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The unwritten rules of attending a theme/amusement park

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The funny "fight" thread got me thinking back to the time I came up with the "Unwritten Rules of Theme/Amusement Parks".


Feel free to add to these.


1. Always go to the last seat of any row

2. Always fill all available space

3. Step out of line to purchase crap

4. Never "Catch up" to a group. Always stop and let them catch up to you.

5. No Smoking in Line (even if it isn't posted)

6. Wear Sunscreen

7. Get to the park EARLY

8. Drink lots of water

9. Never wear jeans or jean shorts on a water ride

10. When in doubt ... turn left

11. Start in the back (There are exceptions)


Help me out here ....

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Here's one: Try to ride major coasters in the front AND back!


I can't tell you how many times I've heard stuff like... "I didn't think Phoenix was that good..." "Where did you ride it?" "Back Seat"


IMO, if you really are a true coaster enthusaist, you should "know where to ride..."



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14. No singing or clapping in line.


15. No trying to ride together in the single riders line. Yes, I've seen parties of 2 or more trying to ride together in the single riders line.

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9. Never wear jeans or jean shorts on a water ride

Amen! Sadly, I found out the hard way at SFMM as I'm walking in pain!


16. Don't go playing around while in line. I always find people messing around either behind you or infront of you and then end up constantly invading your space and bumping into you carelessly.

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19. Never wear spandex


20. If you are a girl and overweight, please cover up your body and don't be hanging out of your clothes. It is not sexy, it's *edited*.


21. Don't go around spouting facts about the coaster you are in line for when the facts you have are about a coaster at Cedar Point. (Especially if there is someone in front or behind you that is a TNR member).


I totally forgot:


13. Never, ever, ever dribble a basketball in a park


You beat me to it.

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I totally forgot:


13. Never, ever, ever dribble a basketball in a park


AMEN Brother!


23. Don't swear excessively, it's just un-called for!

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27. Usually dont wear white. If you do, wear something under it. When on a water ride, your white shirt will be the color of you shorts. Also if your a girl dont go on water rides with no bra. I have seen it happen in the past.


28. Dont purposley kick off your shoes when on a inverted coaster. I can really hurt someone. it is uncool, stupid, and a loss of a shoe. The park usually wont get your shoe for you. I have seen so many people do this when on Batman The Ride.

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18. Take time to stop and see the shows and other attractions. There's a lot more than coasters in most parks!


Bah! My version would be:


"All shows should be avoided at all costs!!!!"


--Robb "NOT a show person!" Alvey

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14. No singing or clapping in line.


That reminds me of the time when there was this group of, I don't know, maybe high schoolers, that were in line for Dueling Dragons. They thought they were in line for the other rows, but they were really just blocking the line for the front row! The bad part is that they were yelling, singing, and clapping as loud as they could. The ride-ops told them to stop, they didn't, and the ride-ops didn't care!


Here's my rule:


29. If you're going to scream really loud, at least warn the person next to you.

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Just my random thoughts...


-Don't drag a screaming child onto a ride-EVER


-Don't try to "get around" the height restrictions on a ride


-Don't ask a child waiting in line for a ride if he/she is scared, or tell them a ride is going to be scary


-Obey the health and safety guidelines


-Never assume a park is open... always call ahead or check the park's website before planning a visit


-Never call a park and ask them to tell you the current or expected attendance figure-they don't disclose this usually (although some parks will tell you when they expect higher/lower attendance)


-Don't wear shirts with offensive sayings-that's just as bad as swearing


-Always wear your TPR t-shirt (I still need to order mine) so we can spot each and run the other way


-Don't carry on two-way or cell phone conversations while on a ride. If you can't go three minutes without using your phone, seek professional help



Shari "I'm sure I'll think of more" Shoufler

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18. Take time to stop and see the shows and other attractions. There's a lot more than coasters in most parks!


Bah! My version would be:


"All shows should be avoided at all costs!!!!"


--Robb "NOT a show person!" Alvey


Shhh...keep that on the DL...I'm trying to get people off the coaster lines!

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- Don't hump any statues.


- Don't hump any park employees.


- Don't hump any walk around characters.


- Don't hump any guests, especially children.


Wait? What am I saying? HUMP everything.

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No smoking in the park, period, its a family place, not a bar.


If you can't listen to ride instructions, dont come.


Dont give your season pass to your friend to try to sneak them in.


Dont tell small children to stand on their tip-toes when an op is right next to you measuring them.


Have a good time, even if it rains and closes all rides.


Eat in the park, cause most likly your food will melt in your car.

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rule # (uh, whatever number we're at now...)

Never eat beans to night before you go to a park as your gas could cause an allergic reaction to some, nausea to others.

(sorry, couldn't pass that one up after Geauga lake two years ago.)

while in line for Batman Knightflight: somebody ripped one and pretty much caused a barf-fest. the rides ops were like" we don't have enough buckets for this..."

I guess it shouldn't have surprised me that most of the people that had barf on them headed straight for Grizley bear run.

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