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Six Flags Fiesta Texas (SFFT) Discussion Thread

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The lift is going at a decent pace. The slow down at the crest is to control that they don't more speed than it's engineered and designed to handle. If it crests and goes over with more momentum, it's going to gain more speed than it's supposed to. I'm sure we'll be seeing testing with different speeds until they get it just right.

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The lift is going at a decent pace. The slow down at the crest is to control that they don't more speed than it's engineered and designed to handle. If it crests and goes over with more momentum, it's going to gain more speed than it's supposed to. I'm sure we'll be seeing testing with different speeds until they get it just right.


Or it has nothing to do with that and the intention is to increase the anticipation of the first drop.

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The lift is going at a decent pace. The slow down at the crest is to control that they don't more speed than it's engineered and designed to handle. If it crests and goes over with more momentum, it's going to gain more speed than it's supposed to. I'm sure we'll be seeing testing with different speeds until they get it just right.


Or it has nothing to do with that and the intention is to increase the anticipation of the first drop.


I always really liked that on the Giovanola hypers!


I definitely don't think it would matter on this ride whether the lift slows down or not though, as the airtime I'm seeing is already el-toro-and-beyond insane.

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I think this is a Six Flags thing with the chain lifts slowing at the top of the lift hills. Noticed that American Eagle and Viper at SF Great America also do that. I don't know why they do, seems to kill the pacing as I like going over the top of lifts at their normal speed. Haven't noticed any other park outside of the Six Flags chain that does this.

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I think this is a Six Flags thing with the chain lifts slowing at the top of the lift hills. Noticed that American Eagle and Viper at SF Great America also do that. I don't know why they do, seems to kill the pacing as I like going over the top of lifts at their normal speed. Haven't noticed any other park outside of the Six Flags chain that does this.


And Georgia Cyclone, which is similar to Viper anyways (a POV of it shows my favorite ejector airtime moment - 4th drop - is a double-down on Viper, but that looks good too. Plus the lift slowing. Back on topic). Mindbender did it too. Never been to SFGAm (or whatever the abbreviation is), just SFOG very recently and SFOT many moons ago.

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Iron Sharks lift slows at the top, and that's a Landry's park. It is a small park though but hey, it isn't a six flags. It really works on that ride though because it's a Eurofighter, so it kind of elongates that 'Oh S***' moment before the drop. On Iron Rattler however, it looks a tad weird, so I hope it's something that eventually phases out or is solely for testing purposes. But if not, I won't be complaining about it.

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A taste of the theming for the ride! i hope there's more than just the truck! Also, the number on the truck is a working number and gives the caller a funny little message.


We've had to call in the experts! Our Rattle Snake is out of control and wreaking havoc all over the quarry. Rumor has it... there is mysterious activity inside the snake lair cave. I wonder what would happen if you call the phone number on the truck?

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I think this is a Six Flags thing with the chain lifts slowing at the top of the lift hills. Noticed that American Eagle and Viper at SF Great America also do that. I don't know why they do, seems to kill the pacing as I like going over the top of lifts at their normal speed. Haven't noticed any other park outside of the Six Flags chain that does this.


While everyone is worried about pacing of a super-rip-your-face-off-intensity ride, count me in as one who seriously enjoys the top of lift stops. Gives time to look around, enjoy the height, creates all that anticipation. Enjoy them, every other freaking coaster we have whips right over the top. It would stink if everything was the same.

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Wait a second...I see new wood on the ramp next to the truck. Are we finally getting a normal staircase up to the station for the queue instead of those awful cramped ramps???


I'm thinking that's the exit or perhaps an emergency exit. I hope I am wrong.


Those new photos from RMC's facebook are amazing.

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Wait a second...I see new wood on the ramp next to the truck. Are we finally getting a normal staircase up to the station for the queue instead of those awful cramped ramps???


I can't find it at the moment, but I could swear we've seen a recent pic of the station, and the "cramped" ramps are still there.


that looks to me like the "Chicken Exit" staircase. .tho I could be totally wrong.

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