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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Son of Beast's lift didn't look all that impressive as you drove south on I-71. You are going up a hill as you drive past The Beach towards the Kings Mills exit and even then you don't really get the best view until you are almost past the park. The best views are heading north and from what I recall during my visit last October Banshee's lift does look impressive on the skyline.

Son of Beast was built on a bit if a downhill. So even from standing by the go-karts, it didn't quite look 200+ feet tall.


I disagree. Even though I never got to ride SOB, every time I drove passed KI or was in the park, I thought SOB was an incredibly impressive structure. Banshee on the other hand does not impress me that much. I've only gone passed KI twice since the lift hill has been up and I just haven't felt that awe inspiring size and massiveness that SOB gave me. This doesn't at all mean that I want SOB back. I'm very excited to try out Banshee on media day. I do think the most impressive part of this coaster is looking at it from the valley up towards the lift. It would be nice to see some of the park developed back into that area so we can enjoy those views! Just my 2 cents on it.

I think all wooden coasters are more eye catching. Wood coasters take more time to construct. I just think they are breath taking

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Son of Beast's lift didn't look all that impressive as you drove south on I-71. You are going up a hill as you drive past The Beach towards the Kings Mills exit and even then you don't really get the best view until you are almost past the park. The best views are heading north and from what I recall during my visit last October Banshee's lift does look impressive on the skyline.

Son of Beast was built on a bit if a downhill. So even from standing by the go-karts, it didn't quite look 200+ feet tall.


I disagree. Even though I never got to ride SOB, every time I drove passed KI or was in the park, I thought SOB was an incredibly impressive structure. Banshee on the other hand does not impress me that much. I've only gone passed KI twice since the lift hill has been up and I just haven't felt that awe inspiring size and massiveness that SOB gave me. This doesn't at all mean that I want SOB back. I'm very excited to try out Banshee on media day. I do think the most impressive part of this coaster is looking at it from the valley up towards the lift. It would be nice to see some of the park developed back into that area so we can enjoy those views! Just my 2 cents on it.

I think all wooden coasters are more eye catching. Wood coasters take more time to construct. I just think they are breath taking


I agree. One of my favorite coasters to look at, yet one of my least favorites to ride is Mean Streak.

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new image from google earth

FINALLY GOOGLE IMAGES HAS UPDATE THEIR MAP! I kept checking throughout discussion and was surprised to see SOB still standing there! NO MORE!

If this post is serious, I have to say that Holiday World's image has not been updating since early winter of 2005 while Kings Island was last updated in 2012.


Not for long...Google Earth has also updated Holiday World's aerial view.


Neither that nor Banshee are visible with Google Maps on browsers yet, though.

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Son of Beast's lift didn't look all that impressive as you drove south on I-71. You are going up a hill as you drive past The Beach towards the Kings Mills exit and even then you don't really get the best view until you are almost past the park. The best views are heading north and from what I recall during my visit last October Banshee's lift does look impressive on the skyline.

Son of Beast was built on a bit if a downhill. So even from standing by the go-karts, it didn't quite look 200+ feet tall.


I disagree. Even though I never got to ride SOB, every time I drove passed KI or was in the park, I thought SOB was an incredibly impressive structure. Banshee on the other hand does not impress me that much. I've only gone passed KI twice since the lift hill has been up and I just haven't felt that awe inspiring size and massiveness that SOB gave me. This doesn't at all mean that I want SOB back. I'm very excited to try out Banshee on media day. I do think the most impressive part of this coaster is looking at it from the valley up towards the lift. It would be nice to see some of the park developed back into that area so we can enjoy those views! Just my 2 cents on it.

Never got to see SoB but I'm sure it would look impressive. I took a night jog around Cedar Point and Mean Streak in the dark looks breath taking impressive. Not to mention SoB is even bigger.

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I was speaking with a gentleman today at work. He started talking about Banshee and how an old friend is working for Cedar Fair. He said three things that grabbed my attention. Time will tell if he is correct.


1. The new coaster at Cedar Point will be going out into the water of Lake Erie. That would be sweet!

2. The coaster in development at King's Dominion will be smaller than Banshee because of space issues.

3. King's Island plans to build another coaster in the space between The Bat and Banshee starting next year.


I'm sceptical of the King's Island info. This guy is old and retired. He cares nothing for coasters and know not much about them. He has friends in high places so he may be privy to such information. He just happened to hear someone talking about Banshee and he then mentioned his friend and then the story. Regardless, interesting stuff for the rumor mill.

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^ Like you said, that is very secretive information to just carelessly blab about, but also as you said "time will tell." I am more cautious about the CP information because I'm not sure CP "owns" much of the water to develop on. Again, I could be wrong.


On the positive side of things, if those pieces of info are true, then that sounds very exciting!

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I'm still curious to know the reason behind the ground work in the center of action zone. I would love to see some sort of water feature there. If banshee does to action zone what gatekeeper did to the midway by the giant wheel, I'm stoked.

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