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The unwritten rules of attending a theme/amusement park

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When bringing small children to a crowded park, absolutely do not lose track of where they are. Much like that of the puppet Pinocchio, they will absolutely wander off if you don't have a set of eyes or a hand on them. Like, seriously, you could look over your shoulder for a second and then- bam. Gone. Vanished. Your parenting/babysitting stats have just taken a nose-dive, good luck getting those points back. Always have a plan for the park when with the kiddos in mind; take snack/water breaks, give them time to explore things, utilize any available playgrounds or services so that not only are your younglings satisfied, but you yourself are left off in a better state of mind.


For the more rowdy or wandering ones, if need be, a monkey leash is acceptable.

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-If you have a group of small kids and you are measuring their heights, please do not let them stand directly in front of the ride entrance while doing so. This has happened to me so many times it's not even funny.

-Don't yell at the park employees about the high cost of things like food and parking. I totally agree that those things can be ridiculously overpriced, but it's not the employees' fault because they don't set those prices, so don't take your anger out on them.

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If you are waiting in line and someone in front of you accidentally holds up the line for a few seconds (didn't see it moving), there's no reason to make a big deal out of it. You won't be getting on the ride any faster or slower.


This has always been a touchy subject for me. I don't mind it if happens every once and a while while waiting In a long line, but it happens every time the line moves then I start getting annoyed. It's not so much me getting mad at them for not moving so I can get on the ride faster, but just not paying any sort of attention at all.

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