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The unwritten rules of attending a theme/amusement park

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Simple stuff


-Be courteous to others around you.

-Carry only essentials. No need for lockers if you don't carry much with you. Cargo pants are your friend.

-If you puke, tell somebody before you run off

-Dont cause a scene

- Wear comfy shoes

- Drink lots of water. Especially on hot days

- Use common sense. Follow directions, follow signs

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If a family or a group of friends want to have a ride together but you are in the way so it'd be seperate rides, LET THEM THROUGH. It's only a few trains you'll miss and it'll make they're day much more fun and less time-consuming waiting for the rest of the people to get off.

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^Here in Germany they would tell you to drink from the water faucet at the toilet. Needless to say all water here is drinking water.

Can you ask them for ice at drink booth?


In Europe, sometimes you can't even get ice cubes with your paid drink. And I would rather get kidney stones again than drink any tap water in New Jersey.

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I guess it's one of the cultural differences between Europe and the US. I personally will always say 'no ice' when I order a softdrink. Most of my friends do the same. And when you would forget to say that, you will get 2 or 3 cubes in your drink, not a glass full of frozen water with a bit of coke to fill it up . I tried it a few times in the US because everybody on the TPR trip did it, but I prefer to have my softdrink with no ice. I can imagine that it must be strange for americans not getting any ice when they order an drink in Europe though.

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Some I have seen:

Guests 'name dropping' someone they know at the park in order to get a special access.

Not following safety rules by ride attendant or safety spiel.

Guest think they are owed the world or something when they were slightly inconvieneinced by a ride shutdown or delay (some parks provide some sort of pass).

1 guest holding a spot in line while the rest of the group "went to bathroom" or got something to eat and the group tries to intimidate others in line for speaking out about the line cutting.

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  • 6 months later...

-Don't try to sneak small children who are too short onto the rides. It doesn't work, and it slows down the lines for everyone.

-Don't force young children on bigger rides if they don't want to ride. No one wants to hear a young child screaming "I DON'T WANNA RIDE!" at the top of their lungs.

-Cutting in front of others in line to rejoin your party is considered line jumping. Don't do it.

-Try not to be a jerk to other people. You're there to have fun, so the less negativity between people, the better.

-If you're truly annoyed with someone or something, handle the situation maturely and don't throw a fit in front of everyone.

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I call this the Majority Rule.


If you're in a big group that's split up in line, go where the majority is. If 2 are ahead and 4 are behind, the front 2 people should go back to meet up with the rest. If 4 are in front and 2 are behind, then it's ok for the 2 to try to meet up ahead in the line with the group.


It gets annoying to have 6 people cut you because 2 of them were ahead. But if only 2 have to go past you to get with their group, it doesn't feel like as big of a deal.

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^An even easier rule: Do not cause a scene or get depressed when your group of 8 people doesn't all ride in the same train together. After all, it's not like a ride is significantly different when the people in the rows in front of you or behind you are not people in your group. And the two minutes you wait for the rest of your group at the end of the exit ramp isn't going to cause psychological harm.

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