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Hard Rock / Freestyle Music Park Discussion Thread

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I used to live only a couple hours from Myrtle Beach and I got the chance to go to 'Hard Rock Park' when it was still 'Hard Rock Park'. Overall I don't think it was really worth the money, but I got in for free because my dad had some business picnic there. The Led Zeppelin ride had almost no line, and since it was brand spankin' new I really enjoyed it. I can't remember what the other main coaster was but the line was 3 hours no lie. I waited for a half-hour listening to the in-line karaoke they had set up to keep you entertained. I drove me so mad I left. The overall theme of HRP was great, but the execution wasn't so hot and the timing was terrible. I read in the paper that Freestyle Park was adding a Christian Music section but I'm not really sure how that'll play out.


It was a really gorgeous park though and I would really hate to see such a perfect ride go to waste.


And that is my overall review of HRP.

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Decided to go by the park today since it was like 9 dollars to get in. Took some pictures but on the fence about posting them since whenever I post pictures they go unnoticed lol. But it was a pretty good crowd for a friday at a theme park. I left at 6 so I dont know if it picked up but the only lines were for what was formally RPM and i peeked in time machine (had a 40 inch kid so that was out the question to ride) and it seems to have one train running...

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Decided to go by the park today since it was like 9 dollars to get in. Took some pictures but on the fence about posting them since whenever I post pictures they go unnoticed lol.


Just because you don't get a lot of comments doesn't mean no one is looking. Just throw out some opinions (like, "B&M sucks compared to Vekoma") and you'll get lots of responses.


/Always enjoys jarmor's reports.

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3 Miles or so yes. Though last time I was out there last August infact traffic completely sucked or people don't know how to drive cause there was 4 traffic accidents within a 2 or 3 road stretch. Its kind of cool to me, being my last visit to Hard Rock Park was August 22, 2008 and now August 23rd I'll be going of this year. So seeing whats gone on and changed in a years time is like "that was then this is now".

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It seems that a certain local business owner is "wigging out" over a set of Freestyle Music Park's commercials which show a family riding the rides resulting in an almost-lost toupe. The story has become even more strange considering that the park is actually embracing the man's challenge by allowing him to ride with John Stine to see if the ride's forces have any similar effects on actual hair-replacement options...


The following has been posted on Discover Myrtle Beach's forums...


Freestyle Music Park did receive a letter from Dennis Murphy of Hairquarters detailing his point of contention with the Park’s “Time Machine” television commercial.


While it was not the Park’s intention to offend Mr. Murphy or anyone who uses a hair replacement system, we stand behind our commercial and its premise of portraying “full volume family fun.”


To accommodate Mr. Murphy’s request, the Park is allowing him to ride the Time Machine on Thursday, July 23, at 10 a.m., prior to beginning the day’s operations. His ride is set to determine if the commercial is indeed a misrepresentation of today’s modern hair replacement systems.


In addition, I will be on hand to ride the Time Machine with Mr. Murphy and directly respond to his complaint regarding the commercial.


And here is the letter that started it all (again, from Discover Myrtle Beach)...


Read Mr. Murphy's Letter:


"My name is Dennis Murphy and I am the owner and also a client of Hairquarters in Surfside Beach. On Thursday July 23 at 10 a.m., I will be at Freestlye Music Park to challenge the realism of the park’s Time Machine television commercial. I have received special permission from the park to do this at this time.


You may be aware that Freestyle Music Park is running a television advertisement for their establishment that grossly misrepresents today modern hair replacement methods.


In the commercial the park shows a family of four and the father is obviously wearing a very bad old fashioned toupee which is almost blown off from the force of the ride. I disagree that this could happen with today’s modern hair replacement technology.

I will be challenging the park about the commercial and challenge director of Marketing John Stine to join me in the ride to prove that the commercial does not represent the hair replacement business of today."


Here are the advertisements in question:


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In the commercial the park shows a family of four and the father is obviously wearing a very bad old fashioned toupee which is almost blown off from the force of the ride. I disagree that this could happen with today’s modern hair replacement technology . . .


Well, if he's "obviously" wearing an old rug, what's the issue?

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The results from today's Toupe Challenge are now online: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/32108518/?gt1=43001


MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. - The owner of a South Carolina hair-replacement business says a Myrtle Beach roller coaster isn't nearly as hair-raising as the commercials claim.


A television ad shows the 150-foot-tall Time Machine at Freestyle Music Park moving so fast that a man loses his hairpiece. But Dennis Murphy, who owns a hair-replacement business, says the ad puts toupees in a bad light.


So he rode the coaster Thursday to prove his toupee would stay on. The Sun News of Myrtle Beach reported that his hands stayed in the coaster and his hairpiece stayed put, though he looked like he'd been in a strong wind.


"I don't know if I proved my point," Murphy, 63, told the newspaper. "I proved it to me and that's all I care about. ... As you saw on the ride, [the toupee] blows in the breeze."


Murphy said he appreciates the park giving him a chance to demonstrate the staying power of his hairpiece. Park officials said the ad is meant to be fun and they'll keep running it.


"I'm pleased to say that he proved us wrong," John Stine, director of sales and marketing at the amusement park, told the Sun News. Stine sat next to Murphy during the roller-coaster ride.


"It came out of left field, but we wanted to respond."


It seems like Freestyle still won, considering that they have once again gotten free promotion out of a gimicky challenge.

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