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Six Flags Magic Mountain Tatsu Flying Coaster

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I seem to remember everyone complaining about the color scheme of Goliath when it first started showing up in the parking lot...."Orange and Teal?!?!? WTF are they thinking!"


Now we're all used to it and it looks fine.


--Robb "Let's worry more about the ride itself and not the color!" Alvey

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  robbalvey said:
I seem to remember everyone complaining about the color scheme of Goliath when it first started showing up in the parking lot...."Orange and Teal?!?!? WTF are they thinking!"


Now we're all used to it and it looks fine.


--Robb "Let's worry more about the ride itself and not the color!" Alvey


Maybe because it's faded.


Maybe in a few years the colors of this will fade and it will look better.


Just hope it doesn't fade to pink.

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Yeah you guys are right the colors are not that big of a deal.


Yeah these are not the colors I wanted nor the type of coaster I wanted, but in reality it's not about me nor what I want lol. So taking that to mind I think this coaster could turn about to be great and I think the colors are cool since it looks like it might belong to a fire type of theme.


Anyways sorry for overreacting and sounding like an donnnkey ok ok jackass

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^Well, if "we don't care that you know about the ride, so just shut up already" fit in the blanks...that would be the new coaster name.


But since it doesn't, why don't you just come to the realization that being in the know about a coaster and being obnoxious about it on a message board is only cool when you're a 12 year old fanboy?

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  SharkTums said:
Hope you're not going to ride stuff because the park is closed today!


lol, this is true, last year it was open during this week, and when i went we got on 15 rides by 2pm...we actually had to stop and ride water rides for an hour or two becuase our heads were so messed up, too much of a good thing is bad i guess.

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