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Six Flags America (SFA) Discussion Thread

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One pretty interesting thing they mentioned in the video: That funky bootleg support on Apocalypse was made like that to account for the different clearance requirements for the floorless conversion. The original support would have been a bit too close according to the speaker.

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  JG-77 said:
One pretty interesting thing they mentioned in the video: That funky bootleg support on Apocalypse was made like that to account for the different clearance requirements for the floorless conversion. The original support would have been a bit too close according to the speaker.


Makes me want to look at a lot of how it was a couple of years ago, then compare it to last.

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It's pretty cool that Macho Nacho is coming but I'm still so disappointed that the Fortnite rumor turned out to be false. It would be so easy to add a Fortnite theme to the new additions like making Firebird a battle bus coaster, making Macho Nacho fortnite themed with "burrito loot boxes" and other options. I would love to have a Fortnite Dance Contest take place in the Gotham arena. Even have Fortnite characters do meet and greet photo opportunites. It would be superlit to take a selfie with Skull Trooper.


Here is the description of Macho Nacho from Great Adventure, one of the best restaurants in their park:


"America’s neighbor to the South is known all over the world for creating earthy, delicious, spicy food. Mexican cuisine has become a local favorite no matter which state you live in, but how hot you take it is up to you.


For your culinary journey South of the border, start with the basics. A plate of cheesy nachos dressed with sour cream and salsa is the perfect start to any meal. Next try a burrito stuffed with seasoned rice, black beans, and choice of meat. That intoxicating smell of richly-seasoned chicken and beef coming off the grill is calling your name. You can’t beat a taco salad stuffed with savory ground beef, cheese, shredded lettuce and diced tomatoes. Or just keep it simple with a tasty little chicken, pork or plain cheese quesadilla.


Enjoy our salsa varieties to spice up your meal. Throw in a couple of jalapeños for bonus points. But make sure you have an ice cold Coca-Cola® standing by, because this could be intense. You see, roller coaster riders aren’t the only daredevils."

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  DarkRideNick said:
It's pretty cool that Macho Nacho is coming but I'm still so disappointed that the Fortnite rumor turned out to be false. It would be so easy to add a Fortnite theme to the new additions like making Firebird a battle bus coaster, making Macho Nacho fortnite themed with "burrito loot boxes" and other options. I would love to have a Fortnite Dance Contest take place in the Gotham arena. Even have Fortnite characters do meet and greet photo opportunites. It would be superlit to take a selfie with Skull Trooper.


Can't tell if serious or not...

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  boldikus said:
  DarkRideNick said:
Macho Nacho from Great Adventure, one of the best restaurants in their park:

I generally like Macho Nacho, but someone needs to adjust their expectations.


What would you say the best restaurant at SFGAdv or SFA is? I would currently say at Great Adventure it is either that or Best in the West. For America, I would say Crazy Horse Saloon or Gold Rush Chicken!


And yes, I'm serious about wanting Fortnite at Six Flags. I am an avid player and would love to see a theme park experience based on it. With Six Flags recent infatuation with VR, featuring a popular video game IP is the next logical step.


Disney has Lefou's Brew, Universal has Butterbeer, Six Flags should have Slurp Juice or Chug Jug!

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The dates and some details for this season's seasonal events are up on Six Flags America's website!


July 4th Fest 2019

July 3 through July 6

The park will be open during the event from 10:30 AM to 9 PM, and Hurricane Harbor from 11 AM to 7 PM, with fireworks every night. There will also be some ERT from 9:30 to 10:30 for guests that bring in a Coke product. The July 4th Fest Zone will also return from Noon to 6 PM with activities for families, as well as the After Hours Foam Party, which is an additional cost.



Fright Fest 2019

September 21 through October 27

The website claims Awakening will return at the Gotham City Arena, along with the Trick-Or-Treat Trail and Little Monsters Kiddie Hayride for kids, but I'm unsure if it's actually been updated for this year.



