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Tusenfryd Discussion Thread

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I love reading about it, since I "rode" the first incarnation of the attraction,

back as the add-on for the 2006 TPR UK Tour.


Knowing what it was before - this is going to be great to see it at present.

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I love reading about it, since I "rode" the first incarnation of the attraction,

back as the add-on for the 2006 TPR UK Tour.


Knowing what it was before - this is going to be great to see it at present.


The old attraction was pretty good--something that would've been a perfect fit for a park like Epcot.

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I only just saw this, I remember when I was at the park the Dragon mouth thing wasn't really being used (I vaguely remember lesbians making out in there, might have been a dream?). It'll be nice to see it as the entrance to a badass dark ride!

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I only just saw this, I remember when I was at the park the Dragon mouth thing wasn't really being used (I vaguely remember lesbians making out in there, might have been a dream?). It'll be nice to see it as the entrance to a badass dark ride!


Even I will say that Norwegian Lesbians making out in a cave is hot!

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I only just saw this, I remember when I was at the park the Dragon mouth thing wasn't really being used (I vaguely remember lesbians making out in there, might have been a dream?). It'll be nice to see it as the entrance to a badass dark ride!


Even I will say that Norwegian Lesbians making out in a cave is hot!


Are you sure those weren't Viking warriors making out? Did you check carefully for beards?

Edited by cfc
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Also, when I was there with TPR in 2006, Thunder Coaster was running amazingly!! How is the ride holding up these days?


Not that good unfortunately.

It's not really rough or brutal, it just lacks that wicked airtime nowdays. I usually don't ride it if I have to wait more than 10 minute.


It would be my number one choice for an iron horse makeover!

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Too bad. ^ How is it in the rain?


That is truly when it went insane!

(testimony: 2006 add-on to the TPR UK tour)

Edited by Nrthwnd
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Also, when I was there with TPR in 2006, Thunder Coaster was running amazingly!! How is the ride holding up these days?


Not that good unfortunately.

It's not really rough or brutal, it just lacks that wicked airtime nowdays. I usually don't ride it if I have to wait more than 10 minute.


It would be my number one choice for an iron horse makeover!


Too bad. ^ How is it in the rain?


That is truly when it went insane!

(testimony: 2006 add-on to the YPR UK tour)


Yeah, when we were there in 2006 it was lightly raining and the train was coming into the station something like 5 second early! It was insane how fast it was going!

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It was years ago since I rode it in the rain, which was insane, but back then I also thought the ride was awesome without the rain as well.


After the big re-tracking in 08-09 the ride lost a lot of that hauling-ass awesomeness (IMO).

Good thing Speed Monster is as awesome as it is

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Also, when I was there with TPR in 2006, Thunder Coaster was running amazingly!! How is the ride holding up these days?


Not that good unfortunately.

It's not really rough or brutal, it just lacks that wicked airtime nowdays. I usually don't ride it if I have to wait more than 10 minute.


It would be my number one choice for an iron horse makeover!

I have to say that it was pretty awesome last August when I was there. Almost just as great as it once was before the re-tracking. Just as brutal, fast and insane airtime, even though it lacked the insane sideways air due to the re-tracking, but it's still way better than it was a few years ago when it was crawling around the track.

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