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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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^I could be wrong about what Prozach is implying, but I think he's talking about the quality of the food vs. the quantity of time spent waiting for said food.


As for me, I'd rather get my hand stamped and head out to the nearest pub than wait in that long of a line for park food.

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Why are people talking about KI getting a giga?


People want a giga and if they want a giga they'll make up rumors that claim KI will get a giga and if they get disproven (don't try to disprove them, nothing good ever happens) something completely irrelevant will happen and they will turn it into proof that a giga could happen.


I may be exaggerating a little bit, this thread seems to be fine when they don't get that giga.

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Today is one of the worst visits we have ever had at Kings Island. I'll get into it more later, but to start with the food operations, ride operators, and total disregard for trying to put any effort into a job.


Fast lane is even pointless. This is the fast lane for the beast.


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LET ME SAY THIS. I never thought of how tall this ride would be until i walked into the park, heading through Snoopy, and heading to the log flume for work. over the tree's IN SNOOPY, you can see the lift top. THIS THING IS HUGE. anyways here's some construction pics from the park's snapchat (photo creds to the park's snapchat)









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^The reason fast lane looks like that is this.......Kings Island was running a promotion where if you renewed your season pass, you got a free fast lane to use on a Sunday in October this year. Makes for horrible lines.

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Today is one of the worst visits we have ever had at Kings Island. I'll get into it more later, but to start with the food operations, ride operators, and total disregard for trying to put any effort into a job.


Fast lane is even pointless. This is the fast lane for the beast.


I agree food operations have been way down this year. I have never seen Kings Island's food lines as long as they have been this year, and the worker's themselves seem ruder than ever. I don't eat in the park often, but when I did decide to this year, it was a horrible experience. Should have stuck with my gut and continue to eat outside the park or just go home and eat.


On the flip side, not to make excuses for the park, but I do think they had staffing issues this season. I seen/heard a number of different ads all season long that the park was hiring, and during the first week of Haunt KI's sign noted that they were hiring for food/beverage specifically. Hopefully whatever issues they had this year, we won't see next year.

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I doubt it will get much better, that's one of the only things I hear people complain much about with the park. I think they do know its a problem from them advertising as much as they do about where they need to hire. This year they said there was higher wages then last year.


Btw Mystic Timbers is looking good!

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Yes they have had staffing issues. They were offering higher pay then they usually do to try to bring people in. While at haunt a couple weeks back the lady working the door of Slaughter House mentioned that they need 30-40 people for Field of Screams and they were struggling because so many people quit. They were down to 20-22 that Friday I was there.

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On the flip side, not to make excuses for the park, but I do think they had staffing issues this season. I seen/heard a number of different ads all season long that the park was hiring, and during the first week of Haunt KI's sign noted that they were hiring for food/beverage specifically. Hopefully whatever issues they had this year, we won't see next year.


Yeah as a rides operator i can say this. from August till the park closes the numbers on crews and numbers for the day go down as associates go back to school. I cant speak for food, but us ride operators are still trying to give the guests (and the theme park enthusiasts) the best day ever, even if we are understaffed or pissed off//tired.

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Yes they have had staffing issues. They were offering higher pay then they usually do to try to bring people in. While at haunt a couple weeks back the lady working the door of Slaughter House mentioned that they need 30-40 people for Field of Screams and they were struggling because so many people quit. They were down to 20-22 that Friday I was there.


Staffing in the houses, or lack thereof, was very noticeable this year. When I went through Field of Screams, I actually thought to myself that it was just a maze without any actors in it. We didn't come across our first actor until over half way through the maze.


I know when I worked at Haunt, as the season goes on staffing get's worse and worse. I have never seen it start off bad though.

On the flip side, not to make excuses for the park, but I do think they had staffing issues this season. I seen/heard a number of different ads all season long that the park was hiring, and during the first week of Haunt KI's sign noted that they were hiring for food/beverage specifically. Hopefully whatever issues they had this year, we won't see next year.




Yeah as a rides operator i can say this. from August till the park closes the numbers on crews and numbers for the day go down as associates go back to school. I cant speak for food, but us ride operators are still trying to give the guests (and the theme park enthusiasts) the best day ever, even if we are understaffed or pissed off//tired.


I have not had any issues with the ride operators at the park this season, every time I have been, they have been very polite and relatively quick...which is all I can ask for.

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I just bought tickets and am heading to the park Saturday. For what was essentially my home park growing up this will be my first visit in 7 years so I'm pretty excited. I was considering a Fast Lane but the more I thought about it the only rides I really care about riding are Banshee (new and haven't been on it yet),The Beast and maybe Flight of Fear. Still might get a Fast Lane (we're only going early during the day) so may just play it by ear based on the crowd.


The water rides aren't open during the fall right, not even the Log Flume? Not that I want to ride the flume in 50 degree weather but I'm sure the kids will. The kids Halloween stuff sounds pretty good online so looking forward to checking that out with the little ones.

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