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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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I don't understand anybody saying KI doesn't have a standout attraction currently!

Yeah, I didn't quite understand that either. Diamondback, Banshee, and Beast are all large scale standout attractions in my eyes. I think I can weigh in on that pretty heavily, since my home park is SFStl.


Also, sorry. I don't think I replied to your TR, but I also enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing!

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Post announcement negativity is minor because so much was leaked before hand I think most people on here knew exactly what to expect.


Pre-announcement negativity was definitely abound as blueprints leaked and armchair engineers figured it all out.


TPR does a good job of squashing the entitled a**holes that are found on a lot of other forums and that's why I spend most of my time here.

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Personally, I think we will see some other "themeing" elements over time, and that could certainly include tunnels, and possibly a few other surprise touches they wanted to save for people's first actual experience on the coaster. There is going to be a brief "show building" the queue goes through, so that's something, and it wouldn't surprise me if there are other minor things that will complement the coaster that didn't need to be mentioned at the announcement.


Oh, that's cool! I hadn't heard about the show building, was it in one of the press releases that I missed? I think that would work out really well, actually. FoF's theming was in full effect yesterday, and that's pretty much all in the queue, so if its anything like that it will be awesome. And again, I can't stress enough how amazing these two rides are going to complement each other.


And as with every announcement, I feel like there are more people complaining about the complainers than there are complainers in the first place. There are literally two people who haven’t said “Looks great! So excited!” And then two dozen people complaining about their ungratefulness. Oh, well. Looks great! So excited!


I agree with you here. I've actually been surprised by how few negative Nelly's there have been in here since the announcement, but that's great! I think the complaining about the complainers after a major announcement has almost become a more cliche and predictable epidemic than the complaining, at least in these parts! But now we're starting a new trend... Complaining about the complainers about the complaining!


I've definitely noticed this across the board, not just on TPR. But, like WolfBobs mentioned, pre-announcement negativity was rampant. I think we as a collective enthusiast/KI community got it out of our systems early, weeded out the haters, and helped people to see the bright sides of this announcement.


I don't understand anybody saying KI doesn't have a standout attraction currently!

Yeah, I didn't quite understand that either. Diamondback, Banshee, and Beast are all large scale standout attractions in my eyes. I think I can weigh in on that pretty heavily, since my home park is SFStl.


Also, sorry. I don't think I replied to your TR, but I also enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing!


It's easy for an enthusiast from across the country to look at KI on RCDB and not see anything that they consider worth traveling for compared to, say, Cedar Point or SFGAdv. On the flip side, it's easy for locals (and others who know enough to actually make the trip) to love the coaster collection they have in their backyard. It's a kinda weird middle ground that Orion fits in perfectly. Pardon my strong bias, but I would absolutely recommend making the trip

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Oh, that's cool! I hadn't heard about the show building, was it in one of the press releases that I missed? I think that would work out really well, actually. FoF's theming was in full effect yesterday, and that's pretty much all in the queue, so if its anything like that it will be awesome. And again, I can't stress enough how amazing these two rides are going to complement each other.


Ok, I should have been more careful with the term "show building", because that implies something that may or may not be present. There is a building shaded in, right before the stairs going up to the station, that in the blueprints is described as a "New Prop Building." Both the FL and Standby queues go through this structure, and it appears that even at their smallest size, they still do (it's right before the stairs.) So while expecting a "show" may be a bit much, there is enough room between the standby and FL queue, that a themed prop could fit in there, or a large TV screen showing pre-video supporting the ride's theme. While it's probably nothing too major, or even on the level of Disaster Transport's animatronics in the early days, it's something, and I look forward to seeing what's in there!


Also, sorry. I don't think I replied to your TR, but I also enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing!


Glad you enjoyed it! Your large TR's inspired me to take the time, I guess!

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Looking at KI's coaster line up in 2008 vs what it will be in 2020, no one can say Cedar Fair hasn't given this park great love and attention. Grrrrr, now when I finally get out to Cedar Point again I'm going to have to go back to Kings Island as well.

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I am personally stoked for this coaster!


While I really like KI because of Banshee, Beast, FoF, Diamondback and The Bat, having a giga compliment those great coasters is just the icing on the cake. I always thought that KI needed a giga to round a decent collection and now they will have it.


Now that I am in KC, doing a meet-up with my sister and brother-in-law there would be about halfway for us. I shared the TPR link with them on FB last night and they are stoked about this announcement (even though my sister absolutely LOVES Valravn and would have preferred a dive coaster over a giga - lol)!

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Very excited for this addition to KI. I've had a ton of experience riding Leviathan in the past (CW is my home park) and this looks like a much more refined version of that prototype. Personally, I would take this layout over Levi's as it looks like it'll have better pacing and better elements. That helix towards the end should be fairly intense with how tight it is and the head-chopper effect that is created when you pass under the first drop will be awesome. Hoping to get out to KI for the first time when this opens next spring.

