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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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So we made it out from 3-6 on Monday. Crowd was about the same as last weekend. No Flash Pass needed since we avoided Super Pretzel. Eagle, and RB. Started with the balloons. We'd never been on it and I thought it was pretty good. Then to the Whirlygig. Batman was next. Line was full to the end of the inner queue about where the squad car is. Ended up riding row 2 again since that was the shortest line for some reason. Right outside seat. This felt like riding row 8, sort of. Pretty different from when we rode it during that season pass holder hour where the train was just us about 4 people in the front. It didn't have a launch feel with the full train.


X-Flight in back row left side felt same as usual. Line wasn't too far past the tower so probably an under 30 min wait. We got to Demon with a less than 5 min line and rode a full train this time, the red one. No whiplash smacking the back of my skull into the headrest on the 2nd loop. The yanking feeling entering the first corkscrew was back. Wife got headbanging a little. We sat in the exact same seats as last time when we had the mostly empty train and yellow. On Viper this time I tried to figure out what I could do to make the ride more comfortable. I'm not usually the type that puts his hands up, but I did it here because I felt it might be worth a shot. It ended up balancing my body so it kinda stayed in one place once I tucked my feet under the seat and lifted my knees. We were the 5th to the back row. We finished with Whizzer. This time I tried the second to last seat. Great speed back there. Even some airtime.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was there last weekend and last night very briefly. Batman is definitely more intense with an empty train. We went back to row 7. Got another good, empty yellow train ride on Demon. No problems for anyone there. However, we've never rode the yellow train full. The knee lift, arms up method I used on Viper worked well on Eagle too. Everything last night after we arrived at ten PM was a walk up except Pretzelman. We got there today around 7 and were greeted by a "park crowded, please come back another day" message on their electronic sign that's visible from the tollway. They weren't joking. Six Flags pkwy might've had more traffic than Grand Ave. It was insane with tons of people leaving and entering. Lots of people walking too. There were probably upwards of 30 buses. I thought ten buses in August was bad, but there were so many so deep in the lot that I couldn't count them all. Unfortunately, I couldn't see how the actual lot looked. I was really caught offguard by the amount of people there. Last weekend a flash pass wasn't even necessary for the few hours we were there. I would definitely recommend calling ahead of time if you plan on going. I don't live down the street or anything either, so it's sometimes random when we decide to drop by.

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^Two trains stacked on a coaster with three trains. Wow.

(actually, all 3 trains are stacked there - you just can't see the first one in the station, where I was standing when I took the picture.)


Exactly. I posted that as "look what we have" referring to Whizzer; then I realized exactly what you said. As much as I complain about the 50% efficiency at Six Flags parks (including Great America), I'm still glad we have Whizzer.


It was a great experience working at CP over 20 years ago; but the curse of that is now I'm hard-wired to see how poor operations are at other parks (most notably SF parks).

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This past Saturday (Oct. 20th) the park had it's busiest day in 11 years. The Lemon Chill guy told me it was something over 49K people that came to the park that day. When me and my friend drove up to the park around 5:30pm, there was a line to get in off of Grand Avenue. It took the better part of an hour to get parked and get inside the park. We were in the furthest corner of the overfill lot.

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One would think 5-10k would be more than enough people. When I called Sunday I was also told there were a ton of pace buses Saturday. If only we had a good indoor place somewhere in the area to split the crowds some and give a theme park option for the 7 months or so GA is closed.

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Whizzer is a great ride! That was my first ever roller coaster, well, the California version was. When I visited SFGA a few years back it was like I was going back in time to the old California Great America. It was awesome! (Yes, I'm getting old)

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Don't go today. Got in around noon and both the Super Pretzel and Batman lines were just overflowing. A little bit later and everything is insane. Demon was even overflowing past its entrance. X Flight was down to Buccaneer Battle. Viper was down but came back up once we got to the tollway. Whizzer hadn't overflowed by 2:30ish. Eagle I think was almost at the point of overflowing. Raging Bull was overflowing til it was parallel with the tea cups. Probably by a couple hundred people. Tons of people were still streaming in. A million buses again. I suspect the lines are going to be horrible all day. Never seen such a long flash pass line. Must've been 100 people waiting for it. I might go back tomorrow after finding some funds for a couple platinum passes and a new season pass(that SP line was probably over 200 people as well). There was still a lot of spaces in the back of the lot when we left. We got a pretty close space when we got there. Looks can be deceiving, I suppose.