Holiday in the Park 2019

November 23 through January 1

The website for Holiday in the Park hasn't been updated yet, but it should be soon.


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  Rayj said:
I wish SFA would’ve stuck with the skull island theme in the Chesapeake area in the park. Could’ve gave apocalypse a pirate theme or something correlating.


I'm not sure how familiar you are with the park's history, but for year's SFA had the Typhoon Sea Coaster -- in fact it was built by Adventure World before SF purchased the park. It was later renamed to Skull Mountain.


It was basically an Intamin log flume that had turntables that would turn the boat around, and you could experience going forwards and backwards. Believe it or not, the ride had immersive theming too. The tunnels had animatronics and props, and on the outside, they set up entrances to fake shops and warehouses as eye candy to look at when you were floating around. You would drop out of the skull that the Wild One passed under.


The ride was plagued by technical issues. It was always down, breaking down, or were having to evacuate the riders. The staffing level was pretty high too, as there had to be an employee at every turntable. It was a good ride, but I think that the popularity took a hit because of his unreliable it was, and how almost every regular at the point either had been evacuated at one point or knew somebody who had been evacuated from it. So it was inevitable that it would be taken out, and SFA hasn't really added a true dark ride since.

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  Too Fast For Comfort said:
  Rayj said:
I wish SFA would’ve stuck with the skull island theme in the Chesapeake area in the park. Could’ve gave apocalypse a pirate theme or something correlating.


I'm not sure how familiar you are with the park's history, but for year's SFA had the Typhoon Sea Coaster -- in fact it was built by Adventure World before SF purchased the park. It was later renamed to Skull Mountain.


It was basically an Intamin log flume that had turntables that would turn the boat around, and you could experience going forwards and backwards. Believe it or not, the ride had immersive theming too. The tunnels had animatronics and props, and on the outside, they set up entrances to fake shops and warehouses as eye candy to look at when you were floating around. You would drop out of the skull that the Wild One passed under.


The ride was plagued by technical issues. It was always down, breaking down, or were having to evacuate the riders. The staffing level was pretty high too, as there had to be an employee at every turntable. It was a good ride, but I think that the popularity took a hit because of his unreliable it was, and how almost every regular at the point either had been evacuated at one point or knew somebody who had been evacuated from it. So it was inevitable that it would be taken out, and SFA hasn't really added a true dark ride since.

yeah SFA is my home park and I know about skull mountain. I just think they should’ve rethemed apocalypse to something that correlated with the other pirate themed rides (high seas and pirate’s flight).
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There is nothing Chesapeake about the Chesapeake area. I agree that a different name for Firebird would have made sense. Even if you called it Chessie and claim that the Chessie sea monster ROARs.


They print new maps every year so what would you change Chesapeake to along with the rides in that area?


I'm thinking you're stuck with Firebird (with a skull mountain) and ROAR.


Two pirate ship rides and "Shipwreck Falls"


Carousel, tea cups, stunt arena, stunt arena, train, and stage are generic.

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Skull Mountain was my favorite Six Flags America ride ever! I specifically remember scenes of a pirate in a throne on top of a pile of treasure who would raise and lower his arm, a flying skull in a circle, dummies with long white hair in the stocks, and crocodiles! Awesome theming plus they played the PotC theme in one of the tunnels!

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  • 1 month later...
  DarkRideNick said:
Sad to see no news of a Fortnite themed restaurant or shop. Come on Six Flags, give the people what they want!


If it wasn't for your posts here, I'd have no idea what Fortnite even is.

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  bill_s said:

If it wasn't for your posts here, I'd have no idea what Fortnite even is.


Really? It is the biggest video game around right now. Arguably bigger than Halo, Call of Duty, or Mario! Six Flags is missing out big time by not cashing in on it's popularity right now.

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No, they're not, because in 2 years when the next stupid craze hits, even less people will know what Fortnite is. Even amongst "gamers", which I consider myself, its popularity is massively overblown.

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