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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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  boldikus said:
Maybe they are just going to relocate SFMM's Green lantern right next to Joker.


I'm glad we're not La Ronde.


Also, I hope with the updated DC area that they'll change the name of GCGEFAA to something with less than 40 letters in it.

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Little bummed about this addition but it's not that bad I guess. Oh well at least SFGADV and La Ronde aren't too far away from me. This year IMO is better for the NE US than last year, we got two coasters wit in driving distance and some decent flats

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  Zand said:
  boldikus said:
Maybe they are just going to relocate SFMM's Green lantern right next to Joker.


I'm glad we're not La Ronde.


Also, I hope with the updated DC area that they'll change the name of GCGEFAA to something with less than 40 letters in it.

Maybe change the name to something Justice League related and have all the trains themed to all member of the Justice League like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern and Cyborg.

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  SK4494 said:
Also I'm pretty sure this will most likely never happen, but it would be nice if they made a pavement in this area that connects both DC and Gotham City.


It would be very un-Six Flags to give you a quicker route around the games area.

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That's not just a simple "laying pavement" job. You've got significant changes in elevation and terrain challenges which would require some excavation. Look at it from the perspective of where the path would start from by Catwoman:




There has to be a financial incentive for the park to create something like that and as Zand said, it would be diverting people AWAY from all the food / games / shops that you otherwise would have to walk past. No way the park is going to invest capital into something that will most likely result in a net loss for them.

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I don't like this new Supergirl ride. I wanted a Grid ride to open across from Cyborg Hyper Drive, like how GAdv opened a Cyborg ride across from Justice League (where Cyborg also appears.) Is Grid seriously not that notable? HE'S CYBORG'S ARCH-ENEMY, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! You've got rides themed to The Joker all the time, why does Grid get the short end of the stick? His physical self only appeared on the queue signs and not in the actual ride! Six Flags, please show Grid some more respect (for example: turn up the volume on the ride so we can hear the lovely voice he has - which was a labor of love.)

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At risk of being stupider for making a serious reply, no, no one except you cares about Grid or even knows who he is.


Joker is the arch-nemesis of one of the biggest names in comic books. Joker has been portrayed in numerous TV shows and movies, too many to list.

Grid is the enemy of a 5-rate, also-ran, superhero who has appeared in one TV show and 2 movies, ever. Grid himself has been in zero movies, ever.


Be happy Grid got the mention he did on the Cyborg-themed rides that exist. Rides that only exist with that theme, mind you, because they've run out of real DC superheros to theme rides after.

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  Mike240SX said:
At risk of being stupider for making a serious reply, no, no one except you cares about Grid or even knows who he is.


Joker is the arch-nemesis of one of the biggest names in comic books. Joker has been portrayed in numerous TV shows and movies, too many to list.

Grid is the enemy of a 5-rate, also-ran, superhero who has appeared in one TV show and 2 movies, ever. Grid himself has been in zero movies, ever.


Be happy Grid got the mention he did on the Cyborg-themed rides that exist. Rides that only exist with that theme, mind you, because they've run out of real DC superheros to theme rides after.

Cyborg is a fucking A-lister in DC's eyes and he has been in many more TV shows than just Teen Titans. He's a member of the goddamn Justice League. Grid has been in a few video games and he will likely appear in the upcoming Cyborg movie. I'd rather have a Grid ride teaching the public who he is, just like how Cyborg is getting more and more prominence these days which was the REAL reason Six Flags themed rides after him.


And now you're gonna go after me because I said I wanted a Black Vulcan ride. Black Vulcan is nostalgic for all the people who watched Cartoon Network in its heyday and all the 40-50 somethings who watched Saturday morning cartoons. It can work.

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  mary.pesik said:
  Mike240SX said:
At risk of being stupider for making a serious reply, no, no one except you cares about Grid or even knows who he is.


Joker is the arch-nemesis of one of the biggest names in comic books. Joker has been portrayed in numerous TV shows and movies, too many to list.

Grid is the enemy of a 5-rate, also-ran, superhero who has appeared in one TV show and 2 movies, ever. Grid himself has been in zero movies, ever.


Be happy Grid got the mention he did on the Cyborg-themed rides that exist. Rides that only exist with that theme, mind you, because they've run out of real DC superheros to theme rides after.

Cyborg is a fucking A-lister in DC's eyes and he has been in many more TV shows than just Teen Titans. He's a member of the goddamn Justice League. Grid has been in a few video games and he will likely appear in the upcoming Cyborg movie. I'd rather have a Grid ride teaching the public who he is, just like how Cyborg is getting more and more prominence these days which was the REAL reason Six Flags themed rides after him.


And now you're gonna go after me because I said I wanted a Black Vulcan ride. Black Vulcan is nostalgic for all the people who watched Cartoon Network in its heyday and all the 40-50 somethings who watched Saturday morning cartoons. It can work.


You are very disturbed, seek help. You're welcome.

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^pretty sure there are significant wetlands issues with developing that northern piece of the property.....not that it can’t be done but it would need to work financially....they have a lot of space there that definitely could be used for a new Superman type ride.....they need to demo Goliath and flashback and put in a coaster there.....there’s also potential in that dead zone between cat woman and Riddler.....might be big enough for a coaster and could take advantage of the elevation change between the two.....

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  ice1972 said:
^pretty sure there are significant wetlands issues with developing that northern piece of the property.....not that it can’t be done but it would need to work financially....they have a lot of space there that definitely could be used for a new Superman type ride.....they need to demo Goliath and flashback and put in a coaster there.....there’s also potential in that dead zone between cat woman and Riddler.....might be big enough for a coaster and could take advantage of the elevation change between the two.....


a new superman? what would be the point. put in maxx force 2, sfne needs a launch coaster.

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  qwimjim said:
  ice1972 said:
^pretty sure there are significant wetlands issues with developing that northern piece of the property.....not that it can’t be done but it would need to work financially....they have a lot of space there that definitely could be used for a new Superman type ride.....they need to demo Goliath and flashback and put in a coaster there.....there’s also potential in that dead zone between cat woman and Riddler.....might be big enough for a coaster and could take advantage of the elevation change between the two.....


a new superman? what would be the point. put in maxx force 2, sfne needs a launch coaster.


I’m not saying duplicate it bro.....I’m saying put something new in there....JFC....come on man....it’s my home park and I am well aware that it’s coaster tech is old.....would love a custom new tech deal like Superman was 20 yrs ago......2021?

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I would love to see Blizzard River getting replaced with a Max Force type ride. Although it's probably not going to happen anytime soon. As for Goliath, I'm sorry but that ride NEED TO GO! It's been going to shit ever since they got the new trains.

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^ I agree. Even though I rarely ride Blizzard River, it's extremely popular.


This park has gotten some great additions as of late. I still think they need to put something in the water park first before they get another coaster. I think it has been 7-8 years at this point since Hurricane Harbor got anything.

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