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Six Flags America (SFA) Discussion Thread

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That's such an awesome video! Are the black bars intentionally shaking? Or is it from a camera stabilization effect or something of the sort? Either way it's great!


On another note, this is one of my favorite additions to the SF chain this year, and I'm glad it turned out looking this great. Hoping to see more like this in the near future.

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^I must say that,judging by the video it looks like they did a good job designing the queue layout by not just using a generic SF style series of switchbacks as done on previous rides.I'll wait a few years to see what further improvements may be made to the park before making a decision on wether or not to return so I can check the ride out.


Hopefully by then I'll be able to drive so I'd need to do less convincing of friends to go back as they've decided that the park jusst isn't worth it right now.


My life dream is that every one of your posts in this thread isn't this exact thing over and over again. The park has been improving for years now. We all know you aren't coming back. Fine by me, I'll take the shorter lines.

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SF and SFA has done a really nice job with Apocalypse. However, I think it's also important to note the park has done some other things to the Skull Island area:


- Refurbished the bathrooms

- Painted the "Roar" sign in front of Roar

- Replaced Johnny Rockets with Aviator Grill, painted that part of the food court and introduced new menu items like a Veggie Burger and Turkey Burger

- Painted Pirates Flight and added a nice sized monument sign. Pirates Flight is one of the oldest flat rides in the park.

- Painted High Seas

- Painted the train station

- Worked on a 3 tier landscaping in a few areas but notable around Panda Express and High Seas

- Expanded the midway and moved the Top Glow water gun game from Coyote Creek to Skull Island


Hopefully, if Apocalypse is a big success, we will see refurbishment and new rides in other areas.

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Are the black bars intentionally shaking? Or is it from a camera stabilization effect or something of the sort?


The shaking black bars are something that YouTube did. When I posted the video to YouTube, I received a message that said something like 'your video appears to be shaky, would you like YouTube to fix it?' I said yes. I love how smooth the 'fix' made the video, but a side effect of the smoothness is the shaky bars.

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@Jason......awesome video. Great job on all the queue and off ride footage and putting it all together. Looking forward to viewing more of your work in the future.



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Something interesting (or maybe completely meaningless)...


After our visit to the park on Saturday, my boyfriend got an email from the park asking him to complete a survey. He had to check off each ride we rode that day (basically the entire park's worth) and then another page popped up with each of those rides, asking him to rank his experiences on each one. Rides like the rapids and the drop tower were there, but there was one notable ride missing - Batwing. We were just talking about it on Saturday, actually - one of the overbank supports has a large and visible gash in it from rust damage, and a lot of supports look as though they've been sanded down for a better look at their interiors. I don't know if there have been rumors about the demise of Batwing, and I don't know that this survey is a sign, but it certainly doesn't pull lines anymore even with its terrible operation, and the park has never put much work into it to keep it running at capacity.


The survey also asked him to become a member of some sort of advisory board, made up of guests, to discuss things about the park either via email, social media, or even in-park. Do all parks do this, or is this a new thing they're trying out to make sure they're making the best changes they can?

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The "advisory board" is really just a fancy way of saying getting more surveys. It just means instead of only getting a survey right after you visit or go to the site, you'll get them for things like season food passes, upcoming rides, how much you would pay for stuff, etc.

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As mentioned earlier I attended Apocalypse Media Day for TPR this morning. Unfortunately, I could not obtain any photos from restricted areas so the pictures may be repetitive of ones that other posted last week.


There was a brief press conference to introduce the new ride. But the park representative was interrupted and overrun by zombies. In order to escape from the zombie apocalypse we were instructed to board the escape vehicles. The park also put out a good spread of food for the media.


As for the ride, if you rode Iron Wolf at SFGAm you know what you are getting. It's a short B&M stand-up, and is fairly smooth compared to the larger stand-ups which have more elements transitions. Every person at the park that I spoke to (General Public) viewed the coaster as new. They all just appeared grateful for a new coaster.


Here's the front seat POV:


Obligatory shot to show that I'm in the right place.


And the coaster entrance


The site of today's Press Conference.


Oh the humanity!!!!! Zombies break through the signage to converge on the presenter who is chased away.


But a hero emerges to lead us past the carnage and zombies to the escape vehicles.


It turns into complete madness with the zombies scattering throughout the queue, I mean our path to the escape vehicles.




Zombie, Zombie


Hey! Hey! Hey! What's in Your Head?


Lot's of destruction to look at as you walk through the queue.


More destruction


We got to get out of this place


If it's the last thing we ever do.


I've reached the escape vehicle.


But it leaves without me, luckily another one arrives before the zombies re-emerge.


Somewhere back there is the fire effect, it is easiest to see from the left side of the train.


The train heads straight at the old water coaster mountain before hitting the lift hill.



On to the food - Breakfast burritos for the early risers


Plenty of sandwiches


Specialty Apocalypse cookies


and an obscene amount of dessert. The chocolate cookies were awesome.


Sparse Apocalyptic landscaping or just incomplete? You decide.


FYI - here's the old Two-Face station. I'm still amazed they haven't fully cleaned up this area. Certain parts of the park looked great, but this leaves a bad impression.


and a huge thanks to Dave Thomas and Derek Ruth who suggest that I stop at Alewife in Baltimore on the way home for their incredible Smoky Tomato Soup with Grilled Cheese. I felt like throwing up after I ate it, just so I could taste it again. It was that good!

Edited by robbalvey
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I originally thought that the Iron Wolf trains would look bad on Apocalypse; but the rugged, military-style look really fits the theme.

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If there's one thing Six Flags seems to have found a niche in, it is theming attractions around the apocalypse. This honestly looks like a good overlay for a formerly tired attraction. Good for Six Flags America... One step in the right direction.

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