run over by a semi-truck.


I just really don't understand the point of running Batman backwards. I didn't understand the point of running Mr. Freeze backwards either. If Batman was the awesome, compact, intense B&M inverted coaster that everyone says it is, why would Six Flags even have to bother?

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I spoke with my neck, and it basically confirmed that it's not at all interested in Batman backwards. It went on to say, "this could very well be the most painful B&M coaster experience imaginable."


I don't have the time or patience to scroll back through everything, so has B&M had actual human feedback on this ride experience, or is this decision just based off of calculations, that computer dummy thing (Frank?), etc. etc.? Just curious.

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Thanks, guys. I love this ride looking forward. Maybe I'm just getting old and fragile, but I can't imagine taking those transitions without a split second's idea of which direction you're about to be whipped. I think I'll still sit this one out.


Then the Joker has already won!

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Thanks, guys. I love this ride looking forward. Maybe I'm just getting old and fragile, but I can't imagine taking those transitions without a split second's idea of which direction you're about to be whipped. I think I'll still sit this one out.


I get where your coming from here, but if you think about it when your traveling backwards in a train and have no idea what is coming next then one would naturally be "cautiously braced" for anything that might unexpectedly occur, does that make any sense? I got a feeling that they tested this experience with multiple riders and the feedback must have been positive enough to justify the gimmick, even if only for 1 year.

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The Official B&M Facebook site just posted this:


So, this are the new experiences:

- Batman The Ride going backwards at SFGAm

- Hollywood Dream at Universal Studios Japan going backwards

- The Swarm at Thorpe Park with 2 rows going backwards

Now, what do you think of the word BACKWADRS?

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