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Tusenfryd Discussion Thread

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How can this be announced now and the park opens 25th of April. There has been no construction photos or anything rumors, none. Giving the short time from now until the park opens, I can only assume that there will be new trains. But then again, does that really make it Thundercoaster 2.0 ? Not that exiting to be honest, but we all do wanna see some magic RMC re-tracking and a couple of new elements. It would make sense though, thundercoaster was built in 2001 so its pretty old now and probably has high maintenance cost. I know it has changed its layout and fixed some tracks over the years. When riding it now it shakes quite allot. Definitely not the smoothest ride...


Built by Vekoma, modified and played with by GCI (shortened the second hill boo ) and now maybe RMC ?? Who knows, we shall see

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  • 1 month later...

I think its safe to say that new trains are confirmed. Tusenfryd posted today this picture on facebook with the description "When something new is coming, you first have to remove the old". And naturally the comments section is littered with people who think Tusenfryd is removing Thundercoaster...


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^Didn't it ride actually fine with the old trains? (at least that's what I heard) Because sometimes changing the trains to apparently better ones doesn't work out perfectly.


In the years with fresh track it runs perfectly good with the Vekoma trains, but they were still beating the crap out of the track way too fast! Also the time for loading is horrible because they have to do two safety checks with the seats belt and then the bars. Now they only have to do one check.


It's hard to say how it will ride, it had a lot of re-tracking done last off-season, and I suspect that they have changed the rest now for these new trains

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^Didn't it ride actually fine with the old trains? (at least that's what I heard) Because sometimes changing the trains to apparently better ones doesn't work out perfectly.


In the years with fresh track it runs perfectly good with the Vekoma trains, but they were still beating the crap out of the track way too fast! Also the time for loading is horrible because they have to do two safety checks with the seats belt and then the bars. Now they only have to do one check.


It's hard to say how it will ride, it had a lot of re-tracking done last off-season, and I suspect that they have changed the rest now for these new trains


My two experiences with Thunder Coaster were both great (especially after it rained). Curious to see what they're doing with this ride.

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This year's major investment in the amusement park is the stunt show "Burnout". Team Folco comes from Italy to show spectacular stunts suitable for the whole family.

- We have chosen a stunt show because we do not have a costly new attraction this year. Other parks have had such shows successfully. We believe it is unique and that it can add speed, excitement and action to the park, says marketing director at TusenFryd, Erik Røhne Andersen



Source: www.oblad.no/I_sommer_kan_du_teste_stuntbiler_p__Tusenfryd-5-68-38460.html

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This sounds like a great addition to the park through the summer without any major investment. I saw the stunt show at Mirabilandia back in 2005 and it truly was a great show! It will be interesting to see where they will locate it. I don't see any possibilities inside the park so I guess they will have to sacrifice some parking space.

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^From Car Stunt Shows I've seen Lights, Motors, Action in Florida is pretty tame. They take a lot of time between stunts and don't allow any guests out in the area as part of the show. Other shows around the world we've seen are much faster paced and bring the audience into the action.

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It will be interesting to see where they will locate it. I don't see any possibilities inside the park so I guess they will have to sacrifice some parking space.

The show area will be located on the parking space between the main entrance and the old entrence for the Vikingland.


Access to the show area happens with entrance from park
so I will guess they use the gates by Super Splash to get people to the show area
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  • 2 weeks later...
Those trains are VERY nice! I imagine they will improve the ride experience quite a lot. After experiencing Timberliners for the first time on Twister last year they really impressed me so this is a good thing in my book.


I bet they also will improve loading time, since there are no seat belts I have never tried timberliner trains, but how do the lapbars compare to Rockit at Universal?

Edited by per2012
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