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The unwritten rules of attending a theme/amusement park

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Also for the most important unwritten rule there is, even if it pretty much just applies to Disney

NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER RUIN THE MAGIC! EVER! I have seen quite a few occasions just as a general Disney fans where parents have explained to their (usually very young) children that Mickey Mouse is not real, or that someone is "pretending to be Mickey Mouse" and this just pisses me off! Seriously, it's called magic for a reason, and there is a VERY short amount of time someone is young enough to believe in the magic... so don't ruin it. At Disneyland Mickey is real and all the effects/animatronics in the rides are all real.


I hate to ruin it for you, BUT IT'S NOT MAGIC!

Edited by larrygator
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A few of my rules:

- Never ask to butt in front of someone in line. It's rude and inconsiderate. Only do so if someone offers.

- Ride the major coasters twice. You just might appreciate it the more you ride it.

- Get to the park at opening. The single best way to beat the lines is to beat the people that occupy them.

- Ride when people eat and eat when people ride.

- If a ride breaks down, leave the line immediately.

- Park your car in the middle of nowhere. You will get out a lot sooner.

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- Get to the park at opening. The single best way to beat the lines is to beat the people that occupy them.

Golden rule of theme parks, along with going on off-peak days. Amazing how many rides you can churn through in the hour after a park opens!

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Now that I've been actually visiting parks since the dawn of this thread (was in a huge park drought at the time this thread was originally alive and kicking) here's my unwritten rules that will give you the most out of your day.


-Don't 'space out' in line. Nothing drives me more insane than the group ahead of me not paying attention and there's a huge gap...it only opens up the door for rail hoppers to cut through and cut the other 100 people behind them.

-Leave the tablet at home. Leave the iPhone in the pocket (this is something I'm guilty of and am working on). You're at the park to have fun and socialize with other people who are with you, not surf Facebook constantly. Why I say I'm guilty of it at the moment: I often check the CGA thread while at the park, and may post something if deemed necessary. Mainly this happens in line. I did do good though on my last few park visits and only surfed the web when sitting down eating lunch (who doesn't like a good read while eating?)

-Leave the bedroom at home. There's nothing worse than the one ahead of you getting their multiple bags with 30 compartments on each checked at security only to find they have to ditch some items.

-Get there early! Nothing is more satisfying than 1: parking close to the gates...very possible at CGA and 2: be the first in line at security and you can avoid the kinds of people I mentioned in the above bullet point.

-Don't walk around blasting music obnoxiously loud. Not everyone likes gangster rap or ??? If you want to play a tune, keep the volume at a reasonable level if you're wanting to show your friends something...or just use ear buds.

-Just enjoy the day. Don't stress over some kids hopping the rails. Playing police is going to only work you up and frustrate you, not to mention making an out of yourself. Yes its annoying. Yes we all hate it and yes we all shake our heads in disgust but leave it at that. If it comes to someone endangering themselves, it is best to just inform an employee rather than trying to be a hero (deja vu of that line jumper thread has hit me )


So yea, that's it.

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Don't wear designer sunglasses that are 200$, only to have the lenses pop out on Dragster (I heard two girls talking about it happening while in Leviathan's queue)...

If it's a long queue, make nice with the people around you. You never know who you might ride with, and it helps speed up time. (Not sure if that one hasn't been done yet).

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I have several rules of my own - ethics more likely.


#1 -No sitting, standing, or walking on the queing lines. They were designed to line rides up using less space as possible, not as playground equipment. Now you can lean, sit or prop yourself on those lines if and only if you have at least one foot on the ground. Both feet off the ground is a no-no!


#2 -Never go in front of the line unless the person in front of you have giving you their consent. I had this happen to me: I'm standing inside a lane and one group wants to ride with another group. but they are uneven, so they asked me to go in front of them to even them out. Sometimes a ride attendant will grab a single rider or two to help fill up the trains on busy days. I call this "bumped up". The biggest bump up happened while I was waiting in line to ride Firehawk at Kings Island. I was three rows away from the spot where the ride attendant assigns the riders when he suddenly called out "Do I have any single riders?" I raise my hand and because there were no other single riders in front of me, I was bumped up.


#3 -Invest some money in an all-day locker. You won't have to carry anything you don't need around with you and you'll have ride with a piece of mind and not worry if something will fall out your pockets. Besides, you can make unlimited trips to and fro your locker - especially when going in and out from a water park section.


#4 -I don't have anything for number four so more along now!


#5 -The best shorts to wear went going to an amusement park are bathing trunks, especially with those that have zip or velcro pockets on the front. I also like to tie my keys to my drawstring inside the trunks to keep them safe and secure (It would really bite if you lost your keys and you cannot retrieve them - how am I suppose to get home?).


#6 - And the best rule of all : Have a Great Day!!!

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I've read through the thread and I think this hasn't been posted yet.

-- On a coaster, if you see an empty seat in a row you are not queuing for, don't just go and fill it up (and instantly lock the restraint).

I do this all the time, but I ask all around if anyone is going to sit there. especially if there is someone else in the row. There could be another member of their party that just went to drop something off in one of the storage bins. I have seen people sneak in and take seats from people. It's not good.

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My personal list, most of which is common sense:


1. If you get to a ride and your entire group is not ready to enter the line, move to the side and let others past.


2. If in a large group, never spread out and take up more than half of the width of the walkway, and try to move at the same speed as other group members to avoid losing anyone.


3. Refrain from spending your day on your smartphone, and instead talk with others in your group while in line.


4. If there is an empty seat in your row, do not close the restraint until the gates have closed in case a single rider wishes to fill that seat.


5. If you are ever denied on an attraction for any reason, take your complaints (if reasonable) to guest services instead of arguing with a ride operator and holding up operations.


6. Never ride a high intensity ride immediately after a meal.


7. If a ride breaks down while you are in line, either leave immediately or wait it out.


8. If you plan to do water rides during your visit, either store your valuables in a locker or bring a plastic bag to keep them dry.


9. Don't complain about getting wet after getting off a water ride.


10. If things don't go the way you would like, just make the best of it and enjoy the rest of your day as much as possible.

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From one particular coaster website (the name of the site shall not be mentioned here):


If Cedar Point has a problem, Crap Happens. If Six Flags has a problem, it is poor customer service. Remember that the next time you have a complaint in a Cedar Fair park or a Six Flags park.

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  • 4 weeks later...
From one particular coaster website (the name of the site shall not be mentioned here):


If Cedar Point has a problem, Crap Happens. If Six Flags has a problem, it is poor customer service. Remember that the next time you have a complaint in a Cedar Fair park or a Six Flags park.

This is actually very true. I have seen many park employees at Six Flags parks that just don't care about anything.

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Rule #X


-You may not bring a basketball into the park.

-You may not dribble a basketball in the park.

-You may not purchase a basketball in the park.

-You may not touch a basketball in the park.

-You may not look at a basketball in the park.

-You may not think about basketballs in the park.

-You may not associate basketballs with the park.

Total irradication.

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  • 8 months later...

- NO basketballs

- Throw away gum in trash cans once you're done. It's not that hard.

- If your group has not decided if they are riding or not, get out of the way, so other people can get in line.

- You leave the line, you forfeit your spot in line. Go to the bathroom before getting in line.

- Don't block the entire path when you are walking as slow as possible

- Don't complain when a ride breaks down. The mechanics are doing their best to get it back up and working again.

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