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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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^Oh yeah definitely, I meant more on the return backwards run I thought it looked a little slower, but the loop still had some snap to it (backwards part, again). We'll have to see. As a GIB fan, I never had any problem with the old trains, but hopefully these make loading faster.

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To me it looks like it isn't going as fast when it goes up Tower 2. On Aftershock videos the last car is about level with the platform halfway up the tower. In the Goliath video it looks like car 7 is just reaching the platform.

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Yeah, it's definitely running faster in that video.


EDIT: Just got stuck between the loop and second tower.. I was going to ride tomorrow..


Does a mis-catch cause the ride to be down for more than the day it happens? I feel like they happen so often to these things that they can't be too big of a deal and parks can get them fixed quickly.

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Well if boomerang goes and cyclone goes, that'd be losing 2 coasters in one year. Is that something they'd really do? And for what? The rumored launch coaster? Seems a bit odd. But who knows. Maybe big changes are coming to the park intamin the future. They've certainly started at least.

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Well if boomerang goes and cyclone goes, that'd be losing 2 coasters in one year. Is that something they'd really do? And for what? The rumored launch coaster? Seems a bit odd. But who knows. Maybe big changes are coming to the park intamin the future. They've certainly started at least.

Does your autocorrect change "int" to Intamin? That's a sure sign of being an enthusiast

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For those who have ridden the new trains, how are the restraints? Are they better than Premiers old OTSR or is it the boxing matching like found on old Premier trains.

I'm small, about 13, and the trains were horribly. Very tight, so much g force, felt like I was going to black out, and I almost did. I want the new trains back, some of you may agree. As for getting valleyed, they closed it for the rest of the day, I went on it 2 times though, not a fan of it any more..

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Well if boomerang goes and cyclone goes, that'd be losing 2 coasters in one year. Is that something they'd really do? And for what? The rumored launch coaster? Seems a bit odd. But who knows. Maybe big changes are coming to the park intamin the future. They've certainly started at least.


They most likely wouldn't remove flashback. That's the only "big" ride at the park with a 48' requirement. I don't think there are plans to remove it.

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It would not be such a bad thing if Cyclone went under the RMC treatment.


Yes it is a classic, but ridership is low and generally it is not seen as an exciting ride by the GP. People ride, experience how uncomfortable it is and don't bother coming back.

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For those who have ridden the new trains, how are the restraints? Are they better than Premiers old OTSR or is it the boxing matching like found on old Premier trains.

I'm small, about 13, and the trains were horribly. Very tight, so much g force, felt like I was going to black out, and I almost did. I want the new trains back, some of you may agree. As for getting valleyed, they closed it for the rest of the day, I went on it 2 times though, not a fan of it any more..

I surely wasn't counting on that. I thought they were going to be an improvement (even though I had no problems with the old ones).

All the forces might have to do because the trains are not as aero dynamic as the old ones, so it takes more to push it thru the wind.

I'm not sure I get what you're saying. Are you saying that they run it faster than before (which they can't, really) to combat wind resistance?

Sorry if I got you wrong, I just wasn't sure.

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I'm small, about 13, and the trains were horribly. Very tight, so much g force, felt like I was going to black out, and I almost did. I want the new trains back, some of you may agree. As for getting valleyed, they closed it for the rest of the day, I went on it 2 times though, not a fan of it any more..


Soo many grammatical errors...


I'm sorry to hear it's not an enjoyable ride anymore... I'll be there in two weeks, so hopefully I will have a better experience....

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For those who have ridden the new trains, how are the restraints? Are they better than Premiers old OTSR or is it the boxing matching like found on old Premier trains.

I'm small, about 13, and the trains were horribly. Very tight, so much g force, felt like I was going to black out, and I almost did. I want the new trains back, some of you may agree. As for getting valleyed, they closed it for the rest of the day, I went on it 2 times though, not a fan of it any more..

I surely wasn't counting on that. I thought they were going to be an improvement (even though I had no problems with the old ones).

All the forces might have to do because the trains are not as aero dynamic as the old ones, so it takes more to push it thru the wind.

I'm not sure I get what you're saying. Are you saying that they run it faster than before (which they can't, really) to combat wind resistance?

Sorry if I got you wrong, I just wasn't sure.

I mean that the old train was staggered and was more aero dynamic. The new one however is like a flat out wall. They probably made the old trains like that purpose. The air actually had a way to get through. I don't really know how hot explain it


See the difference


See the difference

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