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Coasters at Night

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Verbolten is a great night ride, too--even though part of it is indoors. Like the Big Bad Wolf before it, that plunge to the river is even better at night (and during Howl-o-Scream when the fog machines are pumping).

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Voyage takes my top pick, even with the introduction of Thunderbird slightly lighting the route half-way towards the spaghetti bowl. Also, the amount of darkness mixed with the speed of intimidator 305 during nighttime ERT at 2012 East Coast Bash was pretty scary.

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Renegade and Excalibur at Valleyfair are both located in relatively dark areas in the back of the park, which makes for great night rides.


Matterhorn at Disneyland feels even faster and more chaotic at night. It makes it harder to see what's coming!


I also really enjoyed Ghostrider at night the first time I rode it. This of course was before it got horrible. Looking forward to experiencing that again!

Edited by dippindotsguy8
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Renegade and Excalibur at Valleyfair are both located in relatively dark areas in the back of the park, which makes for great night rides.

Renegade provides fantastic night rides!


I've never tried Excalibur, but I can imagine that that would be incredible because there is nothing back there to light it up. I may have to do that sometime!

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Ravine Flyer II is a great ride by day, at night it transforms into one of the best coasters anywhere. The entire first half of the ride is in complete darkness. My favorite night feature being the high-speed tunnels that are ear-piercingly loud similar to The Beast. The second half is dimly lit by a few nearby attractions with the drop after the 90 degree bank being pitch black. I can thank Ravine Flyer II for making The Beast feel tame at night with all of it's trim brakes that still can't go unnoticed in the darkness.


A favorite steel coaster at night would be Maverick. An elite coaster by daytime, but the dimly lit tight turns come just a little more unexpected in the evening. Always a great rush to end a day at Cedar Point with a Maverick night ride.


As for my favorite night park overall, Hersheypark tops my list. You have the dim, twisted mess of Skyrush, Superdooperlooper, and Great Bear along with a decently dark ride on Storm Runner. On the other hand, you have some of the best-maintained classic displays of chaser lights on Lightning Racer and Wildcat.

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Banshee is pretty awesome at night, I do still prefer to finish the night on The Beast though.


Also no ride on Banshee will surpass that first ride I had during media day with all of the fog sitting in the valley and having all of the lights on at 5 in the morning.

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Everest is pretty cool at night, the visuals on the lift hill over the park are really eerie, and all of the in lighting in the tunnels and first reverse section look really cool in the dark. Also, when it's dark out it feels like you eyes are adjusted a bit better so you can see the Yeti a bit better in the finale.


There may not be a whole lot of people who have ridden Everest in the dark but once the hours at AK are extended this fall I got a feeling that thing will be really popular at night. Also, the Tree of Life lit up at night should look really amazing from the lift.

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I've got to go with Prowler. I love the strobe light from the photos right before the dark part of the ride. Right after the flash is a sweet s-curve so you just get thrown everywhere. It takes your eyes until about the turn around to adjust.

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I haven't ridden it yet but I think Fury 325 and Afterburn are best at night. Afterburn goes through tunnels and Fury goest through lighted tunnels with white lights. I rode afterburn though-in the evening, when the lights were about to come on, but you could tell what happened at night. And Fury has greenish lights on the way up and an tunnel with greenish lights-in day and night.

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