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While a couple of camelbacks at the end could have finished it off nicely, I think Orion looks pretty good. Leviathan is a highly regarded, if maybe not world class coaster and it has a far more vanilla layout than this. I fully expect most of us who eventually ride this to come away impressed. At least it’ll get me back to the park for the first time in 5 years.

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I'll be honest, its fun to make fun of this coaster. There's so much to joke about this coaster. However, I think this is going to be an awesome coaster.

This reminds me of when copperhead strike opened. Everybody complained that the coaster wasn't the tallest, fastest, and didn't break any records. Why does every new coaster need to break records? Surely these companies, (B&M, Intamin) are walking on the fine line of what the human body can actually handle. Not every new coaster needs to push the limits of technology.

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The out And back layout is uninspired. They could have used the terrain of the valley to build one of the worlds most unique coasters. Instead, the are installing a Cedar Fairs least interesting Giga. But a Giga is a Giga s d this is just that and nothing more.

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A great lineup at this park. The Beast, the best "new" invert, a great suspended and a giga coaster? Great stuff for wanting to get back there asap.


When I first saw Orion, the layout caught my attention as being pretty cool and one of the more interesting ones out there, that I didn't even care how tall it was. It was going to be a giga anyways, and happened to match Millennium Force in height, which is still one of my all time favourites. Sure, deep down it's cool that Leviathan has a taller height and drop but you have to give CW that at least, considering the great invert that KI has, compared to the dynamic duo of Flight Deck and Time Warp.


I'm not sure if it explains anything about the brake runs, but with Leviathan it's a block section over Dragon Fyre, which would normally be an MCBR, followed by the brake run and then a transfer track section. Not sure about that height, other than using gravity to the transfer track and station.


I'm sure Orion is going to be a huge draw. Just seeing those towering hills over Racer is going to be amazing. Diamondback already has that awesome effect, towering over the park. Absolutely the park did its research and worked with B&M to get what they wanted. Even if they worked with Intamin, the park would have still gotten what they wanted and it would have looked and ridden exactly like Orion. I mean, enthusiasts complain about how lame Millennium Force is, so manufacturer makes no difference other than having a track record over another, for being able to do what a park wants at a given time. Regular park guests don't know or care about what an Intamin or B&M is. All they'll talk about is, "OMG, did you try the Orion" or "Look at the blue one" or "Did you see the Leviathan? We need to try it", which turns into ridership. I was at a park event listening in on an enthusiast asking a park rep why they are building "x" coaster when they could have built "y" coaster, which would be so much more awesome. The park rep just said that if they built what enthusiasts wanted, no one would come (referring to regular guests and pass holders that keep the business going).

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I was at a park event listening in on an enthusiast asking a park rep why they are building "x" coaster when they could have built "y" coaster, which would be so much more awesome. The park rep just said that if they built what enthusiasts wanted, no one would come (referring to regular guests and pass holders that keep the business going).

I love that park rep! Some people just need to hear the truth.

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I've been every year since 2015, and I've never found lines for the coasters to be very long. Haunts can be a different story though, generally being longer the closer you get to Halloween. Typically, I prefer going to Haunt there in September for this reason.

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Thats perfect, i'd be with my kids (7&9) so we probably wouldnt do the haunts.

The Haunts generally open an hour or two after the park, and when they do, the coaster lines on Friday are generally not too outrageous. Especially in September and early October, as DILinator said. If you stay until closing, in the last hour of operation a lot of them will be virtually walk-on as well.


Also of note, a lot of the walkways are transformed into scare zones during Haunt, so it might be tough to avoid scary things during that time. You can always purchase a "No-Boo" necklace for your kids so the scareactors don't try to scare them. I don't think they generally try to go after kids that young anyway though, but if your kids are easily scared, they might still see some scary things.

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^Yeah, along those lines, Haymaker, I wanted to mention that I took my kids last year, who are a little older than yours, and got one No-Boo necklace. Even though I took three kids, the one necklace was enough, and nobody tried to scare them. Just make sure you get a map, and avoid the Scare Zones once they open (which is possible), because some of them have scary imagery, and things that automatically pop out, that the necklace won't help. It's a great time though! I highly recommend KI Haunt to everybody!

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Just make sure you get a map, and avoid the Scare Zones once they open (which is possible), because some of them have scary imagery, and things that automatically pop out, that the necklace won't help. It's a great time though! I highly recommend KI Haunt to everybody!

Thank you for reminding me about the Pumpkin-bot that scared the sh*t out of you last year

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Thinking about heading up there this weekend. With school starting back up for most places by then how do you guys think the crowds will be? I know when I went to Carowinds around this time last year the lines on most coasters were 10 mins or less on average.

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I went around this time last year and lines weren't too bad. A few coasters had 30 minutes or so on that Saturday. FastLane+ isn't a necessity, but it's still a good purchase.


Alright thanks! Good to hear.

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