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Tusenfryd Discussion Thread

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Disappointing, not what tusenfryd needs. They built thors hammer in 2013 which was another family attraction and that was pretty boring and lackluster attraction with sub par 3d effects. They wasted so much money on that thing. They need something big again, Speedmonster came in 2006 that's 10 years ago next year

With Helix, Wildfire and Junker in finland I feel like they need something more thrilling soon

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The work has already started and here you can see some pics I took in the park last week. I circled around the markers that have been put down in the ground.






TusenFryd uploaded two pictures from the building site, one before they started and one from today, you can see in the picture that there have been cleared a lot of trees and you can see the three buildings that will be just before the tunnel on the ride.







The walkway to the left will be the walkway to the entrance of the que.


They have also got up a banner at the top of the escalator.



Sources for the pictures: https://tusenfrydas.wordpress.com/2015/09/10/heftige-opplevelser-venter-i-2016/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=newrideblog-100915

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  Barge84 said:
I think it's a nice addition to the park. With that said, I wasn't impressed at all with Thor's Hammer when I visited in 2014. I'm assuming this is being built near Thor, is that correct? At least there's something else at the bottom of that giant hill now!


You can see Thor's Hammer on the before picture So the station will be close to Thor's, I think it's great that there will be 3 attractions down there next year

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This looks like a brilliant addition, and I really hope that the theming turns out the way it is shown in the concept art!


  KingdaKa said:
Disappointing, not what tusenfryd needs. They built thors hammer in 2013 which was another family attraction and that was pretty boring and lackluster attraction with sub par 3d effects. They wasted so much money on that thing. They need something big again, Speedmonster came in 2006 that's 10 years ago next year


I would actually argue that this is precisely what Tusenfryd needs. The park gets crowded with mostly teenagers, they need more families visiting as they are the heavy spenders.


Besides, after rain comes sunshine. The more family rides they build the closer comes the next thrill ride.

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^I'm still not fully convinced that another water ride is what Tusenfryd needs the most, but the ride itself looks great and judging from the comments on the parks facebook page the reactions seems to be almost all positive. The important thing is if the ride will bring more guests to the park, and I surely hope so.


  SharkTums said:
I'm tired just thinking about the walk back up!!!


Maybe a second escalator is needed in the park??

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First of all the ride is too short, 500 meters, 0.5 km. To me this looks like a direct copy of Rapid Quest (2002) at Phantasialand which is 460 meters long.. With two drops and one maelstrom. Same boats, probably same manufacturer..


Tusenfryd has gone downhill since the Spanish Parques Reunidos took over in January 2008. They are not exactly praised here on the site either and they own probably the least exiting parks in the world, except maybe MIRABILANDIA in italy.


They use and copy shows/attractions from their spanish owners chain which other parks has had past year or years earlier. They have even said they want to make the park more family/kids friendly which obviously have made the attendance gone down since they took over


Attendance has gone down since 2009, every year from 470 000, to new lows in 2011 with 420 000 and in 2013 they had a slight increase with 5000 to 475 000, but after that 2014 455 000.


From 2000 to 2006 they had Linda as manager and much better owner. They got in 2000 Badefryd which is the swimming pool area with slide , 2001 Thundercoaster, 2002 tripple slide added to Badefryd. 2003 Supersplash, 2004 Rollover (which was removed later because of accident, but was a cool and popular attraction). 2005 Childs area called ChildsFryd with some new attractions for kids. Then in 2006 of course Speedmonster.


So I ask myself what has happened ? This year has been a total mess with Thundercoaster problems all year, only one train running, Spin spider has been out of service for the WHOLE season. Speedmonster has had troubles. They had to close Supersplash because of accident for two weeks. Shops and stalls closed, and it needs a big makeover and maintenance program all over the park.


I think the biggest joke was the Thor hammer attraction which they hyped so much and told everybody this is for young adults and was supposed to be a thrilling and exiting attraction, but has since release been slated so much and now it just sits there in the cave. They explained they wanted this indoor attraction in case of rain and bad weather so they wanted to attract people to the park even if the weather was bad. That's just stupid, build something awesome and people will come either way even if its raining.


Tommerenna and Supersplash already there in the park ? Mr Tommerenna is old as hell so are they planing to scrap that north of the park and build a coaster there in the future? I just don't understand the point of this new water attraction


Tusenfryd needs something big and rather sooner then later for thrill seekers or the attendance will continue to drop more like this flop year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tomorrow evening (Thursday September 24) at. 20:30 you can see TV 2 helps you test hair products in SpeedMonster. There are no better place for such a test?


You can see some awesome offride and onride footage. One of the clips include a shoot of the train going through the Norwegian Loop while the drone is passing over



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So here are some really cool footage from SpeedMonster that was on TV2 this evening, you can see me as the operator for a second in the clip. I took the time to add subtitles to all the english speaking on here, so just put them on if you want to know what is being said in the clip.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I find it interesting, in that any future Tusenfryd visit, if it happens to be raining

(like it did on the very first add-on days to the UK2006 tour) again, I have no doubt

an entire section of the park will be avoided, conveniently located at the bottom of the

Other Side of the Mountain, etc. Casualty will be Thors Dark Ride


And the furthest I will have to go, is for Thundercoaster.

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Lots of construction has been done on the new River Rapids, there has been done a lot in the area where the maelstrom will be.

TusenFryd uploaded this drone video of the construction area today.




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