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Six Flags America (SFA) Discussion Thread

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Hey, Hey, What can I say? I was just checking out this discussion page concerning Six Flags America and saw a press release that included this statement:
Rick Howarth as its new park president


I do not know if I should excited, glad, or just plain doubtful on the new park president. I hope that he'll come up with some interesting ideas to help Six Flags America rise up from it's knees and become a great park one again! I guess that "we'll see" within the coming years.


"Don't look at me; I just want to lie in bed."


For years now it seems like SFA can't seem to keep a GM for more than one season which reminds me of Snyder & his firing of coaches year after year for the skins blaming the losses on them rather than his own shortcomings.Hopefully SFA can rise from the ashes of the past decade to live up to it's potential as a major player in the mid atlantic once again as they were on the right track until the new rides stopped coming after batwing was added.

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An interesting item was spotted within a job posting for Six Flags America, who was seeking a new Live Show Entertainment Supervisor. All fairly standard looking, until you get to one paragraph of interest which talks about the job responsibilities for making creative concepts for the regular season, Fright Fest… and Holiday in the Park. So unless this was a typo from the corporate office, could we see Six Flags America offer their first Holiday In The Park event in late 2012?




The other Holidays in the Park seem pretty popular, so this could be a good move for the park. Plus, it shows that the new management are investing and have interest in the park.

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An interesting item was spotted within a job posting for Six Flags America, who was seeking a new Live Show Entertainment Supervisor. All fairly standard looking, until you get to one paragraph of interest which talks about the job responsibilities for making creative concepts for the regular season, Fright Fest… and Holiday in the Park. So unless this was a typo from the corporate office, could we see Six Flags America offer their first Holiday In The Park event in late 2012?




The other Holidays in the Park seem pretty popular, so this could be a good move for the park. Plus, it shows that the new management are investing and have interest in the park.


Interesting but a big question remains:Will the county permit operations beyond october & will the park see enough revenue increases from such an event due to the colder fall/early winter climate?

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I wouldn't read to much into that generic job posting.


Remember the fun we had with the generic Fright Fest descriptions that went live on the website?


It seems like the people higher up and out of the parks don't really know what's going on too much.

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I think once it is built and everything is in place these colors are going to work really well. It has that kind of "beat up like it's been through a war hell" look to it. I guess that fits the theme. I just hope it don't look like it was just plopped into a spot to satisfy their need.

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That paint job reminds me of the one KI's Vortex was sporting a while back. Unless that "grey" was just a combination of the faded blue and the less-than-ideal photos of the 90s and early 2000s.


Reminds me of shockwaves old colors at KD.


I don't recall Shockwave ever being Orange/Gray???

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That paint job reminds me of the one KI's Vortex was sporting a while back. Unless that "grey" was just a combination of the faded blue and the less-than-ideal photos of the 90s and early 2000s.


Reminds me of shockwaves old colors at KD.


I don't recall Shockwave ever being Orange/Gray???


When it opened in 86 it was grayish black with either yellow or orange rails.

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That paint job reminds me of the one KI's Vortex was sporting a while back. Unless that "grey" was just a combination of the faded blue and the less-than-ideal photos of the 90s and early 2000s.


KI's vortex had the same gray/yellow as KD's shockwave back when it opened but was changed to the blueish color a few years later....still SFA did a good job in going with a slightly different color scheme for IW/apocolypse than what was shown in the animation.

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Footers are being completed in this photo. I find it interesting that the flume is still intact on the drop through the skull. I thought they would've removed that by now (while keeping the mountain intact). I sure hope the flume is removed because it will look tacky like that. I can understand that, if it affects the structural integrity of the mountain than, they can't but I hope they disguise it or turn it into a waterwall feature.

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Footers are being completed in this photo. I find it interesting that the flume is still intact on the drop through the skull. I thought they would've removed that by now (while keeping the mountain intact). I sure hope the flume is removed because it will look tacky like that. I can understand that, if it affects the structural integrity of the mountain than, they can't but I hope they disguise it or turn it into a waterwall feature.


What are you talking about! That is part of the Six Flags theming!

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In that case maybe they will wrap the mountain in Stride Gum or Hair Gel ads lol... but seriously I hope they do pay attention to details on this project. This is make or break for the park.


Didn't the skull once have a waterfall back in the 90's when the ride first opened?


I wouldn't get my hopes up too high for theming,since when has SFA ever really tried to theme any of the recent ride installations? When the place was AW they tried a little harder than they have now.

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Footers are being completed in this photo. I find it interesting that the flume is still intact on the drop through the skull. I thought they would've removed that by now (while keeping the mountain intact). I sure hope the flume is removed because it will look tacky like that. I can understand that, if it affects the structural integrity of the mountain than, they can't but I hope they disguise it or turn it into a waterwall feature.


Have you ever really paid attention to the "inside" of the skull when riding Wild One?? It is just the metal bracing work. It looks awful. Maybe it would be better just to tear it down completely.

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Footers are being completed in this photo. I find it interesting that the flume is still intact on the drop through the skull. I thought they would've removed that by now (while keeping the mountain intact).


I think they may just be waiting until the crane arrives to remove the rest of the flume. The rest of the ride could be taken out with a bulldozer without much thought, but since the last lift/drop are over the top of Wild One, the demolition would have to be a much more delicate process and require a crane to lift pieces off. If they wait and use the same crane to finish the demolition and then build Apocalypse they would probably save a lot of money as opposed to two different rental contracts/insurance contracts/etc.

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Footers are being completed in this photo. I find it interesting that the flume is still intact on the drop through the skull. I thought they would've removed that by now (while keeping the mountain intact).


I think they may just be waiting until the crane arrives to remove the rest of the flume. The rest of the ride could be taken out with a bulldozer without much thought, but since the last lift/drop are over the top of Wild One, the demolition would have to be a much more delicate process and require a crane to lift pieces off. If they wait and use the same crane to finish the demolition and then build Apocalypse they would probably save a lot of money as opposed to two different rental contracts/insurance contracts/etc.


I don't think so because they removed the lower parts of lift #2 a long time ago & some of those removed sections surely required a crane to do so.I think keeping the flume part in the skull would add to the theming especially if you consider the fact that the back side of the skull is open

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