Edited by batmanfan80
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I was told by a guy in guest relations that the crowd today is "huge" and "that's the only way you're gonna get on rides" when I asked if we'd need a flash pass. It kind of makes me wonder what the whole point of it all is. Just comes off like they're trying to cram as many people as possible into the place with no thought as to how it should be handled. I'm sure that's been obvious enough to everyone here for a while. Looks like they know they're overstuffing the place as well. Unfortunately I can't come up with much of a solution. These type of days are probably a no-win situation for most everyone unless you want to load up everyone in your party with Plat Passes.

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I was there Oct, 27 and it was the busiest Day ever like mostly all coasters are 2 hrs long and all foods line are long too. but still it is the last weekend of the year. but mostly all the other rides are like 30 to 45 min.


The Dark Knight= 75min

Raging Bull= 3 hrs

American eagle= 60min

V2= 120min

Batman The Ride= 120min

Whizzer= 60min

X-Flight= 120 min

Demon= 90min

Superman= 120min


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^^ I think he was just trying to sell flash passes. Today was crowded, but not the point that you'd absolutely need a flash pass to ride anything and it was nothing compared to the past few weekends. Within a less than an hour of the park opening, I was able to ride Batman twice, V2, Little Dipper, American Eagle and TT2 all with little to no wait. Compare that to last sunday where within 20 minutes of opening Raging Bulls line reached the train tunnel. As far as Fright Fest crowds go, today really wasn't that bad.

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It was definitely managable today, with some more coming in near dusk. Went predominantly for the haunts (Wicked Woods was excellent), but managed a round on X-Flight, Cajun, Demon, and the Bull. The park sponsored Twitter hunt was fun, but I think the park was so packed that some of the "hidden" exit passes were picked up at random by the GP. All in all, a nice end to a good season for the park.

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The brakes coming out of the big helix on American Eagle were back OFF this weekend. Provides for a top-notch "Voyage meets Phoenix" run back home. I had some friends in from the East coast and they couldn't belive how kick ass it was. This is when it's really important to pick the red side...


Saturday night we waited in line for 53 minutes before we were able to put in our order at Mooseburger Lodge. It was insane - of course there being only one register open (out of 2) didn't help. "Have a six flags day!" It was either wait in a line for food, or leave the park and wait in a line to get out then another line to get back in...


Still had fun (good company always helps!) at my home park.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got to ride Canyon Blaster in Vegas a couple times. Rows were the first in the last and 2nd to last cars. It doesn't pause on the lift hill like Demon. It starts going at top speed when you get to the top just like when I sit in the back of Demon. The drop is almost identical. Lifted my knees up once the airtime hit. I think it's close to ejector air sitting in the very back. Loops are a bit smoother than Demon. The quick banked turn after is crazy, ejects you pretty good before you hit the corkscrews. Ride is still smooth although some particle flew into my eye on the turn. The stuff inside the canyon after the corkscrews is kinda useless. Overall, the ride felt faster and smoother than Demon. You get a little bit of the Batman dizzy feeling after the ride is over due to the bombardment of elements. It is definitely a Batman type feel on an Arrow model. I prefer it to coasters that have space between everything. I wanted to ride Desert Storm in Phoenix since it's got some pretty tall loops and uses lap bars. Wasn't enough time to do that, so it may happen in a few months. They really need a good theme park there. Too bad all we got here for the GA offseason is Safari Land and Mt Olympus.

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IMHO, Canyon Blaster is a smaller, faster version of the Demon with a different ending. It's definitely more intense because the pacing is much quicker. You blast from the two loops right into the corkscrews without the tunnel and MCBR the Demon has. Canyon Blaster is much smoother than the Demon and I'd bet is one of the smoothest Arrow loopers in operation. Hopefully that means it'll be with us for a while because it sounds like older Arrows may be on the endangered species list in the coming years.


I suspect CBs smoothness lies in the fact that Canyon Blaster is almost 17 years newer than the Demon and has lived its life in a climate controlled building. The ride has never been subjected to seasonal heat and cold cycles of an outdoor ride or any type of rain or snow. CB also runs Arrow's G2 trains, but I doubt that really has an effect on ride dynamics.


I was in Vegas earlier this year and my daughter and I rode CB probably 15 - 20 times back to back. Not sure you could do that with many other Arrow loopers without getting a headache.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Saturday night we waited in line for 53 minutes before we were able to put in our order at Mooseburger Lodge.


Next time, visit in early May and survey the park for a place to sow some seeds, from which you can harvest crop later in the season- effectively avoiding long wait times for bland, overpriced food. SFGAm is right in the thick of Northen Illinois/Southern Wisconsin farmland, so the land it sits on should be conducive towards a bountiful harvest.

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